Building Italian fleet - is there a point?

  • Time is not on the Axis’ side, and you are buying a very expensive (for Italian standards) piece of equipment that can not project aggression, take land, or pressure Russia.

    You HAVE TO assume that the UK player (and a good chance, even the US) #1 priority is to make sure any sea zone it finds valuable is secured.  You have to assume he is paying attention to every ship and airplane and seeing if his fleet can potentially be overtaken.  He HAS to do that, it is his job, that is what the UK does.  He has to know how many turns it would take for the oppents to get all the pieces together and attack him, and he has to know how much time he has to prepare and what to and not worry about it.

    You also have to assume that if he values the Med sea zone most, you are dead.  The fact is though, the Allies don’t place a high value on having strong ships in the Med.  If it was worth it, they would be there.  They can land troops in Africa while largly ignoring the Italian fleet (they will either suicide transport, or bring a fleet down there that is simply to big to be sunk).  And if they wanted they could build an IC T1 in SAF if they valued Africa that highly, so that would give them 2 places on a continent to stage attacks, while you are sorely lacking meaningful units because you built an expensive, defensive fleet.  On top of that they may be bombing your capital (Italy is a juicy target anyway), if they bomb well enough they may even prevent you from buying your carrier T2, that would really screw you.

    On T1 and T2 Italy has bought nothing aggressive and still has the amount of ground units it started with, and even with it’s impressive fleet (which is most likely just moveing back and forth in 3 remote, out of the way sea zones) can only ship 2 guys at a time to any given front.

    And for those advocating buying a Tranny, a Fig, AND a carrier that is insane. 31 IPC’s later, you have no ground units  but you do have a totally sweet fleet!  Not that I advocate this, but for 34 IPC’s you could build 2 bombers and a fig.  This immediatly makes Italy more aggressive, coupled with German planes and bombers on France (this will give you 2 fig, 2 bomb) you are threating the allied fleet even more (maybe forcing them to waste more money on ships) you can support attacks easier with ground troops, AND you can bomb Britain.  You are doing all this while still protecting your fleet.  This is much more useful than 1 carrier 1 fig 1tranny (I still wouldn’t recomend it). And still if you need a carrier your buddy Japan has got one for free.

    Another fun thing I may be half tempted to try (just for sh!ts) if I were America and I saw Italy sit on their cash the 1st turn, is buy 5 subs and send them your way (it may be better to wait T2, but still).  You have nothing in your fleet to stop them AND your planes become useless.  Are you now going to build a plane, a tranny, a carrier, AND a destroyer?  If I could pull that sub stunt off and sink your navy, which i would have the cheaper navy and higher odds on (man,would that be a crowning moment of awsome)  all I have to do is camp 2 subs in your sea zone and you’ll never be able to build a navy again.  Either that or I could send them to screw around with the Japs a bit.  This would open Africa wide up, and in the mean time I keep bombing Italy, to kick while it is down, and to remind it of what a naughty boy it has been.

    The world is going to war, people are being killed by the millions, ideological lines are being drawn, brave sacrifices are being made, every side is locked in an epic struggle of life and death/ good and evil on a scale that has never been seen before: except Italy, all Italy is doing is fiddle fuXXing around with some boats.

  • @dondoolee:

    Time is not on the Axis’ side, and you are buying a very expensive …blah blah blah… except Italy, all Italy is doing is fiddle fuXXing around with some boats.

    Wow, pretty upset about this to go and use censored curse words at us.  I think you are simplifying the problem too much.

    Without a navy Italy cannot move it’s troops into Africa, without African IPCs Italy cannot afford the boats (and troops) needed to secure it’s holdings.

    You can’t have one without the other.  In my games I enjoy watching the Allies spending money to put more boats in the water.  It buys Germany and Japan the time they need to crush Russia.

  • Moderator

    I don’t think Ita necessarily needs more of a fleet to help secure Afr.

    They start with 2 inf there, and can get inf, 1 arm there on Ita 1.  The arm is important for blitzing.  At this point the UK should just have the 2 inf in Safr/Rho.  Round 2 you can get another 1 inf and 2 arm plus 1-2 ger units if you moved one to Balk or Bul (on G1) or even a Ukr survivor.

    You simply can’t compete with a determined Allies assualt if they want Afr.  It just isn’t possible.  UK can dump 6 units and US can dump 8 (obviously not immediately) but very shortly.  All you need is a tank or two to blitz and clear out the 2 inf in Safr, which again can be done on say Ita 3 with the units you drop off in Ita 1 and 2.

    While you are doing that you can send inf/rt/arm to bul/ukr to threaten Russian and the remainder of your Afr core to Trj/Per (then reinforced by J).  Once you claim the southern part of Afr via blitzing let Japan defend it for (assuming they have the resources) while you concentrate on Russia with Germany.

    It doesn’t take too long for the Allies to nuetralize the Ita fleet, you simply have to assume you will lose it in Rd 3 (4 at the latest) unless you escape to the Red Sea.  The Allies can also have a realistic token threat on Rome by Rd 3 with up to 4 UK ground units + planes and 4-6 US ground units plus planes.  Not much but enough to make you regret buying ships on Ita 1-2 esp if you have them off the coast of Egy.  And if the Allies do force you to defend Sz 14 then they can use their DDs/CAs for fodder if needed conserving their air.

    Finally an Ita AC w/ftrs alone won’t necessarily deter an attack b/c Italy has no cheap fodder, after the first hit taken to the BB you are immediately losing CAs or ftrs.  I’ll trade US or UK ftrs for either of those even if I can’t get to the AC or BB

    For example (assume UK stacked Per and saved up to strike Trj on UK3)  Teh US can realistically send 4 ftrs, 2 boms + rd 1 buys (assume US sees Ita buy an AC and buys 1 bom)
    The US can then attack with:
    4 ftrs, 3 boms vs. 2 ca, 1 ac, 2 ftrs, 1 bb
    Say 4 hits to 4.  The Italians already have to make a choice between losing ftr vs. ac.

    Obviously that is just one example and takes some careful planning by the Allies (maybe some luck to), but the US is free to react to the Ita 1 buy (or non-buy) and easily has the flexibility to buy units to have a decent shot to sink the Ita fleet in rd 3.

    Also if Ita buy a second trn before adding other ships, it probably won’t do them much good since it adds no defense to the fleet.  The US will attack 2 CAs, 1 bb, X trns with as little as 2 ftrs, 2 boms.

    Afr is important but you don’t want to spend more resources on it then it is worth.

    I think you claim what you can early with Ita, try and delay when the Allies get to Lib/Egy, while you maybe free up a Jap trn or two to reinforce the Ita/Ger held parts of Afr.

  • @bongaroo:

    Wow, pretty upset about this to go and use censored curse words at us.  I think you are simplifying the problem too much.

    Heck yeah I’m upset, my best friend was killed by poor Italian judgment.  So I tend to get a little emotional when I see it.

  • @DarthMaximus:

    Also if Ita buy a second trn before adding other ships, it probably won’t do them much good since it adds no defense to the fleet.  The US will attack 2 CAs, 1 bb, X trns with as little as 2 ftrs, 2 boms.

    I agree pretty much with your analysis for Italy.  And while I don’t really see building a tranny as the strongest option for a T1 or T2 build, I think it is more usefull than any other naval build.  And if you assume it is going to be backed by a jap carrier and german subs, you can probably get some good use out of it.  It would really help with the CAU and stalling the Allies a little more in Africa maybe, plus you could be buying less tanks as you could move more cheaper units just as fast to a needed front.

    And maybe even as a joke move you could kind of pincer America with the Japs on one side and the Italians on the other.

  • @dondoolee:

    I agree pretty much with your analysis for Italy.  And while I don’t really see building a tranny as the strongest option for a T1 or T2 build, I think it is more usefull than any other naval build.  And if you assume it is going to be backed by a jap carrier and german subs, you can probably get some good use out of it.

    How many games of yours have a German sub in the Med, let alone multiples?  I’ve never seen any reason for the Germans to purchase any boats nor had an IC that was capable of building them into the MED.

    How does this happen in your games?

  • 2007 AAR League


    How many games of yours have a German sub in the Med, let alone multiples?  I’ve never seen any reason for the Germans to purchase any boats nor had an IC that was capable of building them into the MED.

    1 or 2 for me.

    How does this happen in your games?

    Germany attacks sz12 and one or both of the SS survive and on their turns either the UK or US have other priorities or they fear counterattack by Axis units so the SS are allowed to survive. They are dead meat if they stay in sz12 and it would be suicide to send them back up north so they go into the Med.

  • even if 2 subs survive. 2@1 vs DD / 2 bombers should be more than enough US1.

  • 2007 AAR League


    even if 2 subs survive. 2@1 vs DD / 2 bombers should be more than enough US1.

    Absolutely. But, it sometimes ins’t enough. 1 hit each and the second SS would survive. And I can’t speak for what everybody would do with the US units when faced with the 2 SS in sz12. It doesn’t happen very often but I have had a game where there were 2 German SS in the Med.

    I also have a KJF game going where it is turn 3 and 1 German SS has been sitting in sz12 for the whole game.  :-)

  • @bongaroo:


    How many games of yours have a German sub in the Med, let alone multiples?  I’ve never seen any reason for the Germans to purchase any boats nor had an IC that was capable of building them into the MED.

    How does this happen in your games?

    1-2 can get put in there, and if you really wanted, Germany may be able to build a sub on T1.  Even so the subs are just a chery on top deal.  The Italian navy is dead as soon as the Allies want it gone.  The fact is the navy can be gone by t2 if the allies really thought it was that important, (especially if you sit a turn and wait to buy a carrier) The defense comes from German airplanes being a threat to the allied fleet.  There lies Italy’s best bet for defense (and still the Jap carrier if you really insist on defense).

    I am of the opinion, the faster Italy can get ground troops out, and open up a point of a legit threat to Russia (Think about a 1-2 punch w/ Italy-Germany or maybe even Italy-Japan) the better shape the Axis are in.  This can be accomplished T3 or 4, and if the allies start comming in, use the Italians as a way to stall before the Germans have to deal with them.  Italy is in a prime position to get the Ukraine and Cauc don’t waste it.  I think the biggest easy mistake for either the Axis or the Allies is to over commit to Africa.  Usually when one does that the other side wins.

  • @dondoolee:



    How many games of yours have a German sub in the Med, let alone multiples?  I’ve never seen any reason for the Germans to purchase any boats nor had an IC that was capable of building them into the MED.

    How does this happen in your games?

    1-2 can get put in there, and if you really wanted, Germany may be able to build a sub on T1.  Even so the subs are just a chery on top deal.  The Italian navy is dead as soon as the Allies want it gone.  The fact is the navy can be gone by t2 if the allies really thought it was that important, (especially if you sit a turn and wait to buy a carrier) The defense comes from German airplanes being a threat to the allied fleet.  There lies Italy’s best bet for defense (and still the Jap carrier if you really insist on defense).

    I am of the opinion, the faster Italy can get ground troops out, and open up a point of a legit threat to Russia (Think about a 1-2 punch w/ Italy-Germany or maybe even Italy-Japan) the better shape the Axis are in.  This can be accomplished T3 or 4, and if the allies start comming in, use the Italians as a way to stall before the Germans have to deal with them.  Italy is in a prime position to get the Ukraine and Cauc don’t waste it.  I think the biggest easy mistake for either the Axis or the Allies is to over commit to Africa.  Usually when one does that the other side wins.

    A good German player might be able to take Egypt on T1.  In that case, let Germany blitz through Africa and go after the Middle East, then you either hit Caucuses from the south, or India from the west, and even link up with the Japanese Army.  You still get the NOs. 
    I don’t think, however, that Italy can “over-commit” to Africa.  One of the great advantages to having an Italian player is that Germany can focus on a two front war and not worry about a third front to the south.  I say for Italy, go for Africa and Mid-east.  A 30 IPC Italy is a scary thing.

  • @dondoolee:

    Time is not on the Axis’ side

    I disagree. Time is not on the allied side, because (with NO’s) axis will reach economic advantage round 3 or 4 as much. It can be easily a 10 IPCs advantage, but I guess when axis strats improve, it will be even better. If allies suicide and try KGF, the advantage will be [k]even[/k] greater (lose of Hawaii, aus, nzel and USA’s Pacific NO, probably added by Alaska). Allies need a way of defending all their territories they can and recover economic parity as soon they can or game will be over

    Of course, first priority for UK is killing italian navy or at least forcing her to escape to Indian Ocean. But this is a must, yet not enough, to win

  • @Funcioneta:


    Time is not on the Axis’ side

    I disagree. Time is not on the allied side, because (with NO’s) axis will reach economic advantage round 3 or 4 as much. It can be easily a 10 IPCs advantage, but I guess when axis strats improve, it will be even better. If allies suicide and try KGF, the advantage will be [k]even[/k] greater (lose of Hawaii, aus, nzel and USA’s Pacific NO, probably added by Alaska). Allies need a way of defending all their territories they can and recover economic parity as soon they can or game will be over

    Of course, first priority for UK is killing italian navy or at least forcing her to escape to Indian Ocean. But this is a must, yet not enough, to win

    While time being on the Allies side I agree is debatable, how many times have you played an 8+ turn game while the Allies lost (other than some MAJOR flukey dice, or a MAJOR oversite)?

  • @dondoolee:

    While time being on the Allies side I agree is debatable, how many times have you played an 8+ turn game while the Allies lost (other than some MAJOR flukey dice, or a MAJOR oversite)?

    I can’t say that I have a great deal of experience here, but the Axis have won every game that I have played that went past 8 rounds. I have another one going that is in it’s 9th round, and it is still a toss up.

    Now, I’ve also had some games that went less than 8 rounds in which the Axis lost (or more correctly, conceded), but that was generally due to a careless error or horrible dice in the early rounds.

    The key factor in each of the Axis victories was Japan. It seems to take 7-8 rounds until Japan can build up its forces and get them to the doorstep of an Allied capital. If Germany and Italy can hold out that long, then Japan becomes very difficult to stop.

    That being said, individual mileage may vary.

  • @ogrebait:


    While time being on the Allies side I agree is debatable, how many times have you played an 8+ turn game while the Allies lost (other than some MAJOR flukey dice, or a MAJOR oversite)?

    I can’t say that I have a great deal of experience here, but the Axis have won every game that I have played that went past 8 rounds. I have another one going that is in it’s 9th round, and it is still a toss up.

    Now, I’ve also had some games that went less than 8 rounds in which the Axis lost (or more correctly, conceded), but that was generally due to a careless error or horrible dice in the early rounds.

    The key factor in each of the Axis victories was Japan. It seems to take 7-8 rounds until Japan can build up its forces and get them to the doorstep of an Allied capital. If Germany and Italy can hold out that long, then Japan becomes very difficult to stop.

    That being said, individual mileage may vary.

    Interesting, I wonder how common that is.  This is a bit off topic, so I think I will create a new thread.  I don’t know if there is a way to cut and paste this conversation, if you know how please feel free to do so.

  • @dondoolee:

    I don’t know if there is a way to cut and paste this conversation, if you know how please feel free to do so.

    Well, on my computer, hold down the left mouse button, highlight the text of interest, “click” the right mouse button, select “copy” from the drop-down menu, open new topic window, “right click” in the text box, select “paste” from the drop-down menu.

    Add your comments and post.

  • @ogrebait:


    I don’t know if there is a way to cut and paste this conversation, if you know how please feel free to do so.

    Well, on my computer, hold down the left mouse button, highlight the text of interest, “click” the right mouse button, select “copy” from the drop-down menu, open new topic window, “right click” in the text box, select “paste” from the drop-down menu.

    Add your comments and post.

    Wow, talk about the ultimate brain fart.  I guess I wasn’t clever enough to think of something I knew how to do when I was 10 yrs old.  Anyway, it’s copied under the thread “longer games”

  • Perhaps there needs to be new strategies developed for an Italian fleet.  Anyone consider invading Brazil?

  • @Upside-down_Turtle:

    Perhaps there needs to be new strategies developed for an Italian fleet.  Anyone consider invading Brazil?

    Been there, done that. It proved to be a good distraction to the US player, but I don’t think it was of great strategic value. I am currently of the opinion that just being in a position to threaten an invasion of Brazil may be useful enough, but only after the security of the Italian Fleet has been taken care of.

    A lot depends on how the game unfolds. If the US is not in position to immediately retake Brazil, sacrificing a tranny and 1 inf (10 IPC investment for 6 IPC swing per turn) may be worthwhile.

  • @Upside-down_Turtle:

    Perhaps there needs to be new strategies developed for an Italian fleet.  Anyone consider invading Brazil?

    There is a small (very small) chance you could pincer America into a 2 way sucker punch.  Don’t move navy T1, buy tranny.  Move tranny to edge of Med, set up the Jap navy to attack Alaska on T2.  Or some refined version of that.  Not recomended for serious play, but a funny and fun way to try a strat once or twice in your life.  I haven’t had the balls to try it yet though, as I still feel I am excited about still learning the mechanics of the game (it has not gotten close to stale yet for me).  The reality is though, if the Allies want them dead they are dead.

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