• 2024

    If you have experience editing/creating games & maps on triple A, we have a project for editing an existing game we would like assistance with. Willing to pay for your time.

  • @mikawagunichi no need to pay for anything. You can donate to triplea if you want.

    post which map and what changes you’d like and we’ll see if they’re possible and how long it’d take.

  • @mikawagunichi

    Moved to TripleA support category.

  • PantherP Panther moved this topic from Customizations on
  • 2024

    @barnee Thanks for the quick response. The map we would like changes is WW2 Path to Victory. The changes are as follows:

    1. Reduce Fighter and Strat Bomber attack power to 2 (no change to defense).
    2. Merge SZ 115 and SZ 116 into one.
    3. Eliminate the feature of harbors giving ships extra movement.
    4. Make repairs to airbases occur during the “place units” phase.
    5. Change the calculation for convoy damage to occur at the end of each power’s turn for the subs which they own. For example, at the end of Germany’s turn, compute convoy damage for each German sub which ends Germany’s turn in a convoy zone, and subtract the the number of IPC from the powers owning the neighboring territories at that time. If neighboring territories are owned by more than one power, divide the damage proportionally (rounded to the nearest whole IPC) based on each territory’s IPC value.
    6. Make Battleships roll two die at a value of 4 when bombarding (not regular combat).
    7. If a transport is carrying an AA gun and is attacked by enemy planes, the AA gun will fire at planes using standard AA gun rules (roll a die at 1 at up to a maximum of 3 planes).

    Thanks for your time and let me know if anything requires clarification.

  • @mikawagunichi

    1 is easy enough.

    2 this could be done but I don’t know how to do it.

    3 is easy enough.

    4 could be done but pretty sure all repairs would be done then. So Factories and Harbors too.

    5 I don’t think this is possible, maybe there is a work around. You’d probably want to eliminate convoying and do it manually with edit.

    6 can’t be done. You’d have to hand roll the extra bombard and the bombard hit by hand before battle and use edit to apply the result. also before battle.

    7 This is possible but would require a fair amount of work.

    Anyway, I’d suggest contacting the creators of the original map and see if they’re interested and even though triplea is open source, it’d be courteous to ask for their approval to make a mod if they’re not interested.

    All that being said, it’d be more than i would want take on. Although I’d be happy to help with any questions if you decide to take it on. You might also ask at the triplea site https://forums.triplea-game.org/ in case anyone is interested in taking on a new project.

    Good Luck

  • 2024

    @barnee Thanks for the response. I do chat with creators from time to time but they seemed to have moved on to other interests for the most part.

    Any chance I could get you interested if we just cut it down to #1 and #3, and possibly a change to strat bomber movement?

  • @mikawagunichi do you want to just play this with a group of your friends ? i could bust something out and email it to you or put it on sendspace where you can dl.

    You could share it with your friends but it wouldn’t be in triplea to dl

  • 2024

    @barnee yeah we have a small consistent play group, that would be fine. Can you make strat bomber movement 7 also please (8 from airbase). Thanks a ton!

  • @mikawagunichi right on i’ll see what i can do

  • 2023 '22 '21 '20 '19 '18

    @mikawagunichi here’s the new xml ww2_path_to_victory.xml
    right click to save to your downloads. Mine says “Save Link As …” windows might be different.

    Open your triplea folder
    Open downloaded maps
    Open path two victory zip
    Open next folder
    Open map
    Open games
    Replace xml

    Named it version 6.411 as i doubt they’ll ever use that number for a future update. When you first start triplea you can see the map version top left.

    Anyway, before you start game, go to “Map Options” and select the last one. It’s turned off by default, so you can still play the regular without the changes if you want.

    Changed Ftr and Bmbr = A2 Bmbr = M7 +1 w/AB Harbor no bonus movement.

    Might do the trprt in the future. Let me know if there’s any problems

  • 2024

    @barnee wow, that was fast, thanks a ton man. got it working. let me know if you ever wanna join a game sometime. its usually 1v2 with my two bros, always looking to make it a 2v2.

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