Hi all,
I was kind of bored this summer, so I decided that it would be a good idea to make a 3d version of the Axis & Allies, G40 to be exact. But you could really turn it in to any Axis & Allies board that you’d like.
I then started brainstorming and researching ways this could be done. I decided that the easiest way to make a 3d map would be to make the map in a 3d designing software, and then excavate it out of a piece of wood using a cnc router. When that is done and I have the wooden map I will paint it. And then I will have a beautiful map.
So I started designing it. (‘designing’ seems a little too much to say, I basically just drew the map and added layers between land and sea). It took some time, and here is the finished product:

Now the next step is to turn this file into a wooden game board. I do not own a cnc router, nor do I know anyone who owns one. So the only option left is to pay a company to do it for me. And here is where my story becomes a bit confusing, so I apologise in advance for the confusion.
I do not yet own G40, however, I was bored and wanted to do this already. Do note that I said ‘yet’ as I am saving up to buy it. This however, will not go extremely fast, as I am a 15 yr/old kid. I am currently looking for a job (because I want to save up for G40 and also because I think it’d be fun). Then after I have bought G40 I will save up for this.
When I have the board, I intend to realistically paint the terrain do that will take some time as well.
let me know your thoughts and please give me tips if you have them!