@dawgoneit 1d3b9cd4-f3eb-4a8e-87f8-99441ee448ae-2025-3-24-World-At-War German 1.tsvg
PanzerStahl vs barnee EXP
Game History
Round: 10 Purchase Units - ANZAC ANZAC buy 1 artillery, 1 destroyer and 1 transport; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Combat Move - ANZAC Non Combat Move - ANZAC 1 transport moved from 62 Sea Zone to 54 Sea Zone 1 artillery moved from New South Wales to Queensland 1 Escort moved from 49 Sea Zone to 55 Sea Zone 1 Escort_Convoy moved from 62 Sea Zone to 54 Sea Zone Place Units - ANZAC 1 destroyer and 1 transport placed in 62 Sea Zone 1 artillery placed in New South Wales Turn Complete - ANZAC ANZAC collect 10 PUs; end with 10 PUs Trigger ANZAC 1 Control Original And Malaya: ANZAC met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 15 PUs Trigger ANZAC Liberates DNG Turn10: ANZAC met a national objective for an additional 2 PUs; end with 17 PUs Objective ANZAC 2 Control Strategic Islands: ANZAC met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 22 PUs Combat Move - French Non Combat Move - French 1 destroyer moved from 81 Sea Zone to 71 Sea Zone Turn Complete - French
Combat Hit Differential Summary :
Subtracted that buck for fiji again. Thought there was something else but I got a buzz on already and cant remember lol
oh yea, the Yanks sent the last LL to the commies. Ftr
I shoulda documented them in comment log. Easier to see than History.
LL symbol disappeared though. Gonna have to look at that :)
Actually just forgot to edit it in. The LL. Hee hee :)
Forgot to give russia 1 PU for the JPN Attack. You can do it if you want or i will start of russia turn
@Panzerstahl-Helm I fixed the Take Over Italy prompt continuing to show up after being accepted for the next update.
Had to struggle for some reason. Probably due to my uneducated throw sphaggheti at wall until it sticks approach. lol
you can leave the LL out if you want :-)
The Take over Italy promt still appears, but no problem. this is not bothering me.
What currently bothers is that the game crashes almost during every battle. I sometimes have to start the game all over. :S maybe to much going on…Anyway, I added 1 IPC to the Russian and cross my fingers, that Berlin will hold…
Game History
Round: 11 Research Technology - Germans Purchase Units - Germans triggerAttachmenLate1944: has removed 1 Late1944_red owned by Changer in Late 1944 triggerAttachmenLate1944: Changer has 1 Late1944 placed in Late 1944 Germans buy 4 TotalWarTacBmbrs, 11 TotalWar_Infs, 2 transports and 1 waffen_infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Place Units - Germans Units in Germany being upgraded or consumed: 1 infantry 1 waffen_infantry placed in Germany Combat Move - Germans Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceGermans: Germans has 2 Rails placed in Germany Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceGermansItalyTakeover: Germans has 1 Europe_Rail placed in Germany Turning on Edit Mode EDIT: Germans takes Karelia from Russians EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode 1 artillery, 4 infantry and 3 mech_infantrys moved from Greater Southern Germany to Yugoslavia 1 German_Hvy_Bmbr, 1 fighter and 1 tactical_bomber moved from Southern Italy to Yugoslavia 2 fighters moved from Southern Italy to Holland Belgium 2 infantry moved from France to Holland Belgium 1 infantry moved from Normandy Bordeaux to Holland Belgium 3 bombers moved from Southern Italy to Norway 2 transports moved from 112 Sea Zone to 113 Sea Zone 1 infantry moved from Denmark to 113 Sea Zone 3 infantry moved from Germany to 113 Sea Zone 4 infantry and 2 transports moved from 113 Sea Zone to 112 Sea Zone 4 infantry moved from 112 Sea Zone to Norway EDIT: 2 German_LCVs, 3 infantry and 1 waffen_infantry moved from Western Germany to Norway 1 Panzer_Grndrs moved from Southern France to Yugoslavia Combat - Germans Germans creates battle in territory 125 Sea Zone Battle in Yugoslavia Germans attack with 1 German_Hvy_Bmbr, 1 Panzer_Grndrs, 1 artillery, 1 fighter, 4 infantry, 3 mech_infantrys and 1 tactical_bomber Russians defend with 1 aaGun, 3 armour, 1 artillery and 5 infantry Germans win, taking Yugoslavia from Russians with 1 German_Hvy_Bmbr, 1 Panzer_Grndrs, 1 artillery, 1 fighter and 1 tactical_bomber remaining. Battle score for attacker is 15 Casualties for Germans: 4 infantry and 3 mech_infantrys Casualties for Russians: 1 aaGun, 3 armour, 1 artillery and 5 infantry Battle in Norway Germans attack with 2 German_LCVs, 3 bombers, 7 infantry and 1 waffen_infantry Russians defend with 1 aaGun, 1 armour, 1 elite and 7 infantry Germans win, taking Norway from Russians with 3 bombers, 6 infantry and 1 waffen_infantry remaining. Battle score for attacker is 25 Casualties for Germans: 2 German_LCVs and 1 infantry Casualties for Russians: 1 aaGun, 1 armour, 1 elite and 7 infantry Turning on Edit Mode EDIT: Battle in Holland Belgium EDIT: Germans attack with 2 fighters and 3 infantry EDIT: British defend with 2 uk_paras EDIT: 1 infantry owned by the Germans lost in Holland Belgium EDIT: 1 uk_para owned by the British lost in Holland Belgium EDIT: 1 uk_para owned by the British lost in Holland Belgium EDIT: Germans takes Holland Belgium from British EDIT: Germans win EDIT: Battle casualty summary: Battle score (TUV change) for attacker is 5 EDIT: Recording Battle Statistics Non Combat Move - Germans EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode Turning on Edit Mode EDIT: Turning off Edit Mode Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceRemoveGermansItalyTakeover: has removed 1 Europe_Rail owned by Germans in Southern France Trigger RailMovementAutoPlaceRemoveGermansItalyTakeover: has removed 2 Rails owned by Germans in Germany Trigger Urals Tank Unit: Russians has 1 armour placed in Urals 1 carrier moved from 92 Sea Zone to 95 Sea Zone 2 GermanUBoats moved from 91 Sea Zone to 92 Sea Zone 3 air_transports moved from Gibraltar to Germany 3 infantry and 1 waffen_infantry moved from Germany to Greater Southern Germany 3 aaGuns moved from Greater Southern Germany to Germany 2 fighters moved from Holland Belgium to Germany 4 fighters moved from Western Germany to Germany 1 ArmyGroupSouth moved from Northern Italy to Germany 2 aaGuns and 1 infantry moved from Southern Italy to Northern Italy 1 infantry moved from Normandy Bordeaux to Southern France 1 elite moved from Southern France to Northern Italy 1 fighter and 1 tactical_bomber moved from Yugoslavia to Southern France 2 aaGuns moved from Western Germany to Germany 3 bombers moved from Norway to Western Germany 1 German_Hvy_Bmbr moved from Yugoslavia to Germany 1 aaGun moved from Normandy Bordeaux to Southern France 1 bomber moved from Western Germany to Northern Italy 1 bomber moved from Western Germany to Northern Italy 1 bomber moved from Western Germany to Northern Italy 1 infantry moved from Southern France to Normandy Bordeaux 1 GermanUBoat moved from 85 Sea Zone to 83 Sea Zone 1 Panzer_Grndrs moved from Western Germany to Germany 2 infantry moved from Germany to Western Germany 1 waffen_infantry moved from Western Germany to Germany 1 German_Engineer moved from Western Germany to Germany 1 Europe_Rail and 1 infantry moved from Germany to Southern France Place Units - Germans 11 TotalWar_Infs placed in Germany 4 TotalWarTacBmbrs placed in Western Germany 2 transports placed in 95 Sea Zone Trigger GermansTotalWarTacBmbrPlaceWesternGermany4: has removed 4 TotalWarTacBmbrs owned by Germans in Western Germany Trigger GermansTotalWarInfPlaceGermany: has removed 11 TotalWar_Infs owned by Germans in Germany Trigger GermansTotalWarTacBmbrPlaceWesternGermany4: Germans has 4 tactical_bombers placed in Western Germany Trigger GermansTotalWarInfPlaceGermany: Germans has 11 infantry placed in Germany Turn Complete - Germans Total Cost from Convoy Blockades: 2 Rolling for Convoy Blockade Damage in 125 Sea Zone. Rolls: 4,2 Germans collect 41 PUs (2 lost to blockades); end with 41 PUs Trigger Germans AdvancedProduction: Germans met a national objective for an additional 12 PUs; end with 53 PUs Trigger Germans ReceiveItaliansNoShipsMedObjective: Germans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 58 PUs Trigger Germans 5 Swedish Iron Ore: Germans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 63 PUs Trigger Germans ReceiveItaliansAdvancedProduction: Germans met a national objective for an additional 3 PUs; end with 66 PUs
Darn. 2 bombers were supposed to land in Berlin and 1 in Southern France… I will edit that in my J11, unless you are eager to do it already in R11… instead of attacking Berlin. :-)
Me again. I received a few dice role emails today, but from a complete different game which I am not playing.
The game name is “EXP Game 4:British roll dice for 1 Heavy_BB, 1 battleship, 1 destroyer and 2 transports in 97 Sea Zone, round 2”Not sure what’s going on. I have not received 1 dice mail from our game in the past couple days…
… and an Atlantic Wall needs to be removed from Normandy/Bordeaux, as far as I remember. I moved an infantry out of there.
So, that’s it for tonight. I am almost asleep.BR
@Panzerstahl-Helm right arm Yea the dice mails been dicked up ever since the nodeBB update. When I first setup the game I had Called it “EXP Game 4” then changed it.
Anyway, I’ll have something for you in the morning.
@Panzerstahl-Helm yea, so the Move 1 Units in AG South can still only M1. You have enough Dudes in Berlin to reform it if you want.
I guess the M1 Guys to W GER ?Since you’re in Berlin, you can have Both Armies in a AG be active. So you probably want to reform one of the AGs with Both Panzer Armies and the two Waffens in the other.
Also, for Atlantic Wall, if you leave at any time the Fortification gets removed. So you can’t Attack and then reinforce at Place and keep them.
You moved a Inf to S FRA and then one from S FRA to Normandy instead of undoing the move, so basically a wash. No biggie on that at all.
Just a heads up on how they work. Too bad triplea can’t do it better :) At least you do have to have a INF present to place :) -
Also, Waffen Units can’t be transported by sea.
He didn’t score any hits in the Battle and the commies got there ass kicked anyway :) so I’ll swap him for a INF in Berlin
I ran a couple test Battles. For some reason, the first time i wasn’t able to Kill the German AG Flag. So I just took the tokens as hits for the ones it scored.
I ran two more tests after and they worked correctly.Just a reminder, the Air Trprts don’t have a HP, so you might want to fly them to W GER instead.
Something else, you probably want to load the active AG with SS units as you don’t want to kill them till you have too. Keep that 2 at 5 for the AG as long as you can.
Those 4 Hitters are pretty Badass lol
Need to flip them. The current King Tiger is kinda beat but I like the current Waffen Hvy. New one looks good too. I’m probably just gonna do it but wanted to know if you have a preference.
Good morning.
I mussed the fact that SS-troops can’t be transported by sea, but now I know. I will update my quick notes accordingly.Regsrding the M1 in an army group - I can’t find the info that M1 can only move 1 space, although they are in an AG. I will go through them after my first coffee… maybe thst helos. I considered that as one advantage of an AG. In WW2 infantries were sitting outsite of tanks for traveling and artilleries were hooked to tanks for transport. Anyway, I will also update this on my quick notes.
In this case 7 inf + 1art will move from northern italy to western Germany. The 2 inf in Western Germany move back to Berlin.
The 2 AGs will regroup as you suggested (the AG composition and how the mechanics work is still something I need to figure out to get a full understanding. So far no experience with AGs in an actual battle)
Regarding the AG and army symbols - do they work with the battle calculator? I see that they have no attack nor defense value and I always took them out while calculating/simulating battles, since the game often crashes while having them in the.
I will be in the office today and will not be able to edit my moves as mentioned above. Either you do them and proceed with your R11 or we wait until this evening (respectively early afternoon your time) 💪
Yea the AG just gives added combat power, no movement bonus. You can have Armies that aren’t one of the 2 Armies in the AG still be part of a AG.
So you could have 1st and 2nd Panzer, both Active since there defending in Berlin, and 1st and 2nd Waffen as well as the 2 Waffen INF who are unattached, Form AG Center.
4 Waffen Units from each Waffen Army and the 2 INF for the 10 Land based Units.
Then you can kill everything else to keep the AG alive for as long as possible. I would even kill your Ftrs, unless it looks like you are going to win, as the ss dudes all Defend at 4 too.
The battle calc i take out the tokens and AG symbols. If attacking someone without a AG with a AG, you need to give the Defender a “Inactive” AG Flag that can be used After the Attacking Flag is taken as a casualty so it balances out HP wise.
If the Active Flag survives, then you just ignore the defending Flag.I will do a detailed post when I attack Berlin and post to the House Rules section.
I reformed AG Center, disbanded AG South and made the other adjustments.
I will post this move in Detail.
Let’s bring it on! My boys will teachvthe Russisn bear how to dance… hopefully :S
Without the AG South this may become only a dream I am afraid. :-)