@magnum I’m not yet convinced that letting them pick what they want, and potentially the same thing, is a problem. If anything, this will give them the opportunity to try out different strategies, involving research, and see how they work.
Explained: Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion
This thread explaines the background behind the developement of the Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion.
We want to give players an insight in How & Why these Rules & Units are included in the Axis & Allies Global 1940 House Rules Expansion.
For each Rule & Unit is a description, based on its original concept and idea as well as the Balance of Game & Game Mechanisms.
Also, some Rules & Units have a few Guidelines to Where & When they could be used to greater advantage.
Some Rules & Units are inspired by the original Axis & Allies Expansion 1 + 2 + 3 by Gamers Paradise - others are inspired from The World at War by Xeno Games.
But most Rules & Units are developed from scratch - inspired by World War II History itself.
We hope that this will bring more Axis & Allies players to the game table - to experience what hundreds of Axis & Allies players have already experienced: Tons of Fun & Challenge.
1. The Background Introduction.pdf
2. Winning the game.pdf
3. Cost of all Units.pdf
4. Economy.pdf
5. Soviet Guards.pdf
6. Waffen-SS.pdf
7. Commandos & Marines.pdf
8. Elite Infantry.pdf
9. Paratroopers.pdf
10. Lend-Lease.pdf
11. Facilities.pdf
12. Non-aggression Pacts.pdf
13. Strategic Bombing.pdf
14. Expanded Pacific Theatre.pdfMore will follow - soon.
Didn’t know you are the founder and president of the Danish Axis and Allies community! :)
Wow, I didn’t know this thread existed! I would love to know how your rules came about! -
@The-Captain I remember reading this now. Thought you had a new one : ) :+1:
Me too!
T The Captain referenced this topic on
Really great work Captain.
This is a big upgrade for the standard axis and allies g40 game.I recommend everyone to try this version.
The Explained: Cost of all Units has now been added.
The Economy aspects has been added - see the top at the first page at this thread.
The Soviet Guard Infantry has been added - see the top at the first page at this thread.
@the-captain yea i forget about Artillery boosting them. Same with PnzrGrndrs. I don’t like using them in small counterattacks, Artillery, because they usually die next round. Sometimes it’s necessary though if russia is light on Air.
A few Artys mixed in with an Army Group with Guards and plenty of INF might be a good idea. Still mostly an offensive threat but … :)
A Soviet Guard Infantry unit has the same Combat Factor in defense as a Tank unit: “3”.
This makes the Soviet Guard Infantry unit an excellent choise for defensive positions - especially if they are combined in a Soviet Army Corps.
@the-captain yea the move 2 is sweet too. Throw some cheap tanks in there with the commisar and they can respond pretty well against a JPN attack from china.
Can do well on German E Front as well but it seems thats usually more of large atrit battles. Cool unit for sure.
32 bucks the magic number if you’re not maxed. 6 Tanks and 3 Guards :)
Waffen-SS Units has been added - see the top at the first page at this thread.
@the-captain I know you haven’t done them yet and i may have mentioned this before ( can’t remember lol ) but Paras are stronger on defense than offense. Their advantage is offensive surprise. I wonder if the 1st rd defense of 3 should be negated to reflect this ?
What were the thoughts on this when creating it ?
Paratrooper units (not including Waffen-SS Paratrooper units) attack at “3” and defend at “3” - during the first round of Combat - if they attack/defend alone or together with other Paratrooper units only.
From the second round of Combat, Paratrooper units fight as regular Infantry units.
Since Paratrooper units are considered to be Elite units, they are equipped as such and have in their arsenal Weapons & Equipment that give them superior Combat Capacity during the first round of Combat.
When Paratrooper units were play tested, they originally defended and attacked at “3” during each round of Combat.
But for Game Play reasons as well as Play Balance, it was necessary to change the rules as they are today.
The Paratrooper unit is a Multi-Purpose unit that should always be represented on the game board.
For the Global 1943 Expansion, we are play testing the Monte Cassino Rule.
This rule includes German Paratrooper units combined with Bunker units - defending in Italy - from Early 1944. -
British Commandos and US Marines has been added to the first post.
Elite Infantry has been added to this thread: EXPLAINED.
You are doing great!👍🏼
Example of German units - painted by hand.
Infantry units are OOB - but hand painted.
Tank units are made from pewter - and also hand painted.