• Just busted out my Revised board the other day.  Its been a year since I played Revised.  Haven’t been too interested in it since AA50 came out which I have played several games FTF and PBF by now.  I decided to set up the game with a couple of crusiers on the board just to get a “feel” of what the game may be like.

    I’m telling ya, I got a bad feeling about this game.  Especially after AA50, AA42 is gonna feel like refried beans.  After a short while the new artwork is gonna wear off and the product itself will probably not be that impressive- $25-$30 bucks- how much quality will come out of that?  If Revised had 370 pieces and it didn’t include crusiers that means you will be short pieces again! :x  Those “new” sculpts better be REALLY something special!

    Don’t get me wrong, I will buy it, its good for beginners and starters but compared to AA50, its definitely gonna be a letdown.  The Revised-AA50 hybrid ought to be interesting at first, but I’m just not convinced it will live up to the hype. :|

    My 2cents,

      :? :? :?

  • live up to the hype?

    yes… and no…

  • @questioneer:

    The Revised-AA50 hybrid ought to be interesting at first, but I’m just not convinced it will live up to the hype. :|

    My 2cents,

      :? :? :?

    What hype?  I understand this game is expected by all to be not as good as AA50.  Has anyone suggested otherwise?

    Some of us are glad that AH is indeed making new A&A games at all.  Some of us are excited for new sculpts.  Some of us are glad A&A will be cheaper and more accessible to the masses.  And some of us are keen on a new set up - even if it’s not as good as AA50.


    After a short while the new artwork is gonna wear off and the product itself will probably not be that impressive…

    Or rather after the novelty of AA50 wears off, and we have played both set ups many times each, AA42 will be an interesting twist.  Why have steak every night when you can enjoy the occasional burger?  Variety is good.

    I just ordered a copy of ova Game’s Axis and Allies from 1981.  I’m expecting to be underwhelmed playing it, but still look forward to something a little different.  AA42 is the same.

  • @zooooma:

    Or rather after the novelty of AA50 wears off, and we have played both set ups many times each, AA42 will be an interesting twist.  Why have steak every night when you can enjoy the occasional burger?  Variety is good.

    Burger???- no my friend- more like Alpo.  We’ll see if your “half glass full” approach holds up 6months after the game is out.  I predict people will be less bored with AA50 and quickly bored with AA42.  The setup will be very similar to Revised so it will not be that new, as well as the map and such.  By the way, get ready for the cheap cardboard charts! :-)

  • without knowing much on the details everything is pretty much speculative ‘half-full/half-empty’ and the final determinations on the qualities won’t be known for a bit yet…
      We know there are new pieces and new and revised rules coming, so it won’t be AA50 or AAR, but something new, and as AH has no copies of either AAR or AA50 to sell to new buyers or anyone for that matter, it would be wise they make something to sell to them and maybe even to the rest of us who have the old versions.  it is a profit thing after all and their hope is that it will appeal to both groups.

  • @questioneer:

    I predict people will be less bored with AA50 and quickly bored with AA42.

    I don’t get bored with A&A.  I am not bored with the 1986 MB edition.  But I did stop playing it very much after Europe and Pacific were released.  I can’t see any half way decent A&A game ever getting boring.

    Furthermore, I am not going to play much AA42 right away - maybe once or twice to check it out.  I’ll play it a little more as AA50 becomes less new and exciting (but never boring).


    The setup will be very similar to Revised so it will not be that new, as well as the map and such.

    The new rules for subs and transports alone should make this a radically different game than revised.  And we’ve yet to see how AA42 will handle tech and SBRs.  I expect this will be almost as different from revised as revised was from Gamemaster.  To be certain your tried and tested openings and strategies from revised will need a major overhaul.  Hence new and exciting.


    We’ll see if your “half glass full” approach holds up 6months after the game is out.

    Half full or half empty - it’s a third the price of AA50!  But I’ll be sure to pipe up next January and tell you what I think.  :)


    By the way, get ready for the cheap cardboard charts! :-)

    I’m not too concerned about this.  It is the cheaper version.

  • what hype?

    we are the only ones hyping it. WOTC wont lift a finger unless people protest them and write letters complaining: “why don’t you freeking post some information on your own game rather than leaving all information up to funagames.com

  • @Imperious:

    what hype?

    we are the only ones hyping it. WOTC wont lift a finger unless people protest them and write letters complaining: “why don’t you freeking post some information on your own game rather than leaving all information up to funagames.com

    LOL :lol:
    You’re absolutely right- I forgot!!

  • @Imperious:

    what hype?

    we are the only ones hyping it. WOTC wont lift a finger unless people protest them and write letters complaining: “why don’t you freeking post some information on your own game rather than leaving all information up to funagames.com

    Well, Larry hopefully will be at Gencon with the game this year. If I find anything out I’ll say so.

  • @squirecam:


    what hype?

    we are the only ones hyping it. WOTC wont lift a finger unless people protest them and write letters complaining: “why don’t you freeking post some information on your own game rather than leaving all information up to funagames.com

    Well, Larry hopefully will be at Gencon with the game this year. If I find anything out I’ll say so.

    nice… so the ‘lives in parent’s basement/works at comic shop’ demographic will be in the know.  Excellent!

  • Well, Larry hopefully will be at Gencon with the game this year.

    if he is then like the last time with AA50, take lots of pictures and PLEASE write down details that you learned. Bring a notebook and take notes. The game will likely get wisked away as usual by a group of men in dark suits like AA50.

    WE need details of everything. make sure pictures of the pieces are made and the camera is good quality and has good lighting.

  • Liaison TripleA '11 '10

    LOL Imperius,

    I am as much a fan as you are, but AA42 Isn’t some endangered animal, or thr last dinosaur or something!

    It’s going to be out within 3 months! :p

  • Alas: We are TMZ news hounds and get paid top dollar for the first snapshot of famous games. If WOTC is busy eating bananas normal folk have to carry the load. Products like this need some fanfare to get new people to play and its up to us to get the word out.

  • '10

    “Will it live up to the hype?”

    No, it will not…  I am a hard core fan and no doubt it will be in my collection, BUT how can it hope to follow-up on the heals off AA50!?

    To those unlucky folks who didn’t get AA50 in time and now CANT it will be something new and exciting…  To those of us who have been exposed to AA50, it will be a watered down version.

    This is just my personal opinion (Veiws expressed here are not those of FMG or its affiliates blah blah blah  :-D)

    I hope and wish that I am wrong on this one. Some advice for WOTC…  JUST PRINT MORE AA50.

  • @Imperious:

    The game will likely get wisked away as usual by a group of men in dark suits like AA50.

    MIB > Men In Black > Our first, last and only line of defence against information.

  • I think everyone needs to relax and wait and see what this game is all about, after all has Larry Harris ever made a bad AA game?. I don’t think so. I agree with the more positive thinkers in that this is another AA game that will add to the many different ways to play our favorite game. Of course it will never be as good as AA 50, but what game ever will ?

  • so i’m looking at the AH page to see if there is any new updates and such and thinking of this thread as to what real hype is there about the game.  We’ve gone round a couple times now and we really haven’t looked at what hype there really is.  IL said there wasn’t and I was inclined to agree until i really looked close today…

    “Newly sculpted playing pieces and all new packaging will position this game as the cornerstone of the Axis & Allies game line for years to come.”


    1. Newly sculpted pieces
    2. All new packaging
    3. Cornerstone of AA for years

    deductions…. (in humor mind you)
    a. newly made pieces, granted, this sounds wonderful and confirmed by LH himself.

    b. all new packaging.  “Reeally?!  Well shut my mouth!!!”  isn’t that like advertising ‘clean rooms’ at hotels?

    c.  cornerstone of AA–i.e.–no aa50 reprint, and Larry’s taking a 2-year sabbatical.

    i’m gonna stick with my original comment.

    yes… and no…


    I think everyone needs to relax and wait and see what this game is all about, …
    Of course it will never be as good as AA 50, but what game ever will ?

    it’s like you almost kept a straight face while typing, almost to the end…

  • @LuckyDay:


    1. Newly sculpted pieces
    2. All new packaging
    3. Cornerstone of AA for years

    If the game can’t live up to that then we’re in trouble!

  • We are in trouble  :cry:

  • I can’t see how the pieces will be better than AA50 if the price is lower.  I was a tad disappointed with the aa50 pieces and that game cost a lot more than 42 will.  The Japanese curly bayonet was especially well done  :wink:

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