• I have just received news that this game should be considered a limited edition.  There may or may not be any future print runs, and if there are they won’t be soon.  If you really want it, get it now!

  • That’s odd. Thanks for the information.

  • Wow thank’s for the info +1.


  • Smite the official messenger-guy  :x

  • Limited Edition means the game will die out.  It will have too since boards will break, people will lose interest, and there won’t be new buyers or new boards. (By boards I include pieces, organizers, boxes, etc).

    Seems to me a rather stupid idea to make it limited edition.

  • If it is a limited edition, then I suggest to everyone reading from this message board to go out and buy a copy of this game now.  Trust me, within 5 years this game will be selling for $200-$300 dollars on ebay.

  • @Cmdr:

    Limited Edition means the game will die out.  It will have too since boards will break, people will lose interest, and there won’t be new buyers or new boards. (By boards I include pieces, organizers, boxes, etc).

    Seems to me a rather stupid idea to make it limited edition.

    I agree.  I can’t understand why they would do this??  What does AH/WOTC have to benefit from making this L.E.?

  • well I guess there won’t be an “interest” in the game if sales are down when the shelves are empty.  Seems to be they put a self-distruct system in place for the marketing department.


  • Yea, that’s what I was thinking.  Stopping the printing of AA:50 is like suddenly deciding not to make any more chess boards. (which would also mean no more checker boards since they have the same board but different pieces.)

    It’s also like the Catholics suddenly deciding that they don’t need to buy Bibles anymore.  Or fish committing suicide en mass by jumping out of the water and into the boats of fishermen the world wide!

    “Hey, buddy, you catch all them fish?”

    “Nope, talked them into giving up!”

  • 1: Is this sure?…I mean Kreig, are you sure about that?

    2: Does i have to wait for selling my other copy of the game…i just received my copy from coolstuff:P

  • @Napoleon:

    1: Is this sure?…I mean Kreig, are you sure about that?

    That’s my information at this time.  As for the future, who knows?  :?

  • Yeah but…do you think that this information is ok?..Is Larry informed?

  • 2024 '22 '21 '19 '15 '14

    Well that’s a little discouraging, though considering that the Chinese manufacturing sector just took a nose dive, I can’t say its all that surprising.

    If we want this franchise to have a real future they need to make a serious investment in a console/PC translation. Not a one trick pony like the Hasbro CD, or an unrelated game like the RTS one, but a for real game engine that has some staying power. This latest rendition really is too complicated to expect a lot of new players to show out for it (people who never played the other boards), so we need some sort of new introduction to hook the youngblood.

    A decent computer/console game is easily 10 times as important for our longevity, as any amount of Anniversary Editions, or new tactical games like Guadalcanal, D-Day and the like. Either that or you need to re-release classic as some sort of Nostalgia deal (like they’re always doing for Monopoly and Risk), and push it really hard. Otherwise we’re going to wake up one day and the only people playing will be the older timers. Recommend Age 25-40? Not really what we need you know :)

    I vote we go digital. Its easier to playtest, modify, and market than the plastic and cardboard variety. And we could still put out the boards once we know that they’re going to be successful (eg once they’ve been tested and well received by our digital crowd.) We need to bring this thing into the Futurama.

  • Recommend Age 25-40? Not really what we need you know :)

    Hahaha good one Black  :mrgreen:

  • It would not surprise me if it was limited edition. But Larry, if you are reading, great work! Best edition yet, all shortcomings aside! :-D

  • I do not believe that making this game a computer/console game may increase the number of person that would play A&A.
    The principal problem of making A&A a computer game is the AI, having a good AI is difficult. So we should rely on human players.

    Personally I think that the best solution would be a browser game with more flexibility than GameTable Online to exploit online communities an forums that are one ofthe great interest in A&A.

  • I agree.  I can’t understand why they would do this??  What does AH/WOTC have to benefit from making this L.E.?

    Easy.  By making A&A:50 limited edition, WOTC is expecting the game will appeal to a select, core audience.  And they’re right.  A&A:50 is aimed towards people who have played A&A, who own it, and who enjoy playing on a semi-regular basis.  We all agreed on it in a recent poll we had: Who does A&A:50 cater to, Veterans or Newbies?

    I would not expect players who have never played A&A to run out and buy the game.  A&A:50 cost $100, and for many gamers that investment is too much.  Chances are they rather have the Classic or Revised edition.  It’s cheaper, the rules are easier to learn, and it’s more easy to find.

    Wizards, like all companies, does what makes sense to them from an economics standpoint.  Sure they could print more copies of A&A:50 and sell them for less, but they could also print less copies and sell them at a higher price.  It all comes down to what makes them the most overall profit.

    Secondly, calling something “Limited Edition” is really a great marketing ploy.  The truth is, we want what we can’t have.  And we love to horde what’s no longer readily available.  By making the game “Limited Edition,” it pushes the customer’s impulses to buy the game now, rather than losing out on it later.  Having something called “Limited Edition” makes us feel special, part of the elite.  I know it’s a selfish way of looking at it, but it’s true.  Also collectors, who may not play A&A too often, can’t afford to pass this deal up.  Isn’t that the same basic premise that they use on Home Shopping Networks?

    Finally, from a manufacturing standpoint, it costs far less to print the game all once rather than have a continuous printing where the same number of copies are printed over time.

  • Moses, and then what about the quality of the miniatures? A serious way of doing a limited edition, celebrative, and high price game in my IMHO is to do it almost perfect, with high quality components and maybe also making a great marketing.
    Wizard would like to have the advantage of the limited edition while accepting low quality level.

  • I was told at the comicbook store where I bought my copy that is was limited edition. She said she heard that from her vendor. That Revised would come back as the main AA.

  • Romulus,

    What about the miniatures?  What you suggested is what should’ve been done, but do you think Wizards/Hasbro/Avalon really cares?  Here’s exactly what they’re thinking,

    Dear Gullible Customers,

    "Starting this year we will be releasing installments of Axis and Allies by theater of conflict.  We will start with the China-Burma theater, followed by Western Europe and the South Pacific… We will conclude with the North African Front, sometime in 2015.  The cost per installment will be $59.99.  The total print run is set at 10,000, so buy now before our inventories are gone.  All marketing will be handled by the chomps at Axis&Allies.org gratis.

    Starting with the South Pacific we will no longer include pieces or dice with the game.  You may order additional copies of the first two installments if you so wish to replace missing/broken pieces.  Your years of support and goodwill mean little to us; we only want your dollars.  Don’t complain, we ARE Axis and Allies.  You are addicted to us."

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