So to give credit where credit is due, this obviously isn’t my strategy. The way that I first learned of such a strategy was from GHG. However, I’ve taken the liberty to modify it to better suit my needs in the event that I find myself playing the Allies.
The initial thought for this strategy was commit 70% to the Atlantic and 30% to the Pacific, however that I disagree with all the more. Take America’s turn 1 purchase for instance. What I typically buy on turn 1 is 2 carriers and a battleship. I’ll likely swap it and put one of each in the Pacific and opt to put the other carrier in the Atlantic. The point is, I recognize Japan’s ability to win and found a way for Japan to counter the Floating Bridge by means of taking Honolulu and Sydney.
In another test run of mine to counter Japan, I opted to initially focus my first 2-3 turns of committing my purchases nearly all to the Pacific side of the board. Make no mistake, the part that I changed about this strategy was the fact that America was idle in the Pacific. The American player at some point will have to start making headway in the Pacific and being an active threat to Japan.
Regarding the merits of how much money is being made/spent, in my test runs, Japan never got to the point where they were making 72$, and that’s all thanks to my combined British and Anzac strategy. I am someone who firmly believes in the concept of building up a British and Australian navy in the Pacific Ocean to contest Japan. Are they going to build up as big of a fleet? Absolutely not, and that’s not the ideal goal either. The goal in building a fleet is to do 2 things. #1: Contest the money islands #2: Make it a costly victory for the Japan player should he decide to try to take said navy out. I’ve seen it time and time again where the British player did nothing but turtle up on Calcutta and let Japan run wild getting all of China, the money islands, and all their national objective money for controlling the islands in the Pacific to include Honolulu. I’ve seen it, and it doesn’t work. Because like you, I know that Japan doesn’t need Calcutta to win.
Now to sum it all up, 4 transports is obviously 28$ each. Initially you won’t want to straight up by 4 transports one turn but rather split it between 2 different rounds. However, in the end you’re going to want 12 transports. After you get your 12 transports, all you have left to do is spend your money on 8 units (doesn’t matter what they are). 4 of them will obviously be infantry, and the other 4 can be whatever you want, tanks, artillery, mech, or even more infantry. 47 IPCs will be more then enough to adequately fight Japan.