• What about this question:

    Rule for ANZAC National Objectives:

    Gain 5 IPCs (one time) for occupying any island or territory originally Japanese.

    My question is: Does ANZAC get a one-time shot of 5 IPCs for each island or territory originally Japanese it occupies, or just a single bonus of 5 IPCs for the first such island it occupies and then no further one-time bonuses for additional captures?

    I would think you get a one-time bonus for each island or territory originally Japanese, but the word “any” in the rules makes me uncertain.

  • @Omega:

    Disrupting convoy is an act of war

    If UK/Anzac attack Japan, all three countries (UK/Anzac and Japan) are at war, but not the USA.
    If you are at war with UK and Anzac, you can attack them without putting USA at war. In other words, yes you can defend yourself.

    If you attack UK/Anzac/USA in a peace situation, then everyone are at war against Japan.

    but i wonder, if UK declares war on japan, does US ever gets to join the war?

  • I am clear on most of the Political rules.  My only question was about Japan’s options after a British and/or Anzac attack.

    By the way– the rules indicate that war ships may enter a convoy zone without provoking war-- that is because the player must declare his intention to disrupt the convoy.

  • One more thought.

    If Japan does not attack any Allied Power through Japan’s first three turns it’s possible, although very unlikely, that it will only be at war with United States at that point.  If Britain/ANZAC refuse to commence hostilities against Japan and Japan does not attack them or the Dutch either, only the U.S.A and China would be at war with Japan come round 3.

    My point is… maybe the British/ANZAC player should be patient (if possible) and let Japan attack first– because a Japanese attack automatically brings America and its huge income into the war, too.

    If Britain and/or ANZAC attack Japan first, Japan can retaliate without provoking the U.S, therefore limiting the U.S IPC income until round three.

  • yes, the UK/ANZAC should not attack japan unless there is a really good reason to do so.

  • if UK or ANZAC moves troops into Chinese territory, does this act declare war on Japan?

  • @shohoku201:

    if UK or ANZAC moves troops into Chinese territory, does this act declare war on Japan?

    Yes, pg #8 The Political Situation (3rd paragraph). But it won’t bring the US into it.

  • If USA is not at war with Japan and Japan is at war with UK ANZAC (UK attacks Japan first), can USA move planes to UK or ANZAC?

  • No according to Krieg a neutral power (that is what US is if not at war) can’t move units into any other powers tt. They can however share sea zones if they move there during non combat. At least that is my understanding.

  • If USA is not at war with Japan and Japan is at war with UK ANZAC (UK attacks Japan first), can UK or ANZAC move planes to USA?

  • Official Q&A


  • actually quite funny
    so it’s possible for japan to go to war at start round 4? you gotta have overwhelming number of troops by then, perhaps couple of IC’s in the south

  • The more I think about it and look at the board, the more I am convinced it’s to Japan’s benefit to hold off drawing in the USA till they come in on turn 4.  Otherwise they won’t quite be ready… as formidable as the Imperial Navy is it can’t handle attacking the US west coast, which would be where any sensible US player should keep her fleet till war is on.  This way… Japan can direct its formidable air power and what land troops against China through turns 1-3 while building more destroyers and cruisers in anticipation to a mid-pacific showdown with the US Fleet.

    (the strategy still holds good if USA declares early… it will take a bit to cross the lake…)

  • I am convinced Japan should attack on J1. You can’t let the Brits and Aussies take the Dutch Indies and grab their bonuses for turn after turn.

    But on topic:
    Everybody can declare war, except US, right? They have to wait until turn 3 or until Japs attack, right?

  • Americans come in on turn 3 no matter what. Where does this turn 4 thing come from?

  • I think he means that because the US declares war on the end of turn 3 (collect income phase) so really they can’t make any combat moves until turn 4. But they do collect wartime income at the end of turn 3, so I guess it depends how you look at it when the US is at war, increase in income or actual aggressions.

  • @Imperious:

    Americans come in on turn 3 no matter what. Where does this turn 4 thing come from?

    Oh, that was the best!
    IL, try reading the rulebook Shankapotomus.


  • No they begin attacks against japan on turn 3 as per the rules. DOW is not after the movement phases.

  • AAP40 Rulebook

    Page 8

    The Political Situation

    Third paragraph from the bottom -

    “The U.S. cannot attack Japan, disrupt Japanese convoys, or move units into China until Japan provokes war with the U.S. (see above) or the U.S. declares war on Japan, whichever comes first.  If the U.S. is not yet at war with Japan by the Collect Income phase of its third turn, it will declare war on Japan at that time.
      When the U.S. enters a state of war with Japan, whether due to Japanese aggression or its own declaration, its income is immediately increased by 40 IPCs (bring it to 50 IPCs) to reflect its wartime economy.  It can then attack Japan in its next Combat Move phase.”

    Page 10
    Order of Play
    #1. Japan
    #2 United States

    Page 10
    Turn Sequence
    #2. Combat Move
    #6. Collect Income

    If Japan does not do an Allied attack on J3, then on US3; the US may not attack Japan.
    This delays a US attack on Japan until US4.

  • @Tavenier:

    I am convinced Japan should attack on J1. You can’t let the Brits and Aussies take the Dutch Indies and grab their bonuses for turn after turn.

    But on topic:
    Everybody can declare war, except US, right? They have to wait until turn 3 or until Japs attack, right?

    if they grab east indies, you can whack their transports and malaya (where do UK troops come from?)

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