To put it another way, the restriction applies only to placing (mobilizing) new units. It does not apply to moving existing units.
AA50 Rules Errata and Q+A
IPM Integrated Process Management.
Your chart reminded me of it. No harm done.
ok, got something that needs clarifying:
i know that naval units can ignore enemy transports, BUT can enemy transports ignore naval units to land forces? or do they have to be escorted by some combat units so amphibious assault can take place?
i know what the ruling was in revised, but the rulebook is a bit ambiguous sometimes
ok, got something that needs clarifying:
i know that naval units can ignore enemy transports, BUT can enemy transports ignore naval units to land forces? or do they have to be escorted by some combat units so amphibious assault can take place?
i know what the ruling was in revised, but the rulebook is a bit ambiguous sometimes
If there are only defending enemy transports and/or subs in the sea zone, the attacking transports may ignore them and need no escort. If there is an escort of attacking battleships and/or cruisers, they may either attack the defending transports/subs or bombard - they can’t do both.
IPM Integrated Process Management.
Your chart reminded me of it. No harm done.
uh-huh, Integrated Process Management. I was trying to match IPM with a game title but with little success. The farthest I went: P for Pacific. Guess sometimes you just have to think out of the box.
so if i have a loaded transport, i cannot move it into a seazone with an enemy BB and unload?
Not unless something else comes along to kill the BB first.
good good, just being sure
As for Subotai’s diving subs: how about the example I gave? (2 sub attack 1 AC 2 ftr) Are the ftrs allowed to return fire because the subs don’t dive? Or are air units never able to hit subs unless a DD is present? (subs are complicated!)
No, fighters can’t hit subs unless there’s a friendly destrroyer in the battle. The battle is between the subs and the carrier. It doesn’t pay to leave your carriers unescorted in sub-infested waters.
Considering this scenario: in the course of a sea combat, attacker has only fighters left whereas defender has submarines and battleships. It seems battleships are forced to take all hits scored by fighters, and submarines have to sit and watch.
Another thing I would like to double check:“submarine cannot move through a sea zone that contains enemy destroyer.” Is it correct?
Considering this scenario: in the course of a sea combat, attacker has only fighters left whereas defender has submarines and battleships. It seems battleships are forced to take all hits scored by fighters, and submarines have to sit and watch.
Another thing I would like to double check:“submarine cannot move through a sea zone that contains enemy destroyer.” Is it correct?
Yup. It can move into the sea zone, but it has to stop there.
Situation: Bomber carrying a paratrooper, moving into a hostile territory. This hostile territory has an AA gun.
Question: Which one happens first, AA gun fires on bomber with cargo, or the paratrooper jumps off first then AA gun fires?
In unit profile rulebook p.25, it says “This special attack is made immediately before normal combat occurs in the territory containing the antiaircraft gun.” Sounds like paratrooper can jump off first. However, I would like to hear opinions from other. Many thanks.
Since dropping the infantry is done at the end of Combat Movement and AA fire occurs immediately before combat (in the Combat phase), the infantry will be dropped before the AA gun fires, thus it is safe.
Thank you Krieghund.
Though I can image my group may put forward an argument since 101st Airborne Division never had this privilege in Normandy :) But that is another story. Rules are rules, and history is history.
Old question but….if a bomber pick a run and take out a transport in a SZ…can he destroy another transport in another SZ on the same run? I said no to my teamate but i was questioning my self about that one.
Exemple a U.S.A bomber from wake destroy a jap transport in Sz 51 can he destroy the one in SZ 46 too and land in australia? The transports defenseless.
No. A unit can only be involved in one combat per turn. Destroying a transport counts as a combat, even thought it’s defenseless.
I was right then, thank you!
Question: “When shall I collect the bonus IPC for achieving national objectives?”
argument 1: right at the time the national objective is achieved.
argument 2: at phase 7: collect income.The argument was about how many IPC Germany can start with in 1941 setup.
I asked players to collect bonus IPC at “Phase 7: Collect Income”, since this is the only phase that players are allowed collect IPC. According to 1941 setup, Germany starts with 31 IPC. However, Germany is qualified for the 1st national objective right at the beginning of 1941 setup, which will bring Germany extra 5 IPC. I insisted that this 5 IPC is to be collected at Phase 7. Bonus IPC shall be collected at its due time, not to be integrated into the starting IPC.
Having said that, I would like to hear others’ opinion on this issue. Many thanks.
it’s supposed to be collected at the ‘collect IPC’ phase, as quite a few nations start-off with one or two NO’s already achieved
You’re right. Bonus money isn’t added to powers’ starting IPCs. It’s collected along with normal income.
Many thanks tin_snips and Krieghund. You guys are really helpful.
[Thats why they have the double bombing limit, [/quote]
Please explain, the double bombing limit?