• Official FAQ for AA50:


    This thread is for issues directly relating to questions and clarifications on rules for AA50.

    Moderator’s edit: Updated link to the official FAQ - Added ‘and Q+A’ to title

  • The new tech rules, in the AA50 fact sheet says: 4) Increased Factory Production
    Each of your industrial complexes can produce two additional units beyond its listed IPC value.

    Other descriptions (other websites) regarding tech in AA50 says that increased factory production is pr. turn. if it is as the fact sheet version from october 09, then this is useless imo, even if the Increased Factory Production tech is reducing the cost of repearing it by 50%.
    If you can only produce to more units in total (pr IC), whats the point?

  • This is what it says and its straight wording from the rule Manuel:

    4) Increased Factory Production
    Each of your industrial complexes can produce two additional units beyond its listed IPC value. For example, Germany with 10 IPCs can now produce 12 units. Also, when repairing a damaged industrial complex (removing damage markers), you can remove two damage markers at a time for the cost of 1 IPC (half price).

    I don’t see the issue here. Now with this tech the enemy has to do more bombing to prevent you from not being able to place units. Second, as the guy getting bombed, you can repair for one half the cost.

    The fact sheet is updated daily to reflect this. Why even bring up what the information was on day x, then it was corrected by day Y because Y supplants X, so their is no point in bringing up X. The fact sheet is a list of current information of all sources based on what we currently know. Its called a fact sheet to provide what this site has generated by all the minds at work breaking allied code and reporting to HQ. Without it you would have to search hundreds of places when you got to the point where you needed a “cheat” sheet on all the new ideas in one place.

  • One thing I have been dying to know over the past few days: How do powers go about repairing IC damage? Is there a limit to how much you can repair per round? Do the ICs repair before you place units? Etc, etc. Anything ya can give me.

  • No limit on repair as long as you have the IPC. So if your sitting alone in Berlin at 10 IPC and the allies bomb it for 11 or more, then you cant place anything, nor fix it.

  • Official Q&A


    No limit on repair as long as you have the IPC.



    So if your sitting alone in Berlin at 10 IPC and the allies bomb it for 11 or more, then you cant place anything, nor fix it.

    Not true.  The number of units that you can mobilize at an IC is reduced by the number of damage points that it has on it during the Mobilization phase.  Repairs occur during the Purchase Units phase.

    If Germany has 10 IPCs on hand is bombed for 11 points of damage, it can still produce some units.  For example, it can spend 3 IPCs on repair, bringing the damage down to 8 and allowing for the production of 2 units (Germany’s IPC value of 10 minus the damage of 8).  It can then spend the remaining 7 IPCs on one infantry and one artillery and place them during the Mobilization phase.

  • If Germany has 10 IPCs on hand is bombed for 11 points of damage, it can still produce some units.  For example, it can spend 3 IPCs on repair, bringing the damage down to 8 and allowing for the production of 2 units (Germany’s IPC value of 10 minus the damage of 8).  It can then spend the remaining 7 IPCs on one infantry and one artillery and place them during the Mobilization phase.

    yea i guess that’s right. Thats why they have the double bombing limit, so you need to kill 20 IPC to make it impossible to build under a control Germany only scenario.

  • Heres one to add,

    The infantry and bomber must begin their movement in the same territory.  This will be in the FAQ.

    Quote from Krieghund,

  • Clarification needed.

    When a destroyer is present, a submarine loses its unique capabilities regarding movement, submerging, and “surprise strike.”  If all enemy destroyers are destroyed during the course of a combat, do submarines regain their capabilities during that combat?  It would appear that they do, in the area of submerging against aircraft.

    Secondly, do submarines perform “surprise strike” at the start of every round of combat or just the first round of combat?  (Again, if enemy destroyers are present, there is no “suprise strike.”)

  • A second clarification, please.

    May unescorted transports enter a seazone that contains only enemy submarines and ignore them in order to perform an amphibious assault?

  • The rules say that enemy subs have no bearing on your ability to move or attack. You can simply ignore the subs and invade with lone transports.

    However, when subs move they can also ignore naval units (or not). The exception is when they move into SZ that contains enemy destroyer which forces naval combat. So destroyers can block enemy subs, so you may want to buy lots of them to contain enemy subs.

    as far as the first strike option the rules say its on the first round ONLY.

    Also, if you have at least one Destroyer it cancels out that subs first strike option…even  if you have 1 dd vs. 10 subs.

  • A few things to remember:

    tanks can blitz thru a territory that contains an enemy AA gun or factory.

    If your ally builds a additional factory and his home territory is under enemy occupation and the enemy takes the territory that he built the factory in, then you can take that factory and place your units in that factory as long as his capital is under enemy occupation.

    Planes can move totally independently of the carrier, So the carriers move is no consequence as long as the fighter moves no more than 4 spaces.

    Subs cant move thru SZ that contains enemy destroyers. But the vice versa of this is possible.

    Bombers that have paratrooper capability can still attack, but no SBR. Also, both the infantry allocated for Paratrooper must start with the bomber and the drop is in the first enemy land zone entered.

    Seems to be some issue on sea invasions and the rules regarding attackers ability to retreat. To me it seems they can retreat land units.

    Kwangtung can be occupied by the Chinese, but UK gets the IPC and its not counted as a Chinese territory.

    The US fighter that starts in China can never be rebuilt or placed. NO other units can enter China, but can enter Manchuria, Kiangsu, or Kwangtung. So the Soviets can capture Manchuria and UK or USA can place air units or whatever in that space.

    Placement of fighters: you can place a new fighter built on a carrier ( even an allies carrier) as long as its adjacent from your factory.

    You can only offload into one enemy land territory. No bridging into two enemy territory’s from one transport.

  • Since over here in Holland we are still awaiting our pre-ordered copy we can’t check for ourselves in the rule book, but there is something I don’t understand:


    The US fighter that starts in China can never be rebuilt or placed. NO other units can enter China, but can enter Manchuria, Kiangsu, or Kwangtung. So the Soviets can capture Manchuria and UK or USA can place air units or whatever in that space.

    However, Craig a Yope posted a few pics weeks back and this is a part from that discussion:

    What the bloody hell is that US bomber doing in China.  grin

    It just got done bombing the Manchurian IC.

    This seems to contradict the thing IL wrote here above.

    So the question is: Can allied units (land or air) enter the Chinese territories or not? Or can they only enter Manch, Kiangsu and Kwangtung?

  • The rule book states tanks cannot blitz through a territory with an AA gun or IC, doesn’t it? Top of page 16.

  • You can move as many Allied units into China as you’d like.

    You may not purchase American units and place them anywhere in China during Mobilization.  You may fly bombers and fighters over the Pacific and land them in China. But remember, American combat units move and conduct combat independently of Chinese infantry.

    Also, America may not place an industrial complex in China because those territories are controlled by China, not America.

    Chinese units are prohibited from leaving China.  The rules on China make clear which territories Chinese units can enter and control.

  • That is what I used to think as well, but since IL posted something drastically different above I wonder what the rulebook literally says (if said anything at all).  :wink:

  • Official Q&A


    When a destroyer is present, a submarine loses its unique capabilities regarding movement, submerging, and “surprise strike.”  If all enemy destroyers are destroyed during the course of a combat, do submarines regain their capabilities during that combat?  It would appear that they do, in the area of submerging against aircraft.

    Yes.  All abilities cancelled by enemy destroyers are regained if those destroyers are sunk.


    Secondly, do submarines perform “surprise strike” at the start of every round of combat or just the first round of combat?  (Again, if enemy destroyers are present, there is no “suprise strike.”)

    Every round.


    A second clarification, please.

    May unescorted transports enter a seazone that contains only enemy submarines and ignore them in order to perform an amphibious assault?


  • Official Q&A


    tanks can blitz thru a territory that contains an enemy AA gun or factory.

    No, they can’t.


    If your ally builds a additional factory and his home territory is under enemy occupation and the enemy takes the territory that he built the factory in, then you can take that factory and place your units in that factory as long as his capital is under enemy occupation.

    This applies to any IC that’s not in a capital, not just new ones.


    Planes can move totally independently of the carrier, So the carriers move is no consequence as long as the fighter moves no more than 4 spaces.

    Suicide missions are still not allowed, so you have to demonstrate that a plane has a possible safe landing space when you make a combat movement.


    Subs cant move thru SZ that contains enemy destroyers. But the vice versa of this is possible.



    Bombers that have paratrooper capability can still attack, but no SBR. Also, both the infantry allocated for Paratrooper must start with the bomber and the drop is in the first enemy land zone entered.

    Correct.  Also, the bomber must attack the same territory in which the paratrooper was dropped.


    Seems to be some issue on sea invasions and the rules regarding attackers ability to retreat. To me it seems they can retreat land units.

    Yes, in amphibious assaults units coming in by land may now retreat.  Units coming in by sea still may not.


    Kwangtung can be occupied by the Chinese, but UK gets the IPC and its not counted as a Chinese territory.



    The US fighter that starts in China can never be rebuilt or placed.



    NO other units can enter China, but can enter Manchuria, Kiangsu, or Kwangtung. So the Soviets can capture Manchuria and UK or USA can place air units or whatever in that space.

    There is no restriction on Allied units entering Chinese territory.


    Placement of fighters: you can place a new fighter built on a carrier ( even an allies carrier) as long as its adjacent from your factory.

    You can’t place a fighter on an ally’s carrier, but you can on your own carrier.


    You can only offload into one enemy land territory. No bridging into two enemy territory’s from one transport.


  • Do defending submarines fire a “surprise strike” if enemy warships (surface and/or subs) enter the seazone and choose not to ignore them?  (of course, destroyers negate this special ability).

    For instand, a battleship and cruiser enter a seazone that contains an enemy sub.  The battleship and cruiser wish to attack the sub instead of ignoring it.  Does the defending sub fire first?

  • Official Q&A

    Yes.  That’s the hazard of hunting subs without a destroyer - the predator can become the prey.  :evil:

    Of course, the sub can also submerge before any shots are fired.

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