AA50 $300…. yikes!!!!!
I just purchased BOTB for 19.99 and was shocked to see all links for AA50 were sold out or charging $300. I got mine about three weeks ago for $75. Are there any cheaper sites?
Well, that was quick. A week ago, when there was word of AA50 selling out sporadically, I checked and saw that both Boards & Bits (where I bought mine) and Funagain had it in stock for their usual prices. Now - gone!
Edit: just checked BoardGameGeek’s entry for the game and saw that the usual Sci-Fi City ad is still in place. But going to the site, it’s no longer there.
Check out the price on Amazon.com!
wow, i heard they were not making any more, so i wanted to buy a second one. i called all around and found only 2 in town. so i bought one, now i plan to keep one put away, or maybe sell it on ebay. $130 on ebay now. wait a few months and it might be worth more than gold.
A friend of mine bought the last AA50 at a local FLGS FOR $89.99.
I told him if you don’t I will!
Wow…. does anyone know where i can buy a copy that doesnt cost a fortune??
google the internet. Prices will drive higher each day. The longer you wait the more it will cost. It will never go down in price.
i got mine on Craigslist about 1 week ago, used for $65. one dice missing, and a dime sized indent on the little board for tracking your income that noone uses.
I’m going to go out on a limb and say I got a hell of a deal.
I bought mine a week ago from my store here for $130 Canadian. They have around a dozen copies.
Mission Fun and Games in St.Albert, Alberta.
Try them
google the internet. Prices will drive higher each day. The longer you wait the more it will cost. It will never go down in price.
Well if it is a better game then Revised won’t there be a reissue?
It cost too much to make it in the same quantity as revised.
google the internet. Prices will drive higher each day. The longer you wait the more it will cost. It will never go down in price.
Does this go for Jeff’s the Wargame, too ?
No because he is doing direct sales for the most part. If he sells to other retailers he wont give them much of a discount, so they cant really compete with his standard price since anybody who tried would find the game to order for cheaper from him directly. Plus it does not have a track record of nearly 30 years to go on. He has sold about 70% of his inventory so far.
I bought mine for 99.99$ at coolstuffinc.com
I think they still have some copies.
But 99 is still a lot of money, I can understand if people don’t want to pay that much. But for the quality time and fun I am expecting from the games I will play (I haven’t played yet, I just received few days ago), I think it is worth the money.
just checked coolstuff. they redirect you to amazon where there are 2 listings for 195.00 and 299.00
Ah sorry, couldn’t post it quick enough
It was still 99.99$ like 2-3 weeks ago (I ordered the 4th April). They had 9 copies when I ordered. There wasn’t that 2 limit per client when I ordered
$130 cdn is still about $110 US. Mission has a dozen copies, and they do ship. Try them.
$130 cdn is still about $110 US. Mission has a dozen copies, and they do ship. Try them.
FYI, they raised their price too; I just bought their last copy for $160 CDN (came to $143 USD with shipping).
The next cheapest I found was $170 USD at http://www.coolstuffinc.com (they have 4 left).
I meant to preorder it but I’ve been busy and it fell off my radar… I’m kicking myself because some stores had it for ~$75 only a few months ago. D’ohhh!
Mission is now soldout. Coolstuff still has 4 left at 170usd. I bought from them about a month ago when they had 12 for 75usd.
I told you people to buy 6 copies like 9 months ago!
See you could have created a new commodity with more value than gold.