Wait? This means I might actually be playing and interpreting a rule CORRECTLY???
I’m sorry, this is a foreign experience….
Ok. Back from cloud 9.
Thank you guys all for assisting me in grasping this.
I’ll be back im sure with more questions.
Basically, the rulebook says the US has 15 IPCs, but when I count the amount of territories the US has, it’s 17 IPCs. Is this a mistake with the rulebook?
Thank you for responding!
@superbattleshipyamato123 You are correct, the US should have 17 IPCs. This was covered in the FAQ - which used to be on the Avalon Hill website. Used to be, because Marketing got a wild hair and played 52 pickup with their website. There ought to be a law about leaving information links alone. But there’s not.
A direct link to the current version of the 1941 rule book, with (hopefully) all of the errata folded in, is available at:
The errata does not only change the US IPC level, it adds some needed units to the board - in places like the US Atlantic coast, Moscow, and China. See for yourself.
P.S. Found a working deep-link to the FAQ on Avalon’s site, read that first: https://media.wizards.com/2015/downloads/ah/AA_1941_FAQ.pdf
Thank you for responding!
My physical rulebook is the same version as the link you put up, I just wanted to clear things up due to the differences between that and the usual online version.
@superbattleshipyamato123 Try reading the FAQ for more about how to properly play '41. There’s more to it than infantry in China and more money for the US.