After my first 2 games, I felt the same way. However, after many more games, I just don’t see it as unbalanced. In my opinion, the most determining factor to who wins or loses is execution, and purchasing strategies. If as Russia, you buy bombers for instance, you’re going to have a very tough time early, and Germany will probably take Moscow by turn 4 at the latest. If nobody tries anything risky, and everything goes by the book, it is very tough for the Axis to overcome their economic disadvantage. Furthermore, if you don’t play efficiently, you may set yourself back a few turns. Make sure you’re moving every piece to the most optimal spot EVERY TURN. If you forget to move troop X to spot Y, you give your enemy too much room for error. For instance, last game I was Russia. The German player got too caught up trying to be cute. THis game me 2-3 solid turns of infantry build up, and that was enough to win me the war. I had a dominant defenssive front, and they could not advance. Game.