The chips are easy. Place the seasons chips next to the mobilization zone, or on the battle board, or somewhere visible to signify the changing season. The top chip looks like an oil field, so place those on spaces you want to have oil fields, and adjust house rules accordingly. You could even SBR the oil fields and place damage counter on top of those chips to signify damage.
Use the dice as special sub dice for convoy zones. In order for a sub to disrupt shipping for that turn, you must “raise you periscope” to see if there are any enemy ships. You role the dice to see what ship you see. A blank sided role means nothing but open blue sea, and you are free to disrupt supply. If you land on say, a carrier, an enemy carrier appears on the board (not signified by a piece) you can chose to engage it, or retreat. Engaging it requires battle to be resolved as normal. A loss results in a destroyed sub. A win means you are free to disrupt shipping for that turn. A retreat means no battle, and you cannot disrupt for that turn.