• 2007 AAR League

    i like everything from the 80’s.  but metallica is definitely the best.

  • http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=v0HF6RFjOKY&feature=related

    forget music this is what we need on TV back in the 80’s

  • I haven’t seen Dirty Work in forever.

    Here is an awesome 80’s song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lqUPApCUt90

  • '19 Moderator

    LOL, there’s a plumbing company in town that managed to get that number in Phoenix 602-867-5309 and they use it in their comercials on the radio.

  • '19 Moderator

    By they way you guys aparently lived a diferent part of the 80s than me.

    Van Halen, Def Leppard, Dire Straits, AC/DC, Rush, Iron Maiden, Judas Priest, Motley Crue, Ozzy, Tom Petty, Pink Floyd and of Course Metalica.  I still have all of these bands on my Ipod.

    You won’t find any gay crap like wham or bon jovi…

  • 80’s music was good.

    Nice list dezrtfish

  • you forgot Blue oyster cult, and Emerson, Lake, and palmer

  • Night Ranger is missing too (and I am NOT talking about Sister Christian).

    Charlie Sexton rocked… some awesome guitar riffs.

    And sorry, but you left AC/DC off your list…
    and Quiet Riot…

  • 2007 AAR League

    You also forgot Styx, REO Speedwagon, Guns N’ Roses, Don Henley, John Fogerty, Genesis, and it’s offshoots Phil Collins and Peter Gabriel (arguably the most talented singer/songwriter in the 80’s).

    I agree with your list with a few notable exceptions, fish.

    AC/DC, Floyd, and Rush did their best work in the 70’s, by far.

    And Ozzy sucked after he left Sabbath. It irritates me to no end that such a genius could so completely roll over and pump out cookie cutter garbage after being in one of the most defining rock bands of all time. The drug binges definitely took their toll.

    Here’s a love song for you. Ties in with another thread currently being discussed. UP THE IRONS!


  • Pink Floyd may have done their best work in the 70’s, but Roger Waters Radio KAOS was an excellent album (especially when stoned and listening to it on CD on repeat…  the Morse code at the beginning and the end just wraps around and you start all over…

    And you can’t mention the 80’s and leave off Billy Idol…

  • Nice List DF,
    I’ll add a few more nice list.

    Here’s a few more: Slayer, Guns n roses, The Smiths, The Pixies, The Clash, Kiss, Dead kennedy’s, The Ramones, Red Hot Chili’s…

  • Kommander, if you add Black Flag to your list, I would have to list you more as a Punk fan…  :wink:

    “Who’s got the 10 and a half?”

  • @Der:

    Nice List DF,
    I’ll add a few more nice list.

    Here’s a few more: Slayer, Guns n roses, The Smiths, The Pixies, The Clash, Kiss, Dead kennedy’s, The Ramones, Red Hot Chili’s…

    Best list in thread, minus Guns n Roses who annoy me to no end.


    “Who’s got the 10 and a half?”

    Hell yes!

    Also I would add Descendents to my list:


    Im pretty sure about 1/3 of what i listen to is 80’s punk/hardcore.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Take the skinheads bowling, in your…… bitchin’ camaro.

    Yes, Switch, I completely forgot Billy Idol. The 3 leather clad dancers in the “white wedding” video always brighten my day when I see them  :-).

  • Truth be told, I have VERY screwed up music taste.

    I kept my cassettes arranged in alphabetical order.  The first two groups were ABBA and AC/DC…

    The Alan Parsons Project is by far my favorite group (by far some of the BEST instrumentals ever done… not surprising since Alan Parsons produced Dark Side of the Moon…).  I own every single album they have ever done (I bought my first CD player due to them not releasing their albums after Ammonia Avenue on cassette)

    I have my radio in my office at work tuned to the Classical station (I love me some Wagner!)

    In my CD changer in my car I have Witness (an awesome late 80’s 1-album band with Debbie Davis doing lead vocals), Kansas, Billy Idol, Hoobastank, Golden Earing and Regina Specter.  (now THAT is screwed up!)

    I have a serious fetish for strong and distinct female vocalists (Kim Carnes, Kim Wilde, Stevie Nicks, Bonnie Tyler, Jamie O’Neal, etc.)

    And when I am youtube surfing I often bring up Avenue Q or Wicked musical tunes… (The Internet is for Porn!)

    Did I mention that I also like Waylon Jennings and Hank Williams (Sr.)?

    As I said… completely screwed up…


  • 2007 AAR League

    everyone’s brought up great bands.  what happened to music nowadays?

  • @balungaloaf:

    everyone’s brought up great bands.  what happened to music nowadays?

    I think new bands play guitar like Mike Tyson speaks english.  Very Broken
    They learn 4 or more open pos. chords and then play strum all six strings anyway.  :|

  • Speaking for myself…

    Rap would be the biggest detriment to modern music.  Modern R&B has NOTHING to do with classic R&B.

    And Pop has again been dragged into oblivion, perhaps even more severely than it was during Disco.

    There are a few groups out there doing some half decent stuff (Hoobastank mentioned above, I also like a couple of White Stripes tunes…) but by-and-large the only folks BUYING music today are buying trash; and the labels are controlled by either Disney “artists” or gang-bangers.

    Music is on a cusp again, like it was circa 1981.  The current era has done all that it can, and each “new” song is only a rehash of what went before.  EVERYONE is waiting for the next Van Halen so that music can “run with the devil” again for a while and grow into something other than the current TRASH.

    And you know… it is really SAD that the most trite Hair Bands of the late 80’s had more originality and more SKILL than anything currently aired on Top 40 stations today.  It is enough to make me ALMOST long for a return to Bow Wow Wow…

    At LEAST they had a good hook…

  • Rap started off with a powerful message but now that 80% of gangster rap is purchased by suburban white kids (that is an actual statistic, not me ranting) it doesn’t really have any meaning anymore. A suburban kid can’t even imagine what life in the inner city is like. Rappers aren’t individuals from the ghetto anymore, they live in splendor and also have no concept of how life in the inner city is like.

    hip hop always sucked, and always will suck. Especially since hip hop artists take all the credit and don’t give any to their musicians.

    Rock has been severely mutilated by pussy bands like Fall Out Boy, Blink 182 and Green Day. More emphasis is put on the singing than the instruments now, which has lead to every teenage girl from Connecticut to California starting to like rock bands because the singer is “hot”

    Heavy Metal and Hard Rock is even better than before thanks to bands like Avenged Sevenfold, Atreyu, Godsmack, Breaking Benjamin, and Red.

    Just my $0.02

  • @M36:

    Rap started off with a powerful message but now that 80% of gangster rap is purchased by suburban white kids (that is an actual statistic, not me ranting) it doesn’t really have any meaning anymore. A suburban kid can’t even imagine what life in the inner city is like. Rappers aren’t individuals from the ghetto anymore, they live in splendor and also have no concept of how life in the inner city is like.

    hip hop always sucked, and always will suck. Especially since hip hop artists take all the credit and don’t give any to their musicians.

    Rock has been severely mutilated by pussy bands like Fall Out Boy, Blink 182 and Green Day. More emphasis is put on the singing than the instruments now, which has lead to every teenage girl from Connecticut to California starting to like rock bands because the singer is “hot”

    Heavy Metal and Hard Rock is even better than before thanks to bands like Avenged Sevenfold, Atreyu, Godsmack, Breaking Benjamin, and Red.

    Just my $0.02

    Sooooooooooooooooo Effin’ True.

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