Okay, so latest game, with the strategy.
Germany bought 5 Infantry, Fighter, Bomber on Round 1. Combats were:
Egypt (with bid units and a fighter from Balkans) which was won with Infantry, 2 Armor, Fighter because I got lucky. (I expected to win with 1 or 2 armor and the fighter. Seems reasonable given the 9 Defensive Punch vs 11 Offensive Punch.)
SZ 13: No brainer, Transport/Battleship, Fighter form W. Europe, Fighter from Norway, fighter from Germany - killed the Battleship without loss (he even failed to hit my battleship, not that it would have mattered.)
Ukraine: He won with an armor and some fighters, so I sent a pair of infantry from Balkans and the fighter from E. Europe, liberated iwth Infantry, Fighter.
Gibraltar taken, but only because I didn’t want the RAF on me. (Infantry from S. Europe.)
Okay, so those are all given battles. No one even questions that since it happens in every game. Here’s where things diverge a bit.
Germany stacked the crud out of Karelia.
- Infantry, Armor from W. Europe
- 2 Infantry from Belarus
- 2 Infantry, Armor from E. Europe
- Armor from Balkans
- 2 Armor from Germany
- 3 Infantry from Norway
He had a single defender to stop a blitz of Arkhangelsk. It missed. So Germany had 8 Infantry, 5 Armor in Karelia effectively stopping any British reinforcements from landing in Arkhangelsk and surviving to see another day.
Meanwhile, the German fleets broke up. Submarine from SZ 5 to SZ 3 (Stops bring AA Guns to Russia too); Submarine from SZ 12 to SZ 8 (Stops invasion of W. Europe), Submarine, Destroyer from SZ 5 to SZ 7 (Because I can and allies seem to go mentally insane when you threaten a fleet unification, throwing away perfectly usable air units for worthless ships.)
Japan followed this with a pretty standard build on Round 1. (I never advocated buying bombers with Japan round 1, that was A44. I happen to like to wait for round 2 since by that point, I have transports roaming around getting infantry off islands and I don’t need to build ground units since I have no method of transport anyway.)
Japan hit Pearl light getting out with only the loss of a submarine. SZ 59 was cleared again without loss. China was taken without loss as was Buryatia. (India was ignored this time.) I didn’t take Hawaii round 1 because I gave the bid to Germany instead. Normally I would have taken Hawaii as well since this drops America by 3 fighters before they get a turn, which I feel is significant. (Bid would be Transport in SZ 50 to bring the extra two men and then you’d have to go Pearl Heavy so you can have the fighter to assist. For those counting, that would be 3 Infantry, Armor, Fighter vs 2 Infantry, Fighter.)
Russia scrambled to get his troops online. Germany decided to go with the 3rd bomber and unified the fleet in SZ 13. (Submarine, Destroyer, Transport, Battleship.) The other submarines were sunk, allies unified in SZ 8.
From here on out, Russia was bombed by no less than two bombers per round, averaging about 4 IPC in damage each. Germany lost the first bomber on round 5, 2 bombers on round 6 (Germany had purchased one this round which was placed in Germany to be used later) but Russia fell on Japan 6.
Japan after round 3 had 3 bombers going as well.
I mention this game today, because I was talking to my buddies about the AA Gun defense. They tried it. They ended up finally getting the British gun to Caucasus on Round 3, it was captured on Round 4. The Russians built two guns on Russia 3 so they could have a gun in Kaz and another in Novo. Neither helped. (Primarily because Germany took Caucasus on Round 3 allowing the Japanese to fly over Caucasus with two bombers and the third went to go to combat since Russia is only worth 8 IPC.)
From round 3 onward, Russia never had more than 12 IPC to spend on units. England and America were so desperate to get units to Russia they tried just about everything. They did eventually get off Norway, but not before Caucasus was firmly in Germany’s hands. (At which point, Germany went 100% turtle mode.)
The allies were smart enough NOT to attack the SZ 13 fleet realizing that Russia was in dire straights right away and seeing the SZ 13 fleet for what it was, a distraction to slow the Allies down. (I didn’t really care about Africa, so I did not use the submarine to stop the British from attacking me with their carrier, submarine, transports, and RAF. They didn’t anyway, and I just ended up using the transport to feed units to help take Caucasus faster.)
Now, I am not now, nor have I ever said, this is a game breaking strategy. I am saying it is viable, it does work and it can be done quite effectively.
Furthermore, I am saying that there is no possible way for the allies to win if the Russians start buying AA Guns. Even as little as two guns. They don’t have the cash for it, not once they start getting bombed. And if they don’t get the guns early enough, then they are not worth getting at all. And if they do go for them early enough to make them somewhat useful, then it is too soon for the allies to make up for the lack of units with increased reinforcements.
I’m sorry, I know there are some who really want the Double Down AA Gun thing to be a viable counter. It just is not. You cannot both get the guns in a timely manner AND prevent Russia from falling.