Pacific 1940 review copy has arrived

  • larry said something about the US player being “strongly encouraged” to keep ships in pearl harbor

    perhaps National objectives like

    Japan: 5 IPC if no allied ships are present in sea zone 26 or Japan controls Hawaii
    US: 5 IPC if at least two allied ships are in sea zone 26 and US controls Hawaii

  • '20 '18 '16 '13 '12


    larry said something about the US player being “strongly encouraged” to keep ships in pearl harbor

    perhaps National objectives like

    Japan: 5 IPC if no allied ships are present in sea zone 26 or Japan controls Hawaii
    US: 5 IPC if at least two allied ships are in sea zone 26 and US controls Hawaii

    Well Honalulu is a victory city and it is also the most logical strategic staging point for any naval offensive by the United States (it is close enough to the mainland to send ships there in 1 turn so they are not left undefended in the middle of the ocean and its also decently close to the Japanese territories.

    The US will have to station its fleet somewhere within striking distance of the Japanese and this aramada will most likley be attacked by the Japanese, Hawaii is simply the most logical place for this inevitability to occur.

  • @Krieghund:


    Krieghund, since the review copies are out, are you allowed to write up your thoughts on the game now? I’m sure you’ve played it a bunch already, no?

    I’m too emotionally attached…

    Then what are your favorite additions, changes, and mechanics?

  • Yes,please Krieg,share your experiences with us  8-),those who don’t have one of the most awesome jobs in the world! :mrgreen:

  • tomorrow they are posting more pictures I cant wait!

  • Customizer

    i am not sure i can read it well or not
    can someone confirm what the beginning production is for each country?

    I am seeing:

    USA 17    (gets bumped up to …. 58? on turn 3)
    Anzac 10
    China 12
    UK 16
    Japan 26

    and also
    are there national objective with this one?


  • the problem with stationing a fleet at hawaii is that as soon as the japanese make a lunge for it, the us can bulk it up or pull back

    any “smart” us player will easily see an attack coming at least a turn ahead of time with the ammont of seazones involved

  • Founder TripleA Admin

    The latest preview:


  • '20 '18 '16 '13 '12

    Thanks djensen! We appreciate the effort!

    Looks like the ANZAC sculpts are identical to the Brits, to be expected I guess… it’s not as if the Australians built their own Battleship…

    Also, anyone know why Western US and India get an industrial complex AND an AA gun? I was under the impression that industrial complexes came with their own AA defense in this version.

  • “AA defense from strategic bombing” is incorperated with ICs
    AA shots at air units in conventional combat is what an AA gun is for

    or so ive heard……

  • So they posted the new units…sadly the mech infantry alll look the same. as to the new bombers. However it still looks awesome!

  • @Todd7912:

    After WW1 America decided they would never fight another world war, so we scuttled a large portion of our Navy, cut military spending and reduced the armed services while we increased social programs in America and planned on avoiding conflicts in the world. This is why we were wholly unprepared for WW2. (In a nut shell)

    Ironicly, we are beginning to do it all over again.

    The US Navy in 1941 was the second largest navy in the world.

    US Navy, 1941 (
    17 Battleships
    7 Aircraft Carriers
    37 Cruisers
    173 Destroyers
    112 Submarines

    Japanese Navy, 1941 (
    10 Battleships
    10 Aircraft Carriers
    38 Cruisers
    112 Destroyers
    65 Submarines

    Royal Navy, 1939 (
    15 Battleships
    7 Aircraft Carriers
    66 Cruisers
    184 Destroyers
    60 Submarines

    The US was behind Japan in the critical number of aircraft carriers, and had to be split between two oceans, but to pretend that the US was pacifist is to just pretend, and has nothing to do with history.

  • The US was behind Japan in the critical number of aircraft carriers, and had to be split between two oceans, but to pretend that the US was pacifist is to just pretend, and has nothing to do with history.

    Sorry, I did not intent to hijak this thread. I wasn’t trying to imply that the US was pacifist. We were isolationist in the 30’s. I made the statement that we were “wholly unprepared.” It was an overstatment on my part. As I said at the end of the paragraph “in a nutshell.” That means a very brief overview. While the US has alway’s had the best equiped/trained/prepared military (at the same time being smaller than some others) we lacked commitment and resolve…BEFORE the war. (I believe Axis and Allies represents this by a small starting force). If we were determined, we would have been in France before Germany, and we would have been giving more aid in the battle of Britan.

    Your research is well done and appreciated.

  • No Chinese artillery? :-(

  • The American set up is made to balance the game.

    The japanese battleships were modernized and faster. If the Hawaiian BB fleet in 1941 ever met 8 japanese BB in a showdown all 8 American ships would be sunk and perhaps one Japanese. Carriers stats are much closer, but japan had much better pilots early war.

    The game cannot account for quality except to influence it with quantity since everything is treated with the same combat values.

    Lastly, alot of the fleet was dispersed to the Atlantic or sold to UK ( 50 destroyers sold for naval bases).

    The actual “pacific fleet” is smaller than the quoted figures.

  • The US Pacfic Fleet had 8 Battleships, 12 Crusiers and roughly 100 Destroyers & 50 Subs spread out through the Pacfic, though the BBs and Crusiers where generally kept togther as a battle force.  Now that I have seen the actual numbers I agree with them whole hartedly as well as starting them on the US West Coast.  The US Navy stuck with the last of the War Plan Orange Ideas as best as best they could.  Those old Four Stacker destroyers were out dated hold overs from WW1 and were in fleet reserve till FDR “Leased” them to Britian as part of Lend lease.

    So then, will anybody come up with different Starting Set-ups for different dates other the 1940 one?

  • I don’t know much about how to balance games like this, but it seems to me that if the US starts with a large navy, then gets the big economic boost, there would be no hope for Japan.

  • there never was to begin with. Japan never planned to Beat the US, just scare them away from the war.

  • I agree - I never meant to say that the US should be more powerful in the game. More important than historical accuracy is the creation of an interesting and fun game to play. It would not be any fun if all that was required was that the US concentrate its forces and industrial might to squash Japan in every game. There has to be a chance for the Japanese to win, otherwise why go through with playing the game?

    Incidentally, the number of US destroyers for December 1941 already excludes the 50 destroyers transferred to the Commonwealth in the September 1940 Destroyers for bases agreement.

    ETA: Imperious Leader also has a good point about quality. The Japanese battleships, aircraft carriers and air wings, and destroyers all had significant quality advantages over their American counterparts shown in battles throughout 1941 and into 1942. Naval battles are a little unpredictable, though, so there are lots of factors involved.

    On an unrelated topic, I could easily find Royal Navy numbers for 1939, but if anyone happens upon RN strength in Dec. 1941, let me know, just for the sake of a contemporaneous comparison.

  • yea. somebody post the actual starting forces for UK and USA IN THE PACIFIC and where they are located. then if any change is made we know where to look.

    Also get the japanese to proof them as well. Then we can balance it out for the historical people.

    Right now it should be perfectly balanced for the game.

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