@clamoxyl Welcome to the forum.
Have you looked at https://boardgamegeek.com/ ?
Good luck.
Then what are your favorite additions, changes, and mechanics?
I think the way the new naval and air bases work is going to make for some interesting strategic choices. This will be compounded with the new damaged status of carriers and battleships. People aren’t going to be quite so willing to take a hit on a capital ship when it’s far from home. Forward bases will be very important for both offensive and defensive purposes.
Additionally, China can become a real quagmire for Japan if it’s not managed properly. The game is a real balancing act for Japan in general.
I love the naval and airfield chips
I suppose they could also be used to designate naval and airborne infantry for house rules
Why are they using gray pieces? Gray is for Germany.
Why are they using gray pieces? Gray is for Germany.
I think we have come to the consensus that ANZAC is “pewter” and Germany is a very dark grey or black
Anything official from djensen on this?
In Axis & Allies Pacific 1940, the light gray pieces are ANZAC.
I don’t have a copy of AAE40 yet so I don’t know what color Germany will be. But in AA42, Germany is dark gray. I would also speculate that Germany will be dark gray. It should be very easy to differentiate them.
Anything official from djensen on this?
Thank you djensen as I was worried about the FMG dice.
The ANZAC pieces are actually a little more brown than they come across in these photos. The official color is “dark tan”, but they look taupe to me.
The ANZAC pieces are actually a little more brown than they come across in these photos. The official color is “dark tan”, but they look taupe to me.
That would make more sense.
(Rank = 93)
I heard China can build artillery with the Burma Road. Are US artillery used for that purpose?
I too was wondering about this… is it like the old Pacific edition in regard to the Burma Road rule? Is it just artillery they can build? (which makes sense)
The Burma Road being open only allows the building of artillery (nothing else), and US artillery pieces are used.
Thanks :-D
Can you post a high res picture of the map?
Thanks in advance.
The Burma Road being open only allows the building of artillery (nothing else), and US artillery pieces are used.
Now 4 different nations will use the same artillery mold, propably 5 with France, and yet WOTC used a lot of money on a specific Russian battleship mold, and russian cruiser mold, and russian destroyer mold, none of witch will be used in any future game. Go figure.
Now 4 different nations will use the same artillery mold, probably 5 with France, and yet WOTC used a lot of money on a specific Russian battleship mold, and russian cruiser mold, and Russian destroyer mold, none of witch will be used in any future game. Go figure.
yes this is a good point. What a folly!
The artillery should have been fixed and the french given a few items other than infantry as their unique sculpts
Anzac should have been unique infantry too.
Once again, thank goodness for FMG
Once again, thank goodness for FMG
Was thinking the same - though Pacific looks/sounds great in many ways… I think many elements to do with the minis blow. Will the Royal Navy ever get their own sculpts? (but Russian did? Nice ships - don’t get me wrong… but they never see the board). Glad FMG is here to help me properly trick out the game.