@taamvan said in Axis & Allies and Zombies Q+A:
Many of the effects can be applied separately (move two half stacks of zombies), you could partially move the same stack twice, or move two stacks into the same zone, applying the card text by completely resolving 1 card, then the next.
Please mind that if you got two ‘Move half of the Zs present’ cards and you play them both on the same area then you still cannot move all Zs.
Example: area contains 7 Zs. Card one: you can move 4 Zs. So 3 left. Card two: you can move another 2 Zs.
Just my interpretation but I am pretty sure of this…
OK, I thought about this. And this came into my mind. Back to the 1990s. Back to the famous Axis and Allies FAQ of Peter Goudswaard.
In a brief discussion of where a submarine may withdrawn to this statement is made:
"Note: I personally disagree with this statement from MB, as it
violates a principal that I have noted the spirit of throughout
the rules. **The principal is that "the state of the board at the
beginning of the present turn defines what is legal."** This idea
applies to legal landing spaces and use of canals, even to the point
that, for example, if during the first turn Egypt falls to Germany
and *then* the UK sub south of Turkey is attacked and missed, it
can go through the canal even though Germany has already captured
Egypt. However, I recognize MB as the experts and thus will accept
it, pending further questions -- Dewey Barich."
(I added the **s here. Sorry, turned out BOLD did not work here.)
I always remembered this ‘principle’. So if we apply this to the great-grandchild of Axis and Allies Classic, AAZ, one can argue that the ‘half of the Zs’ part refers to the situation of an area AT THE BEGINNING of the turn. So then you can argue, OK first cards let you move half of the Zs that were in that area at the start of the turn (no difference with my interpretation above). But then the second card also allows you to move half of the Zs that were inh that area AT THE BEGINNING of the turn. So that would mean you could move all Zs by playing these two cards.
BTW: Does anyone remember these FAQs by Peter Goudswaard?
(Link to FAQ: https://mozai.com/writing/house_rules/a%26a.faq.txt )