Joe, What you say is true. We are not OOB. That is why I denote our game,
" AA50 House rules, " and include mention of Sub Stealth.
We do not use Sub detection. Its OOB Automatic detection when a DD is in the Sea Zone. The Sub Stealth only modifies OOB, the fact, you don’t see subs until the DD shows up. OOB rules except, when your submerge, no one sees the sub, until you pop up or a DD shows up in your Sea Zone. This is simple and very powerful.
Your path to attack is hidden. Its how subs operate, ambush attackers.
Though, I like your detection rules. I will present them to the guys and see if we can adopt them. The are very KISS orientated, its hard to get new stuff into our game.
Hell, I try every game to get something in-LOL.
Even if, we did not use this rule, I find subs a useful cheap unit under OOB rules. Especially when combined with airpower. Have you used this combination?
True, We don’t play online, its face to face 4 player games.
Face to Face, its the way the game was designed.
I like the instant interaction of board game play.
I know, Online play would be used by me, if I did not have players readily available.
I could see where management of sub stealth would require a modification of online protocols.
FTF is definitely the way to play :-)
I get the occasional game in, but not as often as I’d like
I like your SUB rules as well, and would agree, they probably do best represent the actual situation
What would be cool, is if online or PBEM games could send the map back and forth, but have your SUBs only seen on your map, but not your opponents (Kinda like the old Milton Bradley game Battleship… “Doh! You sank my Battleship!!!” :-D )
I’m not sure if this is possible though, and hence the alternative.
We have been using this system in Enhanced though and it works fairly well.
I’m just not sure how the lower costs for DDs and SUBs would affect things.
(I should add that we use an Air modifier, so if there is Attacking aircraft present, the detection goes up to 4, and likewise if there are Defending aircraft present (ie. on an AC))
It’s really hard to say for sure how SUBs will be until we know the actual set-up and complete rules (By the way, I appreciate your work on the maps so far). I do feel though, that the automatic detection of all SUBs by a single DD is a true killer of SUB viability. SUBs will basically be limited to a single attack (if that), only to be easy pickings on the following turn.