• @Krieghund:


    ok the agreed (for the most part) is A50

    Actually, AA50 is what’s agreed to (for the most part).  I’m not sure when you dropped the second A (we need to include the Allies, whether you like it or not  :wink:).  Whatever it ends up being (and I’m not sure I really care anymore), it needs to start with “AA”, for consistency’s sake.

    I agree Krieghund. Whatever the abbreviation for Anniversary is, it must start with AA for sanity’s sake so that noob’s (like I kind-of am) don’t get confused.

  • So why is the 50 being used again?  I actually had to go dig up the original release date of the game just to make sure I wasn’t going insane or possibly entered some sort of time warp.  :-o

  • Because this is the 50th Anniversary of Larry Harris Games Corperation, I do believe.

  • How about AA5041LHAH2008, and AA5042LHAH2008?    HAHAHA  :lol:

  • @shermantank:

    Because this is the 50th Anniversary of Larry Harris Games Corperation, I do believe.

    On the Avalon Hill website:

    Axis & Allies celebrates 50 years of Avalon Hill games with this Anniversary Edition of the classic World War II strategy board game.


  • Official Q&A


    Because this is the 50th Anniversary of Larry Harris Games Corperation, I do believe.

    Not exactly.  It’s the 50th anniversary of Avalon Hill.

    The reason that I prefer AA50 over AAA or AAAE is that AAA could be confused with Classic or TripleA, and AAAE could be confused with AAE.  AA50 avoids that, while capturing the 50th Anniversary nomenclature (even though “50th” doesn’t appear in the actual title of the game).

    By the way, good to “see” you again, Der Panzinator.

  • Actually it is the 50th Anniversary of Avalon Hill.  You will just depress Larry by making him feel old by chalking it up to him.   :wink:

    I’m actually not sure why there needs to be a designation for the 41 and 42 starting setup either.  Unless you are giving an AAR or want to play a game and need to specify which setup to use it is just unneccessary.  Although its very cool that there is now a 41 setup which appears to be the default since it says so right on the top front of the box.   :-D

  • Sorry. I just made an assumption.

  • Good to see that you are still around Krieghund.  Keeping the fire burning still.
    I’m actually really excited with some of the new changes for this version of the game.  
    I have almost all of the games except for AAG but rarely have the time to play them.  With my kids getting a bit older I now have some built-in game partners.  I’ve actually been able to play Flames of War and some other miniatures games with my 7 year old.  He is very close to being able to play the “big” games soon…   :-D

  • AAD - Axis & Allies Deluxe?

    maybe confusable with d-day : /

    or AAX - also captures the Deluxxxxxe….

    just kind of spouting out possibilities that come to mind since some still seem to not understand the AA50, though I personally liked it.

  • AA50 - don’t know - Korea? - French:Vietnamese war?

    AA40 + AA41 - thats describing it best IMHO

  • @Craig:

    The term “Deluxe” doesn’t apply here.

    Originally, this whole project was just going to be an upgraded version of Revised with new sculpts for units like the UK armor and German fighter, but then things changed and it became a new game under the Anniversary concept.

    Krieghund is right in that there must be an “AA” at the beginning and that the use of “50” is the most succinct way to signify the anniversary part of the title.

    As for the different scenarios and titles to distinguish that, I think that just needs to be spelled out in the title the thread or topic sub-section.  Trying to come up with fancy abbreviations is a bit much.

    Hell, people can’t agree on the standard term for “out-of-the-box” rules or for Wizards of the Coast!


    AAAv does just as well. Its all in preference.

  • AA50

    and for scenarios:

    AA51 AA52

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