• Just looking for clarification on the rules of free/immediate upgrading of US minor IC to Major for Pacific only 1942 SE. The rules for the upgrade are only found in the Global additional rules and not in the Pacific rules.
    I believe the intent was to have this free/immediate upgrade to trigger as the US transitioned from peacetime to wartime industries.
    It also would negate 20IPC’s of the 30IPC’s you get as the US enters the war.
    Interested to hear everyone’s thoughts.

  • @chewy8a said in US upgraded to Major IC?:

    Just looking for clarification on the rules of free/immediate upgrading of US minor IC to Major for Pacific only 1942 SE. The rules for the upgrade are only found in the Global additional rules and not in the Pacific rules.

    You are referring to Pacific 1940SE, aren’t you?
    You can’t find it in the rules, as USA already starts wit a major IC in WUS in the theater game.

    It also would negate 20IPC’s of the 30IPC’s you get as the US enters the war.

    What do you mean here? What is “It” that negates 20 of 30 IPC? Can you please explain the calculation based on the rules?

  • @panther thanks for the quick reply. I was referring to 1940 Pacific SE. You are absolutely correct though. The US starts off as a Major IC on the original box setup. I have a different organizer now. It only has the global setup custom printout on it. Thanks.

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