UK buy 1 carrier place in Canada, save rest, hopefully your DD and tran survived round one (it really hinges on keeping that Canadian tranny alive rnd 1) us air power to clear western border seazones of Brit Isles
US buy 1 BB, 1 sub, 1 trans, leave DD and tran if survived with new buys. (Use the US sub to reacapture US convoys taken by Germany). Also send Russian fleet towards Brit Isles to draw fire or to recapture convoys. (US air of figheter, and bomber should land in Brit en route to Russia, another option is to engage rnd 1 with destroyer and US air to help clear subs from surrounding UK seazones if German presence is still strong, meaning you will have to ship the DD away from US fleet round 1 making the DD vulnerable.
turn 2 move en masse US fleet and brit carrier to the seazone bordering the northwest preferrrably ( if not safe you’ll need to place en masse in Celtic Sea and wait a turn to invade Norway). Land Brit fighters on carrier and purchass 3 trannies to unload your starting 4 men, art, and 2 tanks round 3 into Norway. (Most people will not agree keeping the Brit fighters at the Isles, but a good Rusky player can hold out fine without.
Turn 3 engage Norway with loaded trannies and air, follow US turn with added support and the BB in the same zone to deter air strike on North Sea fleet. After you take Norway you should have a US BB, US DD(If it survived rnd1), loaded UK carrier, and five trannies in total. German air and remaining subs if any will be hard pressed to engage that fleet.