How would a guy under a pile of cops hurt anyone? He wasn’t even on PCP.
I think CC covered this, should they sit on him for 10 minutes? 20? 2 hours?
Actually, there has been much debate about not only the lethality of a taser, but also the excessive employment of them. People have died from being tased, there are records showing that cops are more likely to use the taser since it is considered nonlethal.
I don’t know how the laws are inother places, but in AZ you can’t use “less than lethal” on someone unless it has been used on you. In other words the cops here have all been tazed and pepper sprayed. They know exactly what it does and how it works.
Unfortunately, we can’t just silence what we don’t want to hear. A discussion must include even the fringe arguments that are unlikely.
Yeah we can. You may have freedom of speech, but I also have the freedom to tell you to be quiet if I don’t want to hear it in my house. I can hold my hands over my ears, mI can turn off the TV/Radio. And if you’re on my property I can tell you to shut up or leave.
What could possibly be more to the story? You can see everything from start to finish on the video.
Of course there’s more to the story, unless you were there, you don’t know what was happening outside of the camera view.