Hello everyone,
Casual A&A player here, this game has been one of my favorites for many years now. Many thanks to this community and all the resources it provides.
When we played G40, we used to use the Anniversary battle board for it, but the differences in unit stats between AA50 and G40 got annoying; and we wanted two battle boards. I wanted to make a G40 battle board in the same style as AA50. Big thanks to @Bob_A_Mickelson for posting his custom battle board on boardgamegeek.com, as I based my design off of his. I wanted to make a version that was clearer to read however. Here is the result. Maybe some of you would like to use it as well. My plan is to print it on 8.5x11 paper and laminate it. It fits pretty well, especially if you make the margins smaller.

I also color-coded each column for the battle dice we are using from iwillnevergrowup.com, and added some extra info about convoy raids, kamikaze, and air raids to help remind us of the dice values, etc to prevent fishing through the rulebook for it.
If any of you guys would like me to whip up an alternate version of this for you, such as one with different battle dice color coding, or with a slightly different color scheme (I considered making an alt version which is black-and-white like the normal G40 battle boards), or without the extra info in the “zero” column for those of you who have memorized the bombing raid/convoy raid rules, or anything else, feel free to request it here and if it’s not too much trouble I can make it for you. I made this board in paint.net, which is like Microsoft Paint but better (supports transparency, more tools, layers, etc). For those of you who can use that editor, here is the .pdn project file for you to mess with. Also, if a .pdf file would be easier for anyone to use, I can provide that too.

Happy gaming :)