• Hi everyone. My first post on this lovely forum.

    Ordered mine on friday, and it was sent today. So it should be here Wednesday. Can’t wait to open it.

    I live in norway and ordered it from a norwegian site. Can’t wait. It looks really good.


  • Plutten you old Norwegian dog, you. How much did it cost you in the Netherlands?

  • I did not buy it from the Netherlands. I bought it on a Norwegian site and it is sent by the Norwegian mail service. Which is not that quick. I payed 80 euros. That is with tax and delivery. I personally think it is a lot to pay but then again it is a big game and what a great idea to make two games and combine them.

  • Sorry, Plu, I also meant to refer to you as a Dane, just to underline a rather bad joke about ignorance. It should have gone more like this:

    “Plutten you old Norwegian dog, you. How much did a Dane like you pay for the game in the Netherlands?”

    Instead I wound up shooting myself in the foot. Ouch.

    I agree it seems a bit pricey. I think this game is more expensive than Anniversary was, which I can’t understand. I’ve seen some sites in the US selling it for $72, which is about 50 Euros. I can’t see why it would be more than about 50-60 Euros, even with a little price hike.

    How much was the game without tax and delivery?

  • I see. Maybe next time I will get the joke :-).

    The game is about 60 euros without tax and delivery. But in Norway we always have to pay 25% tax on all things we buy. This also includes when you are importing goods.

    I do agree with you that it does not seem logic when i cost more than Anniversary but has less content. Or am I completely wrong here. But still it looks like a really good game and hopefully some of my friends will join me.

  • I see. Maybe next time I will get the joke :)

    Nah. It was a bad joke badly executed.

    I do agree with you that it does not seem logic when i cost more than Anniversary but has less content. Or am I completely wrong here. But still it looks like a really good game and hopefully some of my friends will join me.

    It looks like a great game, and I think when it’s merged with Europe it’ll blow anniversary out of the water (minus one or two components). I do think it shouldn’t cost any more than anniversary though, so I don’t see why this one does.

  • Mine shipped from Cool Stuff Inc on the 10th and arrives tomorrow!

  • crazy, where do you live for the game to arrive already?

    Mine was shipped the 10th too according to their website, but I’m expecting 1-2 week before receiving the game…


  • coolstuff must be making my copy by hand, its taking them forever to send me a shipment e-mail

  • UPS left an automated massage that my Coolstuff ship of four AAP40 games will arrive tomorrow.

  • I didn’t get a ship e-mail from coolstuff. I just checked thier website and it says they shipped it on the 8th. Hopefully tonight or tomorrow.

  • UPS might get this done quickly though. Christmas is coming, so I would be surprised if UPS has more employees on the floor to get things done

  • just checked my mail
    coolstuff on the way, be here by the 17th…10 days late if you ask me

  • Looks lke my store is sticking to the 15th.

  • I also got a mail that my copy will arrive the 18th. I live in the Netherlands.

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