Rating: 3/10
The Oliver Stone-directed film spans the life of George W. Bush (Josh Brolin) from his years in the Delta Kappa Epsilon fraternity at Yale to his presidency. The movie, while seemingly devoid of a plot, attempts to get inside Dubya’s head. It takes the events of his youth and adolescence and uses them to try and explain his actions today.
Since everyone knows the ending of this story, the movie is about how this man became the 43rd president. It is never clarified, however, whether the film is telling the viewer to crucify him or pity him. What is clear, however, is Oliver Stone really hates Dubya and attempts to portray him in the worst, and most exaggerated, light possible. He’s portrayed as a doofus partying harder than he should (even though he ended up graduating from an ivy league school, so obviously he couldn’t have been a doofus or an exceptionally heavy partyer.) As he gets older, Bush Sr. (James Cromwell) appears as the clear antagonist, jabbing little Bushie (who you can mentally envision as someone viewed as barely competent enough to wear a beanie) Junior every chance he gets.
“Who do you think you are? A Kennedy? You’re a Bush. Act like one!” he says, outlining young Bush’s journey through the entire movie to become the beloved son.
In a more confusing scene, Bush is determined to “get his miles in” after a heavy night of drinking. On his run, the picture blurs and swirls with white light. Bush collapses, and the next scene depicts him attending a Bible study group.
Whether this was the point at which Bush found God, or if Mr. Stone is saying all church goers are drunken louses, or what the purpose was is very unclear. In many scenes like this, Stone’s reasoning fails to come through. The filmmaking is convoluted, and the viewer isn’t sure whether to laugh at the satire or be solemn for the dramatic effect. The only thing clear is that Mr. Stone did not do any fact checking in his slander piece.
The casting for the movie was superb (hence why it has 3 out of 10. Josh Brolin’s performance as the president was good. One can easily see the exaggerated actions of the president in Brolin’s performance. Richard Dreyfuss, on the other hand, was not so good. He is reminiscent of Dick Cheney in physical appearance, but his acting just was not up to his own performance history (Mr. Holland’s Opus and Kippendorf’s Tribe where he demonstrated far superior acting skills).
In the end, the viewer is left leaving the theater in a bewildered state, left stranded to find any meaning at all from this movie.
One has to wonder, with a movie THIS BAD, why Oliver Stone did not push harder to get it released before An American Carol which was a hilarious movie with a very poignant and salient point that everyone in the audience can understand and a moral that everyone could easily identify and incorporate. Honestly, I think my opinion of this movie may have been one or two points higher if I had seen it before An American Carol, but when comparing the two (and both are exaggerations of prominent people, W. portrays Bush Jr. and An American Carol lampoons Mr. Moore) I have to say without any hesitation that if you could only see one of these, then you should go see An American Carol.