I am located in Lexington, Ky. Used to play in The Zone when it was online. Have not played since it stopped functionality.
Houston Area Players
HOpe you guys are safe and doing well down there. If you need any support from A&A community, I’m sure I speak for everyone here. let us know if we can help.
just saw the message. None of our group sustained indoor damage only a mass of fire ants everywhere. It was biblical. Thats the only word I can use. Now we wait for the river to subside and hope the levee holds until it drains off. Thanks for thinking about us.
Sean r
We are still looking for more players to join an informal group to play Global 1940 games. I have the nerd cave available and approved by the boss (wife). We are looking mid October to start the next one. Likely start play early Saturday and continue the next Saturday.
Send a PM if you are interested.Sean…
I have family in Houston and make it down there from time to time. I’d love to come and play sometime. I live in Vegas and you guys are welcome to come play and enjoy the area!
Desert Admiral give a heads up next time and we’ll set it up!
bump to the front
I know this thread is old but I live in Houston,TX and have been looking for A&A player groups. If you guys still play or need another player I am open.
Still here in Houston if anyone is wanting to get a game going.
@marc7778 We play Axis and Allies in the Tyler area of East Texas
@marc7778 I’m definitely down for some A&A, in the Houston area as well
I’m in Houston, looking for players too; if any of you all are still around, I’d love to catch a game.
@seancb I’d be interested in playing, if you are still looking.
@seancb I’m in the Houston area as well and definitely looking to play
@motterazo Want to meet up someplace? Maybe Tea and Victory, maybe Tuesday (10-12-21) at 6 PM? Weekends usually would be easier, but this weekend is my wedding anniversary, so it would need to wait a week.
Let me know your thoughts, or email me at jonhuffman1@hotmail.com.
@blueshoejon you’re a smart man. Wedding Anniversaries are important.
Reminds me of the guy that couldn’t go moose hunting one year because he was getting married. We all laughed and said when do you think your Anniversarry is gonna be ?
Could tell by his expression he hadn’t thought it through lol
hey guys just saw this. I’d like to play some time Saturday maybe.
I got a copy of Guadalcanal I’d like to try as well as a Battle of the Bulge game. -
I’ve got all the games so you guys let me know. -
@seancb bump