Don't get how Germany can handle UK and Russia with the bombing…

  • No offense Gamerman but I doubt I’d ever play you. I don’t like to play people who boast wether they can back it up or not. It’s poor sportsmanship/bad ettitquette.

  • You’re the only person who’s called me a boaster, FYI.
    Ask people I’ve played with whether I boast.  Ask Katfish and Functioneta how much I boast.  Ask Anchovy, Plumsmugler, the list goes on.  I have beaten all of these fine players, and have at least as many wins as losses with every one, and never once boasted or rubbed anything in their face.  Most of my opponents play me again and again and enjoy the games.  Apparently you just rub me the wrong way, so I did get a bit obnoxious.
    Thanks for your somewhat polite response, though.
    I wish you wouldn’t label and shelve me based on a comment or two.  Don’t be so quick to judge.

  • @Col.Stauffenberg:

    I agree with the OP. SBR with the new rules and GER having only one factory kills this game. Played it a handful of times before me and my friends gave it up in favor of 42.

    This is how you got me started.
    SBR and Ger having only one factory does not kill this game by any stretch of the imagination.
    It just irks me when people start posting stuff about a game they’ve hardly played, acting like they know it all. 
    You said these things “kill this game” like it’s a fact, when it is just your opinion, which is based on a couple games with your friends.  Go play 1942 then, and stop posting on the AA50 thread, since it’s a “killed” game and you don’t like it anyway.

  • @katfishkris:

    my suggestion to you is to either play a pbf game, or check some of them out.  this will give you ideas,  what to do if allies are SBRing you to pieces, and what to do offensively & defensively.  i have played as the allies, bombing the crap out of germany, and still lost.  i have played as the axis, being on the recieving end of the bombings, and still won.  check out the other games bud, it will help.  if you like, we can start a game just to have a little walk through.  imo, japan is the key to an axis victory,  germany and italy just help out, sometimes alot.  good luck.  and go for radar or improved factories.  SBRs wont bother you any more if you can get both of those.  just $5 each turn till you hit something.

    This dude knows what he’s talking about.

  • @Col.Stauffenberg:

    AA50 strikes me as a game where you don’t have to think to much, because every countries objectives are spelled out for you. I think people are in denial because of the money they blew on this attractive albiet broken game.

    Interesting statement, and one I hope I will not take out of context by quoting you here.

    Axis & Allies is a strategic game that uses dice to determine battle outcomes.  Therefor, there is an element of randomness to the game.  That may drive you crazy, or it may give you hope to play on:
    Craziness:  You take 6 tanks on 3 inf and lose the battle  :-o
    Hope:  You’re on the receiving end of the battle  :-)

    I think A&A has chess like aspects where you need to plan your moves over a few rounds and react to your opponents moves appropriately.  However, the dice can negate the definitive outcomes in chess:  I know that my pawn will kill your pawn when it’s my turn to move… but my 3 tanks MAY not win against your 3 tanks.

    I know that our playing group has always opted towards more strategic rules (house rules, newer versions, etc).  The original game (aka ‘Classic’) often turned into a Tech heavy race to roll “6”'s.  First to get HB’s with LR wins!  Revised diminished some of this (especially with the LHTR variant so widely adopted by the A&A community).  AA50 is even more strategic due to it’s many optional rules:  two scenarios, NO’s, Tech, Escorts, closing the Dardenelles.

    What is my point in this reply?

    I think your statement about the game being about not having to think much is off base.  This is one of the reasons I LOVE A&A so much:  Needing to think of new ways to defeat a strategy that has been employed successfully against me.  For the most part, there are counters to <most>strategies in AA50.  And the beauty of the optional rules I mentioned above, is that if your playing group gets into a rut where you determine that SBRs are the way to go for the allies and then the axis always reacts properly to offset this move… so the game becomes predictable, then incorporate some of the optional rules (or don’t use them if you had been).  Mix things up.  Think anew!

    I have been playing this game since 1986, I’ve seen alot of claims about this game: broken due to unstoppable strategies, too dice heavy: Tech should never be used, use low luck, the list goes on…

    But I have never seen anyone say the game in one “where you don’t have to think to much, because every countries objectives are spelled out for you”.

    I would have to say that to overcome the ‘unbeatable strategy’ (Allied SBR’s as mentioned by the OP), you NEED to think out of the box to defeat these moves.  It can be done.  Just like in real life, every move has a trade off.  If you are doing one thing, you sacrifice doing another.  The axis need to find out what the allies are sacrificing when they conduct the SBR campaign and react accordingly.

    Some posters here are telling you that these Axis reactions have been tried and are used in the PBF here.  If you have the time, at least peruse the PBF games and look for how these are countered.  Or better yet, join the group here and put your ‘unbeatable strategy’ to the test.

    Good luck and good gaming!

  • This dude knows what he’s talking about.

    now i dont know about that, :)  thanks anyhow gamer

  • The problem I see with SBR is that in order to make the bombers to do so you have to spend a lot of initial money. A 12 IPC bomber doing 3.5 damage a turn, if not shot down, still takes 4 turns to be effective. If you’re playing the US, add another turn to get to Britain before you can start. Considering how Germans go before the US or the British, they have six turns of being ahead of the US and Brit. Throw in AA rolls and it’s even more.

    SBRs are, in my opinion, not a way to focus on entirely. That being said, however, the bomber is an excellent support unit and in turns where it doesn’t have anything more important to do dropping bombs is an excellent alternative.

  • Well said, Xzorn!
    Remember that the 3.5 (after AA fire) begins to diminish if your maximum potential damage exceeds the maximum the territory can take!
    In other words, if someone Strat bombs Italy with 3 bombers, the roll range would be 3-18.  However, Italy can only take 12 dmg.  Same thing with Germany if you take in 4 or more bombers - your average begins to decline from the 3.5.

  • Couple things, first, when I said you don’t have to think to much, was in regards to AA50 and how bonus income is obtained. It tells you right on the card. It’s saying do these things to win the game, when before you had to figure out these strategies on your own.

    Secondly Gamerman, you called yourself a boaster in more than one post on the previous page. I’m just going by your own words.

  • those damn National Objectives can be really hard to obtain.  seems like i never get any of the three British ones.

  • @Col.Stauffenberg:

    Couple things, first, when I said you don’t have to think to much, was in regards to AA50 and how bonus income is obtained. It tells you right on the card. It’s saying do these things to win the game, when before you had to figure out these strategies on your own.

    Secondly Gamerman, you called yourself a boaster in more than one post on the previous page. I’m just going by your own words.

    That was after you did.  I figure if you think I’m boastful, I might as well boast a little to earn it.

  • @Col.Stauffenberg:

    How does playing by forum work? I don’t like the sound of it. I need a board and dice. I would like to play you, because you’re boastful and I doubt you’re as good as you claim, because I read one of you posts where you said you like playing countries where you don’t have to think too much, like China.

    And heeeeere’s the proof.
    Not only did you say I was boastful, but you go and say you doubt I’m good because I like to play China.
    I’m not continuing this conversation.  You assume, you have selective memory, and you just want to put me down.  Conversation over.

  • Yes, Please go argue elsewhere about who boasts and who is better…. I’d actually rather just enjoy intelligent banter about strategies.

    I’ve played the old A&A and the new AA50 and I do think if anything the bombers have become less effective.  In the old A&A I could literally bomb germany to zero money between uk and usa after a few turns.  So the new AA50 has taken this broken way to win away which is good.  Now I have to think a little more about when to bomb and when to not.  Plus you add in the optional fighter escort rule and it gets even more interesting.

  • Jumping into this, here was a proposal to a bomb Italy strategy I used against my buddy.

    He toyed with the ideal of buying a factory in the Balkans, I would choose Poland for Germany.( He did build a factory in Libya, which could only be bomber for 2 dollars.)

    While expensive, Italy or Germany could then build the 1st infantry for 7 dollars , the second and third ones for 4 dollars. (since the max damage on a territory worth 3 is 6).

    It still works out to +2 per unit built , but your “start up costs” are cheaper (3 vs 10) If Germany had heavy bombers, using a 3ipc factory would allow you to build 2 heavy bombers a turn for 29 ipcs. (with 3-5 heavy bombers and 2-4 planes on the board, the Atlantic will be empty near your coastlines, and with your starting infantry placed right, Russia will be afraid to move next to them. If the allies do land on your coast, use your next turn to clear their fleet from the board.

    You could save “excess” money after you build 3 units, to repair Germany every other turn, or every third turn, for more units.

    If you are saving for a big build, then with the little factory, you can place 3 inf a turn for 15 dollars (vs 21 in Germany)  and use the excess money every second or third turn in Germany itself. 21 minus 15 equals 6 dollars saved, paying for the cost of the factory in 3 turns. Just move the AA gun from the damaged German factory to the Poland one during noncombat.

    They can bomb you, but you don’t lose any money until you make the repairs, so just think outside the box a bit.
    Its not ideal, but it is a work around for an SBR strat.

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