can someoone send me 3d printable files for the infantry perferable if they had uniforms from their coorolated nation thx
Custom 3d Supply Depot/Hostpital/Recruitment Center
Shapeways store is “War Game Miniatures”. Please visit
Make up your own House Rule……here are some ideas
Recruitment Center (this one just happens to be a Nazi)
-The ability to build Reg. Infantry at non-factory territories
-Territories must have a value of (1)
-Only (1) Center per Territory
-Cost: 9
-Movement: N/A
-Build of (1) Reg. Infantry
-Can be Burned, or removed round before capture
-Can be Captured and be used
-Can be Bomb and unable to produce Infantry till repaired. Cost of Repair is (3)IPCThese will be on my Shapeways Store Soon
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