I admit, the 1.5 inf/tank power/cost ratio only applies to the ground units. In fact, according to that, art have a 1.3 rating, meaning that they are not worth buying. My whole point with the article was to show that the 3 attack + 2 defense = 5 IPC argument does not cover all factors.
Also, the 3 is only on the first round. The Marines NA in revised attacked on a 2 only i the 1st round and could not be supported by artillery, and cost 3 IPCs. Pacific Marines cost 4, yet could be supported by artillery and got their attack bonus in all rounds of an amphibious assault. That’s a 4 IPC inf attacking on a 3 in all rounds of combat.
Based on the points of power argument, an inf with a base of 2-2 should be 4.
ok, but i have also said they should have a 3 or less attack the first round or before the battle even begins, plus they get to choose their target
Hmmm, I must have missed that. I apologize, and hereby add a tail to my donkey ears.
THis is what I have so far
Attack: 0
Defence: 1
Movement: 1
Cost: 3
Special rules
Airbourne units are land units
if in the combat move phase you pay 3 ipcs for each airborne unit may move like an air unit to attack a land terriotry 2 spaces away.
It may reamain in a terriotry it attacked this turn
Surprise!:airborne units may preform a specail attack before battle starts where they pick any of the enemy units and on a 3 destorys it.
Airborne cannot retreat
The airborne costs me 3 IPCs + 3 more for the op, totaling 6 IPCs. Why pay 6 IPCs for a unit that attacks on a 3 only in the first round when I can pay 5 IPCs for a unit that attacks on a 3 in all rounds. A tank also defends on a 3, and I don’t have to pay 3 IPCs in the future to use it again? I don’t think being able to chose a target makes up for it.