• I have played Australia IC few times in Revised, but has a strange effect in Japanese players. They start doing strange things, aiming all to Australia and losing the focus on other zones. It’s a tricky strat because Australia can fall round 2 if allies don’t take care, but if success, it’s very powerful.

  • @Funcioneta:

    I have played Australia IC few times in Revised, but has a strange effect in Japanese players. They start doing strange things, aiming all to Australia and losing the focus on other zones. It’s a tricky strat because Australia can fall round 2 if allies don’t take care, but if success, it’s very powerful.

    See the australian factory is a better spot since the japanese have areason to go pacific way( austrlai make sjapan more boat relieves russia)
    Don’t do this always surprise him!

  • '10

    Ok, Im going to go against the current here and put my neck out…

    I think a British IC in India is a good idea!

    For the following reasons:

    1. The new territory of Burma gives the UK one turn to fortify the IC before it is attacked by japan, unlike the REV edition where the IC can be taken first turn.
    2. In the 1941 set up, Japan has to many objectives!  With Containing China, attacking the Americans at Pearl and the Philippines and taking the islands of the South Pacific from UK, an all out attack on India is a risk and should it fail… giving the other allies (including UK due to IPCs gained in South Pac Islands) more time to ramp up and deploy.
    3. To avoid the Axis Pincer on USSR, the allies need to keep Japan busy in Asia.  This means diverting her attention to India and thus China (supported by India).  Even if the IC eventually falls to Japan, it may have bought USSR enough time to aid in the destruction of Germany

    I guess we are all just speculating as we dont have a TRUE set-up map…  But I will be giving the Indian IC a go as Britain!

  • Agreed, but only if final setup gives a chance. If you can hold India past J3 as could be done in Revised, it’s very good build IC at India. I hope it will be so, and if it’s not possible, it would be a setback from Revised.

  • I am hoping that there are IC in both India and Australia, but I am not holding my breath.  It would be a good way of insuring that you have fighting in the Pacific.

  • At least USA will need fight the Pacific or this is a sure axis win this time. The doubt is if UK will have a chance of join Pacific or Asia fights. I hope at least Australia IC will be competitive

  • 2007 AAR League

    Finally the final setups are about to be released…1 country/day 10-14 Nov.
    However, the US & China setup didn’t bring any more allied units into the Pac/Asian theatre, so we’ll have to hope for the UK setup to beef up the Allies …

  • Customizer

    Perry where is the link to the final setup. I checked avalon hill and didnt find it there.

  • 2007 AAR League

    IL posted in the general AA50 forum, and the thread is here:


    They drop 1 country definite setup per day. Right now they’ve only done US & China. Tomorrow it is time for Soviet Union…

  • Given that the USSR set up shows 2 AA guns and no Industrial Center in Russia, you really think that the set ups are going to be accurate?  This is a bit ridiculous.


  • i am a bit frightful about how the chinese are set for 1942 i hopefully hope that japan will be buffed up a bit more  ( china has almost twice as many men)

    Also a new thing happened a us bomber in great britian please!

    USA starts with three bombers western + eastern usa and gb (loaded up usa for bombing runs please)  Also i am quite mad that russia has only 1 tank and no fighters i beleive that russia should have 4 tanks and 1 fighter. I might make my own version hopefully i do not anyways (india will be buffed up trust me if this is how it goes india needs to be better or…… usa wont be able to do kgf yes finally moohahahahahaha beet you all i win!!!

  • ^^ :?^^


  • LOL, i am just so happy maybe kgf might not happen i think i am crying :?    no its just my smile that is smiling brightly.

    Now i will play the music of happiness!@!!@!!@!!@!!@!!@!!@!!@!

  • @Atlantikwall:

    Taking into account that bonuses cares a lot in that game I would say that entering the Mediterrannean with the Royal Navy is most necessary as it already prevents an intalian bonus.

    Next, invading France will force the Italians to retake it to prevent a US bonus. Additionally, France is the key to the other italian bonus as Gibraltar is out of reach if UK-navy is in WMD (assuming that axis could take both EGY & TRJ) and important part a german bonus. So in no way the axis could afford to loose France!

    What does all that have to do with the IC in India?

    Well, I think that UK forces are much more needed at another battleground, namely the Med, West Europe and North Africa. Next, the IC in India would be a real target for the Japs. If they concentrate on that, they imho get it very quick. I don`t think you can hold India longer without soviet support.

    Actually I assume the game will be split in three conflicts:

    1. GER vs. Russia
    2. UK vs. Italy
    3. USA vs. Japan (not sure yet, if US may be able to ignore Japan and go for North Africa - on a 15 VC game they propably can)

    And certainly “game” no. 2 (UK vs. Italy) is the one that could be decided first in one way, i.e the fall of Italy.

    Precisely my belief, there will be essentially three different wars going on at once, Italy and the Brits for control of the Middle East and Mediterranean, Germany to try and knock out Russia, and Russia of course trying to survive, and the U.S. fighting Japan to prevent them from taking advantage of the U.K.'s and Russia’s distractions and gobbling up all kinds of territory. However, I doubt that the U.S. could ignore Japan for long, as the Japanese have a vastly superior fleet and if ignored then they could well make landings in the U.S. itself. I would leave the Brits to slug it out in Africa, and hope the Russians survived while I dealt with Japan.

  • After playing 1 game as the Allies, in the 41 scenerio, I believe an IC in India is a must. Japan is way too strong. They are the equal to USA with the NOs.

  • '10


    After playing 1 game as the Allies, in the 41 scenerio, I believe an IC in India is a must. Japan is way too strong. They are the equal to USA with the NOs.

    I agree, and the UK aid to CHINA is a must if that nation is to survive in the 41 scenario.

  • A turn 1 UK factory build will need to be defended with a lot of units from Egypt or TransJordan using the TR in order not to be taken by Jap2.  It looks like it could be tough and thus a weak Africa.

  • If Japan does not want an Indian IC, she can play her J1 so she will always be able to take the Indian IC on J2. Just look at the opening move Imperious Leader posted.

    Of course there are downsides to opening like that, but having India at J2 seems pretty yummy to me.  :wink:

  • @FieldMarshalGames:


    After playing 1 game as the Allies, in the 41 scenerio, I believe an IC in India is a must. Japan is way too strong. They are the equal to USA with the NOs.

    I agree, and the UK aid to CHINA is a must if that nation is to survive in the 41 scenario.

    The funny thing is that China will be toasted before UK can even think on sending that aid. China can be killed J1 in 1941 scenario :-P

  • It sounds more and more like China needs to beefed up a bit to be of any use to the Allies.

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