I know. I had it printed for bud. He wants a different map now. Maybe not fond of piece chart in South America ?
Loves the map.
Axis and Allies Classic 10 part series on YouTube
DAAK, I forgot that one and it’s probably one of the oldest…
A nice bridge game to G40 is the anniversary edition. It’s not as overwhelming and games don’t take as long. I mean, G40 is awesome in and of itself, but it’s also a lot to take on all at once.
I think I need to pull out the anniversary edition again and take another look.
There was that 1942 edition as well, but I never played it. And, of course, AA Revised was considered “4th edition” iirc.
I’m not opposed to changing the setup, just not with a bid. As I stated earlier…
“That being said, I’d prefer an updated setup and if indeed the Classic does need a facelift, I wouldn’t be opposed to creating one and offering some kind of PDF to the community.”
Gotta go for now but will check out your DAAK stats as soon as I am able.
I have added another video to my channel on Axis and Allies Classic. This video reviews an alternative allied strategy different from both Don Rae and my own take on how to win as the allies:
The next video will be an axis rebuttal to this strategy.
Constructive criticism is always welcome, of course.
Germany needs a bid of at least 2-3 infantry with RR and 2 hit BB with no naval occupation rule.
Russia builds 8 men
Russia attacks the Baltic probably gets one hit, then SS submerges
In Kariella, you need 2 fighters, 2 either tanks or (defend at 2 units), plus 16 Infantry= 20 units
You can try for playing on the margins with 18-19 units, with 2 tanks in novo with 2 infantry ( idea is the tanks reach most spots) and 7 Inf in Yakut.Germany builds only men, or 3 tanks-rest men
Would you like to play a game by forum?
OoB rules, no bid, RR. You can pick sides.
@Imperious-Leader said in Axis and Allies Classic 10 part series on YouTube:
Germany needs a bid of at least 2-3 infantry with RR and 2 hit BB with no naval occupation rule.
Agree on RR, not with the rest of it.
I’ll take this as a “no thanks”.
So with Naval occupation if you got ships in the sea zone where naval are deployed, that player cannot ever place new units until somebody clears it? How can you be against that? Japan can take the west coast sea zone and USA never has a chance?
In the many recent games I have played against a variety of players in terms of strategy and skill level, I have not yet seen this rule break the game or come close to it.
In what may be my most controversial video yet, I have realesed “Waltzing 'n Sunny Skies: Axis counter-strategies” (in Axis and Allies Classic) on my YouTube channel.
Let me know what you all think.
Also, if anyone would like to play a game of Classic, OoB Rules, RR, no bid, send me a PM!
^ this invitation still stands
The invitation only makes sense under the conditions set by @Imperious-Leader
If you are willing to have the rules be what all of us understood as the real rules to the game (no one played competitively without the “no naval occupation” rule in effect. Had Larry understood the advantage/disadvantage presented in the game from the beginning, he would have said the rules should be Russia Restricted with 2 infantry in Libya (that’s the lightest the Axis should take, I’ve seen 4 bid there and the Allies still have more power).
So, I would play RR (with tech) with 2 extra infantry added to Libya and of course the no naval occupation rule in effect.
There have been tens of thousands of games played online in clubs to prove why that bid is needed. And you and I played and I tried to show why there should be a bid. Of course that was no RR – in that case the bid should be between 17-21 (depending on 2 hit BB’s and things – without 2 hit BB’s the bid is probably 21-24).
The 2 inf in Libya is the only way Germany can hold Africa with any semblance of sanity and try to play in Europe. That’s the reasoning there.
There was a game called “Anzio” where it was no tech and Axis Advantage, and still the regular bid was 9-12. I found that game boring (since I thought tech should be a part of the game) but others truly loved it.
Otherwise, we all played without bids in our day (say, 1984-1998) and realize why the game needs one.
@DizzKneeLand33 glad to see you back!
I’ve evolved my thoughts on the game quite a bit and summarized them in two videos:
and the finale:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxfPFlpbtNoTo summarize, my contention is no bid is necessary if RR, no new industrial complexes, and strict neutral rules are applied. Although between two 10 level opponents reducing Caucasus to four and increasing Ukraine S.S.R. to four is advisable.
I can’t think of a real strategy that involved building a new IC. I would build some sometimes, but that’s because I’m weird and have off the beaten path strategies. But real strategies don’t involve IC’s.
I don’t know what strict neutral rules means. Does this mean no one can ever take one? Again, this doesn’t affect the advantage that the Allies have.
If it’s RR, the balance between Ukraine and Caucasus doesn’t really matter, right?
Let me qualify that. Real allied strategies don’t involve IC’s. Japan can play with IC’s in mind. Which, again, means that your no new IC’s only hurts the Axis.
The British building two industrial complexes on the first turn was found to be just as efficacious as “Spanish Harlem”.
The first video reviews both of these bugs and the second video addresses the fixes using the OoB optional rules except for strict neutrals as you point out. That rule comes from Anniversary and 1942. Correct, it means they cannot be invaded.
Your comment about Japan being hurt by not being allowed to build IC is also address in the video. I feel that at first glance, what you say seems true but the purchase of two transports is as good a purchase if not better. It just removes the nearly automatic win for the Allies via the British two IC build.
omg, seriously, let me tell you, from my own experience, that a 2 IC build for the british is suicide against a good Axis player. Period.