• 8-)
    When it comes to strategies, I say, do what you want, but there are some moves that fit under one of two catagories;
    Always do, and Never do.
            by Crazy Ivan

    Player                           Always                                               Never

    R1                          Attack the Ukraine!                                Build either a Sub, bomber, I.C. or Battleship.
                                       Either straffe it or capture it.                                             (EVER)

    G1                       Attack and Capture Egypt.                        Build an Aircraft carrier, all tanks, or more than
                                     Sink the UK ships in the Med.                     one aircraft in any ONE build phase.
                                     Retake the Ukraine.
                                     Take Karilia.
                                     Build a minimum of 50% Infantry
                                             (Every turn)

    UK1                       Counter-Attack in Egypt                           Build an Industrial Complex.   
                                     with everything that can reach.                 Evacuate either Egypt, India, or Australia
                                     Invade Tunisia, heavy.                             without a fight.

    J1                        Sink the USA Fleet                                   Build more than one Industrial complex/turn.
                                    Capture China and Buryatria                       Leave your transports undefended.
                                    Build up to 4 transports, minimum.               Build more than 3 Industrial complexes per game.

    USA1                    Invade/reinforce Tunisia                              Build a Battleship!
                                   Build 3 transports, 3 armor
                                   and an Infantry, place all in
                                   Eastern USA+ move the 2 Inf
                                   from Central USA to Eastern USA.

    All else after that is up to you depending on what your opponent does, and how well they do it.
    But if you follow these few rules on the first turn, you will avoid a quick death at the very least.
       Good luck, and good hunting! :wink:

  • I sure hope Amon Sul doesn’t see this. He does A LOT of what you suggest to never do.  :-P :lol: j/j Amon, j/j.  Builds a whole bunch of ICs with Japan, builds a battleship or two with the US, buys an AC and fighter, sometimes on the same turn. But in the end, he still manages to win!  :-o :-P

  • You just got yourself another smite

  • :lol:
    How did you know that my globe is bigger than yours?
    Oh ya, your in my shadow!

  • You should read the UnBaltic strategy (officially CSub paper #18). Landing in Tunisia (Algeria) round 1 isn’t as safe as it used to be. If the Baltic fleet runs on G1 (and especially if the Med fleet goes west), a UK1/US1 landing at Alg can meet white-hot death in a hurry.

  • :roll:
    The German fleets can be picked off piecemeal before they can combine their strengths, if they both run west that is.  Still, luring all the Luftwaffe and Kriegsmarine out to do battle, just decreases their numbers earlier than later.

  • @Adlertag:

    You just got yourself another smite

    At first I was gonna say “Adlertag you beyotch, why you smitin that poor boy”.  Then I read the OP.

    You knoes, I smite him too, lolz.  Me am laff so hard lolz Crazy Ivan I broke my gramir and speling.

    I blame u!  crayzivan!

  • '19 Moderator

    I think if you do the exact same thing every game you are setting your self up for a preplanned counter.

  • “Always” means like everytime right?

    Russia:   Ok, so where to start. Russia r1 ukraine attack. i am in favor of this. But i disagree with the always part. Belorussia/West Russia. Or simply stacking W. Russia are acceptable alternatives.

    germany: Agreed u need egypt. I agree the battleship in the med must die. I dont think the dd in the med “always” has to die. If u placed bid units in africa to take egypt, and decided to move the med fleet west and take gilbralta, i dont like using only af on the dd.

    UK: Do you counter egypt even with no chance to retake? say 3 tanks, 2 inf? Wouldnt it be better to gather forces to put up a better fight?

    Japan: Pearl is a must? If russia stacks bury, Uk builds an IC in india, or the UK navy gives multi targets, i think there are very good reasons to avoid a pearl attack.

    USA: Umm. so why must i buy 3 transports and 3 armor round 1 “ALWAYS”? What if germans have bought navy and our looking to unite? Shouldnt i get an AC? Can i buy inf instead of tanks? Why do i have to move the 2 inf to eastern usa “ALWAYS”? Can’t i move them to western canada in plans on shipping from eastern canada?

    All in all, i dont think there are that many “ALWAYS” moves in this game. Always is a pretty absolute concept.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Hello CrazyIvan!
    All in all I agree with most of your Always:es & Never:s.
    Of course , if they really were Always:es & Never:s , then I would agree with all of them , but … :-)

    Nice reading , and thanks for a job well done  :-)

  • '19 Moderator

    Also if you counter Egy with every thing don’t you weaken India?

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    I happen to enjoy the UK IC in S. Africa.  It’s very strategic, hard to topple, and really annoys Germany without diverting the entire American navy to the task of liberating Africa.

    Also, many players like the German Aircraft Carrier (I think it’s stupid you’ll just lose it and anything you build with plans to lose is not wise IMHO).

    America can use some battleships.  20 IPC is not too much to invest if you are going to kill Japan.  Though, I personally prefer 2 Carriers and a fighter, that does not mean I won’t go a battleship strategy (where America ends up with something like 2 carriers, 4 fighters, a couple/few submarines, transport and 13-15 battleships with maybe a destroyer or two.)

  • :roll:
    A few good responses so far. I will address most of them later, but suffice it to say, these FIRST TURN suggestions will keep you out of more trouble in the long run than trying some of the other hair-brained ideas that others are spouting.
      Flexibiity is a cornerstone to any axium, and players of A@A know this all to well. My ideas are still flexable enough in round 2 to still keep any player out of trouble.
    USA needs a carrier or BB, build them in round 2.
    UK wants an IC, build it in round 2, when you know it is safe.
    Russia wants to hold the line at the caucuses, do it in round 2, after reducing the German front line troops in round one.
    And Jen has obviously run out of the good stuff and is hitting the Vanilla now. :-D

  • There is enough good in Ivan’s suggestions for basic cases, still too rigid.

    1R To strafe Ukraine with less than full power is the worst, enduring the fighter’s defensive fire without destroying it.
    Taking it (or attempting seriously) yes, withdraw if not enough forces remaining yes (say 2ftr vs 1tnk 1ftr).
    West Russia is the MUST in any case. Just because 6inf 1art do not have anything else to do ;-) On top of WRU, then Ukraine or Belo are reasonable choices.

    1G take Egypt and clear Med yes. Clear Ukraine yes, to try lightly if reasonable (2inf 1tnk 1ftr vs 2tnk) but to hold NO, likely impossible.
    Hold Karelia, yes, if survivable. Russia can make it a dead zone (say 7inf 1art 2tnk survive in WRu and build 3inf 3tnk)

    Later builds: mostly inf, yes. Short impulses of all-tanks can be decisive added to earlier inf waves, and if Allied coastal threats are tolerable. More fighters can also be good in some combinations.

    1UK counterattack Egypt yes, if enticing enough (up to 3 tanks). The Borneo amok is still not bad.
    1UK+1US group to Algeria (not Tunisia, not an A&A area) yes, if no overwhelming air+fleet in range. Not if GE 5ftr 2bmb vs 1btl 1des 4tra 1sub.
    Evacuating India can be a necessity, better than losing it with troops and AA too. AA helps enough Russians.

    1J the stated combination (Pearl, China, Buryat) is suicidal against the maximum of each.
    Building 2 IC instead of 3 tra can be a forced necessity if enough (UK) naval threats survive nearby.

    1US building 3tra 3tnk 1inf is too Germany-oriented, a Japanese fleet threatening Canada makes it a catastrophic mistake. Even 3tra 3art 2inf is too troop-thin.

  • :roll:
    Ukraine on R1: Russians only really need to eliminate the ground troops, then pull back their tanks to the Caucuses for
                         use later. It is nice to kill that fighter, but at what cost? If the russians have 3 tanks and an artillery left,
                         facing the lone fighter, then retreat and salvage your units for future attacks. But if you have just a
                         couple taks left, what the hell, finish off the fighter, gain 4 IPC, and hope you get a kill when the germans
                         counter attack.

    Karilia on G1:  I never advocate going heavy into Karilia on G1. Blitz it with an armor as you go to reinforce Norway for all
                        I care. just get the points for it is all I’m saying.

    German all tank builds: I’m still going to advocate that this is a bad idea, but I confess that there will come a point in the
                                 game when you will know that to build as many tanks as you can is probibly a good idea, I do it with
                                 Japan quite often :wink:

    Yes Algeria not Tunisia. I was looking at the map in my head, when I wrote my Thesis of Always/Never, sorry folks, I hope
                                  I didn’t cause anyone to get hurt as they ran to their maps to see where the hell Tunisia is  :-P

    I stick by my J1 Always and Nevers. Just do whatever it takes to counter the UK threats and you’ll be OK.
      Don’t worry, it’ll be OK.

    The USA 1 build is a lot more flexable than it at first appears. If you dsire to go KJF, this fleet can transit the Panama canal in time to join up with the BB, DD, and other transport from the Pacific fleet + a round 2 build of a carrier and whatever other ship you wish to add to the new Pacific fleet in sea zone 54, south of San Diego.(yes, you can build in sea zone 54). But on the first turn, you still had the Axis believing that it was a KGF game strat and they purchased their units and set their strats accordingly. I call it the big switcheroo. :wink:
    Let Japan waste time in Canada, saves russia some time, and space. USA can throw them out by Round 2, 3 at the
    latest. :lol:

  • Let me be more clear.  With some slight changes to CrazyIvan’s post

    R1:  Don’t buy navy or an industrial complex.
    J1:  Build so you have 4+ transports, don’t leave un-escorted transports in enemy attack range

    The rest is c***.  Generally, you want to do a lot of that stuff, but definitely not always, and a lot of that stuff just isn’t at all necessary.  You don’t have to attack Ukraine on R1, you don’t need to kill the UK destroyer north of Anglo-Egypt on G1, you may not be in position to recapture German-held Anglo-Egypt on UK1 - among other things.

    Yeah, you will OFTEN want to do some of those things (I think some of them are just not a good idea), but I would CERTAINLY NOT SAY ALWAYS/NEVER.

  • @The:

    I sure hope Amon Sul doesn’t see this. He does A LOT of what you suggest to never do.  :-P :lol: j/j Amon, j/j.  Builds a whole bunch of ICs with Japan, builds a battleship or two with the US, buys an AC and fighter, sometimes on the same turn. But in the end, he still manages to win!  :-o :-P

    thanks, bud  :wink: 8-)

    what is j.j.  :lol: :mrgreen:

  • Put me down as another that disagrees with most of these ALWAYS and NEVERS.

    For example I can’t even remember the last time I countered Egypt UK1.

    Also I have strategies that are based on quite a few of those NEVERS.

  • :|
    Then these are not for you.
    But for most new players, they will work just fine.
    Read the bottom line.
    I should have stated that this need not apply to the Veteran players who have some rather risker strategies, but to the newer ones who haven’t worked out a good one yet. and these are mostly Round one rules, not later rounds.
    But thanks for responding anyway. :roll:

  • Come on, man, you want to say that W Russia/Ukraine is simpler strat than a W Russia/Belorussia opening?

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