Hi everyone,
I’m an old player use to the 1984 version and i’ve just get E40 & P40 tadammm (used 1st Ed) :-D . And i remembered that this forum exist so i came here for advice on rules, houses rules and strategies.
I’ve read all the topics in the Pacific 1940, Europe 1940 and Global.
It is a little bit like jungle here !!!
There’s a lot of setups (1st, 2nd, alpha 2 and 3) and and cool house rules (vichy France and Canada to name a few).
I want to know wich setup and wich rules you like the most. Please be kind with me and
other new player and post your answer in this format, so i can compil and follow your advice to make a more balanced game. If you want to reffer to an already discuss topic, just put the links in the appropriate section.
Always remember that i have a first edition game !!!
Wich setup you take ? Just name it and modifications if you have made some
Exemple : i use alpha 3 setup with minus one french inf in France and one more ANZAC in Egypt.
Make the set you use plus modifications.
No new ic, Vichy France, Canada, no Tech etc.
If a special rules nas already been discussed, just put the link of the topics.
Why you play A&AG40 like this and what’s the average game time and the % of axis wins and allies win.
A great Thank to respect the proposed format and to be brief and precise (i want facts not idea, this one will come later :wink:). This will be easier to make my idea about it and maybe help other new players too.
Also a big thank and cheers to all the people that made this game better and funier year after year !