@CWO-Marc said in A List of "Games" that are Axis & Allies Expansions in Disguise:
@Midnight_Reaper said in A List of "Games" that are Axis & Allies Expansions in Disguise:
- American Units
- German Units
- Japanese Units
- Russian Units
This is to expand on your entry for Engage, which lists four unit groups: American Units, German Units, Japanese Units, and Russian Units. There are actually six groups, the two others being the British and Italian ones. I bought one of each of these sets when they were published in 2010 by Table Tactics. They were originally intended to serve as supplementary pieces for A&A, but more sophisticated and realistic than TT’s earlier A&A-based products; later, they were repackaged as the Engage game you mention.
So, I listed the Americans, Germans, Japanese, and Russians as expansions to Engage, which comes with the British and Italians in the box. I was unaware of those units being sold separately from the main Engage game. I can certainly add those as options, thanks for letting me know. (Of course, now I want to know more about the timeline from the making of those units to the making of the game of Engage.)
Regarding those earlier TT products, which are listed in one of your other threads on this topic (Axis and Allies Accessories, Axis and Allies Central Powers, Axis and Allies New Edition Color, and Axis and Allies New World Order), TT also produced a couple of related games (Cromwell 2026 and Risk 2042) which used some of those A&A units (the ones from New World Order, if I remember correctly).
I thought that I had listed Cromwell 2026, I guess I missed it. It certainly does belong on the list.
As for Risk 2042, it falls in an odd category. It’s an expansion for Risk, but it also can be used as an expansion for Axis & Allies. But not out of the box. It has some units in common with New World Order, but some units in Risk 2042 aren’t in New World Order and some units that are in New World Order aren’t in Risk 2042. I mentioned it in passing under the Milton Bradley-era expansions as “New World Order (and sort-of A&A Expansion: Risk 2042)”
What units are in which? Check out pictures below to better understand:
New World Order:
From top to bottom: two tanks (M1 Abrams-style), three APCs (M113-style), one helicopter (Mi-24 Hind-style), one jet fighter (F-16-style), and one hovertank.
Risk 2042:
From top to bottom: two tanks (M1 Abrams-style), one helicopter (Mi-24 Hind-style), four gun trucks (Humber-style, referred to as such by the expansion rules), one MRL (M-270 MLRS-style), and two hovercraft.
So, we have tanks and helicopters in both, APCs and jet fighters only in New World Order, Humbers (a type of gun truck) and MRLs only in Risk 2042, and hovercraft as the both and neither category. New World Order has hovertanks and not hovercraft and Risk 2042 has hovercraft and not hovertanks (you can tell them apart, but it can be difficult to do so), but some people just throw them together and call them all hovercraft (as that is easier).
So, is Risk 2042 a separate expansion for Risk, a separate expansion for Axis & Allies, both, or just an extension of the ideas in New World Order? I say that it’s an expansion for Risk that can be used to modern-style pieces into a game of Axis & Allies, but that’s just my opinion. It seems I will need to flesh out the differences in the future.