• Ill lump IL’s comments in with the now defunct “tac bombers select their casualty in sea combat”…among others

    If he has the rule book…and we have questions…let him give the answers please

  • As i understand it, planes on aircraft carriers while attacked have always been considered defending in air thus they would never be sitting on an aircraft carrier when it gets damaged.

  • Ill lump IL’s comments in with the now defunct “tac bombers select their casualty in sea combat”…among others

    And that was clearly delineated as an idea “left on the cutting room floor” and the actual one posted. I don’t know what was not clear about that.

  • IL you gave us a 90% overview of the new games…some mistakes have been corrected, some holes filled in

    but i have a chance to ask questions almost directly to the rulebook, my concerns are particularly with “game mechanics”

    Yes planes do launch to defend, but do they launch againsts subs? which they may not attack unless a destroyer is present

    it’d be pretty bizzare if a sub and carrier trade hits…the carrier ends up damaged, and somehow 20-22 IPCs of planes just roll off the side

  • @Todd7912:

    From the fact sheet:

    Damaged carrier’s can’t land or launch aircraft when in a damaged state…

    This is how I interpret it: If a carrier is damged in a battle where the fighters don’t participate, for example it is attacked by subs and the carrier is damaged with the fighters on-board, then those fighters are not destroyed and do not have to “retreat” to a friendly territory. They are stuck on the carrier until it is repaired and cannot particpate in other defensive or offensive battles.

    If its damaged…and the planes are stuck…then how do you mark that…sideways the planes come off…when you come back to the pacific theatere on turn 3, 6 hours into the game…are you going to remember what happened just after you pulled off barrbarosa?

  • How does the United States get involved in the rules of Pacific 1940?  It says that they will need to be necessarily involved in all the other posts but I would like to know the method of how they actually get involved in the war.
    In my opinion I think that is the biggest difference from all these games.  Id love to know, thanks.

  • I think if japan attacks UK, and definitely if they themselves get attacked.

  • Official Q&A

    How about we all just settle down and leave Mr. Jensen in peace so that he can write his preview?  I’m sure that many of your questions will be answered in it.

    If you want to post specific questions on areas he should address, please feel free to do so.  However, arguing about these matters is pointless at this time.

  • @Craig:


    As i understand it, planes on aircraft carriers while attacked have always been considered defending in air thus they would never be sitting on an aircraft carrier when it gets damaged.

    I am not talking about defending CVs, I am talking about attacking ones.  CVs on which the friendly fighter is just cargo.

    Defending CVs would have the friendly fighters defending in the air and those fighters would have to find another place to land.

    Why would you attack someone and not use your fighters?

  • @Brain:

    Why would you attack someone and not use your fighters?

    Propably in a case where you dont want to kill all the enemy fleet, just weaken them, because they are in a deadzone, and after the first round of attack you want to retreat all your surviving ships to one specific sea-zone, and this can only be done in the combat move.

  • I think the carrier will not be used directly in combat, but rather just launch fighters into battles from the adjacent sea zone and alot of attacks will be hit and run, where the attackers retreat to where the carriers originally launched their planes. This makes more sence historically and carriers attack at one anyway, so its not really needed.

    I like the new repair rules because i always hated that automatic free BB hit thing without any cost. Now their is a cost!


  • this just gets more and more fun to think about (clearly I have nothing better to think about).

    Situation: 2 sub’s attack 1 CV with 2 fgt’s of the same nationality of the CV. R1 combat, the subs get 1 hit, the CV is now damaged. CV kills 1 sub. R2 sub hits again. So…now that the CV was damaged can the fgt’s takeoff to go 1 zone to an island? Not according to the rule that you can’t fly off a damaged CV. But, if they are in the air during the combat (even though they can’t participate) then they can move 1 space.

    However, if both subs hit on R1, can the fighters go 1 space to land?

    So, what it comes down to is…are the fgt’s cargo in this battle? that would answer all the questions I think.

    I assume they are not considered cargo unless they are friendly fgt.

  • @Imperious:

    I like the new repair rules because i always hated that automatic free BB hit thing without any cost. Now their is a cost!


    I totally agree with that statement.

  • @Brain:


    I like the new repair rules because i always hated that automatic free BB hit thing without any cost. Now their is a cost!


    I totally agree with that statement.

    I too totally agree with that statement. I think it was Frog that first made Larry aware of this issue, and now it is fixed at last. tanks Frog

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    And risk never getting an advance copy ever again? No way. Sorry guys. I will try to write up a rules differences guide before release (I hope).


    djensen should post a copy of the rulebook.

  • but do fighters launch against a target they can not hit? Submarines?

    In effect…one hit from a sub on a carrier…damages the carrier THEN kills 2 planes if you arent in a seazone with another friendly landing site.

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    4. Has sub-stalling been re-introduced to Axis & Allies with these rules? USA is in Hawaii SZ with a transport, sub, AC, fighter. It is Japan’s turn. Japan’s combat move is to move a sub into the Hawaii SZ. Combat in Hawaii SZ commences. Step 1, move units to battle board. Step 2, submarines strike or submerge. Japan plaer chooses to submerge. Now, it says in the rules in more than one place that units cannot be loaded if enemy units are present. Is this all correct?

    If so, this means all player must have destroyers in their fleets or else the transports in the fleet and troops on the island can be sub-stalled.

  • i thought submerged submarines do not count as occupying a territory untill they surface at the begining of the player owning the sub’s next turn.

    Does an enemy unit “count as present” if it is submerged?

  • I’m familiar with the AA50 rules that essentially say the same as you quoted. However, they also say subs don’t count as an enemy combat vessel for this occasion.

    If you read under the submarine specific rules, does it clarify it there? How about under transports

  • Official Q&A


    4. Has sub-stalling been re-introduced to Axis & Allies with these rules?



    USA is in Hawaii SZ with a transport, sub, AC, fighter. It is Japan’s turn. Japan’s combat move is to move a sub into the Hawaii SZ. Combat in Hawaii SZ commences. Step 1, move units to battle board. Step 2, submarines strike or submerge. Japan plaer chooses to submerge. Now, it says in the rules in more than one place that units cannot be loaded if enemy units are present. Is this all correct?

    No, it says in the rules that transports may not load in a hostile sea zone.  It also says that the presence of enemy subs and/or transports by themselves does not make a sea zone hostile.  Only sea zones containing surface warships belonging to a power with which you are at war are hostile.

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