@mikawagunichi changed my buys in russia to reflect i mucked up the amount i needed to repair!
L22 elche (x) vs Gamerman01 (+18) BM4
No problem with the file.
Yes, scramble 4 fighters
I didn’t think you’d go for the carrier buy but you did! -
Max defense unless you get a terrible roll
Its not terrible but please OOL.
ger3-combat1 (1).tsvg -
NP, thanks for being cautious, 1 minute please
Ugh, not terrible at all.
All boats sink, leaving 4 fighters
Not a real victory.
Game HistoryRound: 3 Purchase Units - Germans Germans buy 3 artilleries, 1 carrier, 1 destroyer and 6 infantry; Remaining resources: 0 PUs; Politics - Germans Germans takes Political Action: Political Action Axis To War With Russians Germans succeeds on action: Political Action Axis To War With Russians: Changing Relationship for Germans and Russians from Neutrality to War Combat Move - Germans 1 battleship, 1 cruiser, 1 destroyer and 1 submarine moved from 112 Sea Zone to 109 Sea Zone 1 fighter and 1 tactical_bomber moved from Gibraltar to 109 Sea Zone 2 fighters and 1 tactical_bomber moved from Western Germany to 109 Sea Zone 1 infantry moved from Poland to Baltic States Germans take Baltic States from Russians 1 infantry moved from Finland to Karelia Germans take Karelia from Russians 1 infantry moved from Finland to Vyborg Germans take Vyborg from Russians Combat - Germans British scrambles 1 units out of Scotland to defend against the attack in 109 Sea Zone British scrambles 3 units out of United Kingdom to defend against the attack in 109 Sea Zone Battle in 109 Sea Zone Germans attack with 1 battleship, 1 cruiser, 1 destroyer, 3 fighters, 1 submarine and 2 tactical_bombers British defend with 1 carrier, 4 fighters, 2 submarines and 1 transport; Russians defend with 1 submarine Units damaged: 1 battleship owned by the Germans 1 fighter owned by the Germans retreated 1 battleship owned by the Germans and 1 cruiser owned by the Germans retreated to 110 Sea Zone British win with 1 fighter and 1 transport remaining. Battle score for attacker is 8 Casualties for Germans: 1 destroyer, 2 fighters, 1 submarine and 2 tactical_bombers Casualties for British: 1 carrier, 3 fighters and 2 submarines Casualties for Russians: 1 submarine Moving scrambled unit from 109 Sea Zone back to originating territory: United Kingdom Non Combat Move - Germans 1 aaGun, 3 artilleries and 5 infantry moved from Slovakia Hungary to Eastern Poland 4 armour moved from Germany to Eastern Poland 5 artilleries and 6 infantry moved from Germany to Poland 1 infantry moved from Western Germany to 112 Sea Zone 1 infantry and 1 transport moved from 112 Sea Zone to 110 Sea Zone 1 infantry moved from 110 Sea Zone to Normandy Bordeaux 1 armour moved from Southern France to Yugoslavia 2 aaGuns, 4 artilleries and 21 infantry moved from Romania to Bessarabia 3 armour moved from Greece to Romania 1 armour moved from Normandy Bordeaux to Western Germany 1 mech_infantry moved from Normandy Bordeaux to Western Germany 1 tactical_bomber moved from Gibraltar to 110 Sea Zone 1 fighter moved from 109 Sea Zone to 110 Sea Zone 1 artillery moved from Western Germany to Germany 1 aaGun moved from Western Germany to Germany 1 fighter moved from Southern Italy to Western Germany 1 tactical_bomber moved from Southern Italy to Eastern Poland Place Units - Germans 1 carrier and 1 destroyer placed in 110 Sea Zone 3 artilleries and 6 infantry placed in Germany Turn Complete - Germans Germans collect 46 PUs; end with 46 PUs Trigger Germans 5 Swedish Iron Ore: Germans met a national objective for an additional 5 PUs; end with 51 PUs
I will roll on the forum since I don’t know the password to play online on this computer:
Attack Karelia with 1 infantry and 1 fighter vs. 1 infantry
[dice 1d6<2]
[dice 1d6<4][dice 1d6<3}
1d6<2: 5; Hits: 0
1d6<4: 3; Hits: 1 -
Hm, it didn’t do the German roll, maybe because of the space
German defense of Karelia
[dice 1d6<3] -
1d6<3: 6; Hits: 0
Vyborg, same unit types
[dice 1d6<2]
[dice 1d6<4]
[dice 1d6<3] -
1d6<2: 3; Hits: 0
1d6<4: 2; Hits: 1
1d6<3: 5; Hits: 0 -
Vyborg also captured without loss
Baltic States
[dice 1d6<2]
[dice 1d6<4]
[dice 1d6<3] -
1d6<2: 2; Hits: 0
1d6<4: 4; Hits: 0
1d6<3: 6; Hits: 0 -
[dice 1d6<2]
[dice 1d6<4]
[dice 1d6<3} -
1d6<2: 6; Hits: 0
1d6<4: 4; Hits: 0 -
I don’t know why the German roll didn’t show up
Here it is
[dice 1d6<3] -
1d6<3: 4; Hits: 0
Round 3
[dice 1d6<2]
[dice 1d6<4]
[dice 1d6<3]