• Yes, I was aware of their ahistorical date, but my point was that I was willing to fudge a bit with historicity for the sake of aesthetics & quick recognizability for the Commonwealth and Japanese CM’s, but prefer the historical Italian one for the same reasons.

    Basically, I’ve come to the conclusion that the roundels were a good idea, but having already departed from the historical roundel for Japan, why not make an exception for the Commonwealth countries too, especially since they are really just variations on the historical UK target roundel theme anyway…

  • '20 '18 '16 '13 '12


  • who decides what is aesthetically pleasing?

  • The designer. The current ones used are just fine. They do not offend anybody for reasons that cause somebody to not buy the games. That’s the only responsibility they have.

    I would be happy with pieces of pizza for Italy’s control markers. I like Pizza.

  • @Imperious:

    The designer. The current ones used are just fine. They do not offend anybody for reasons that cause somebody to not buy the games. That’s the only responsibility they have.

    I would be happy with pieces of pizza for Italy’s control markers. I like Pizza.

    Well thankfully for the rest of us, it will not be IL making the decisions.

  • Yes, well, aesthetically pleasing is of course entirely subjective…

    Using national flags is another idea, one which I believe they go with in TWG, especially if you’re going to switch to a rectangular shape.  But round seems to work pretty well as a CM shape, I think, and translating a rectangular flag into a round control marker, and then making sure that they are easily recognizable… Well, that’s part of the reason why the aircraft roundels were invented in the first place.

    I like the original 5 CM’s just fine as they are and am only thinking about what they ought to be for the other powers…

  • I am not satisfied. (This is not a complain) In the old A&A Pacific, the British convoys used the Union Jack as CM, and that look much better than the Bulls eye CM they use as standard, man.

  • Agreed.

  • Customizer

    There’s a big difference between artistically creating a symbol based loosely on national flags etc; and using something that is demonstrably WRONG, such as using Italian Allied co-belligerent roundels for Fascist Axis Italy.

  • So which roundels are you unsatisfied with?

  • As I said, the British

  • Okay Aldertag doesn’t like the UK roundel and Flashman doesn’t like the Italian roundel and I would like to see the German swastika. Maybe there is a market for alternate roundels.

  • '20 '18 '16 '13 '12


    Okay Aldertag doesn’t like the UK roundel and Flashman doesn’t like the Italian roundel and I would like to see the German swastika. Maybe there is a market for alternate roundels.

    Talk to Field Marshal Games….

  • I don’t want to slow down their current project.

  • Customizer

    Italian roundels are fine for games in which it is possible for Italy to change sides and join the Allies; until then they need the fasces symbol or something at least politically neutral.

  • Hmm… Italy switching sides… now that’s a point I hadn’t thought of… is it actually possible in the game?

  • '20 '18 '16 '13 '12


    Hmm… Italy switching sides… now that’s a point I hadn’t thought of… is it actually possible in the game?

    I don’t believe so, unless they are carried as a pro-axis neutral. But I think they are a true-Axis power in AA40.

  • @Craig:


    Italian roundels are fine for games in which it is possible for Italy to change sides and join the Allies; until then they need the fasces symbol or something at least politically neutral.

    In the games that my group designs, we use the Xeno Italian CM.  It is the bundle of rods (fasces).

    I will try to post a pic of it.

    Where is the pic?

    (Rank = 95)

  • '20 '18 '16 '13 '12


    Where is the pic?

    I believe he is refering to this one:

  • Maybe somebody could print decals of variant roundels that we could apply to the provided roundels so that we could all be happy.

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