So I attempted my own stylized take on the AA50 set up cards and National Objectives as I find myself squinting quite a bit on the provided ones. Two per 8.5"x11" letter which would print out nicely on card stock. I think I got the counts right, but let me know if anyone catches any typos! Enjoy!
Frood, how do I miss you? Where's your calculator?!!!
Is there anybody out there with an odds calc that has AA50 as an option? Because it is really hard to know if I am going to attack, will I succeed, or even, what my odds are. I’ve had to use the old Frood calc and use some ships to stand in for AA50 ships.
Anybody got any tips or devices to calculate odds? Or if someone can put a bug in Frood’s ear and maybe get him to update his calculator with AA50…
TripleA has a calculator. Just start up a Local game with one of the two AA50 maps, then use the BattleCalculator.