Here’s my suggested setup for Dutch, Belgian, and Luxembourgish (Benelux) units. I decided to make the three countries into one power, since their capitals are in the same territory (Holland Belgium). This setup is based on the historic order of battle for Benelux troops after the German invasion, as well an attempt to not unbalance the game too much.
Benelux begins the game in control of all Dutch territories, as well as Belgian Congo (subtract 1 IPC from UK Europe). They move after France’s turn. Benelux acts as a conquered nation (like France after G1), and thus it does not collect income. Allied nations can liberate Benelux territories, and collect their income. Should the Allies liberate Holland Belgium, Benelux may collect income as a normal nation. Benelux has no National Objectives.
Historical Board Gaming has orange pieces that can be used, as well as roundels. The only pieces they’re missing are submarines, and AAA guns. Both of which can be purchased in white, and then painted orange.
After testing it out, I’ve made some minor adjustments, including additional Axis units to offset the disparity of allied units.
DUTCH SETUP (Updated 5/29/2019
United Kingdom: 1 Infantry
Scotland: 1 Artillery
Suriname: 1 Fighter
Belgian Congo: 1 Infantry
Sumatra: 1 Infantry
Java: 1 Infantry, 1 Artillery, 1 Tank, 1 Fighter
Celebes: 1 Infantry
Dutch New Guinea: 1 Infantry
Seazone 39: 1 Destroyer
Seazone 42: 1 Destroyer, 1 Cruiser, 1 Transport
Seazone 56: 1 Submarine
Marianas: 1 Infantry
Formosa: 1 Infantry
Hainan: 1 Infantry
Marshall Islands: 1 Infantry
Siam: 1 Tank, 1 Fighter
Sea Zone 6: 1 Transport
Sea Zone 19: 1 Submarine
Sea Zone 36: 1 Submarine, 1 cruiser
Sea Zone 76: 1 Submarine
Norway: 1 Artillery, 1 Tank