Great looking stuff! Hope it works out to be a great game.
AARHE 1939 Pictures ( of actual printed map with pieces)
Wow, that map looks incredible. Is this a map that you came up with for your own games? Or were you inspired from another source? It definitely would make for a lenghty game, but full of so many more possibilities.
No its based on an interpretation of Revised in a historical setting. Its also a combination of AAE/AAP and a version of what to expect from the Axis and Allies Delux project that will be released in a few years.
All the AAR rules have been filtered into what was actually possible from historical/realistic standpoint. Things like defender retreats are allowed for example.
I like how you have all the different territories that actually played a part in WWII, giving it more realism. I am looking forward to Axis & Allies Delux already and hope it will be a big and engulfing set.
more pictures from convention.
Nice pics
where do you get your miniatures for the additional units i see in your games? Also what scale should I buy to use along side my revised axis and allies pieces?
Those are old glory miniatures painted with national color bases. I am assembling a totally painted set of metals and those are some of the infantry. Armor is under review, followed by air and naval.
infantry 15 mm or HO scale or 1/87- 1/72
Armor 1/285
Air 1/700
Naval 1/2400 -
You should stay away from the GHQ-stuff then, since the tank barrels bend
I did once i found skytrex. I like the GHQ halftracks and destroyers, but thats it.
You only get a discount if you order more prints. otherwise its $12.00 Sq foot. If it was a smaller map the rate is $16
Color printing can get real expensive. Especially with larger maps
yeah its expensive so I settle for A4 tiles for my maps
A0 print $80.00, shop
A4 print $1.50, hometiles alignment is annoying
but I try to look on the bright side, its modular
(for repair or update, easy travel) -
I am just curious why we can’t post photos to this site??
you can just goto mediafire and upload the image and post the link
I guess the real question is that in order to view the images we have to download the image instead of viewing it here online and for some of us at work, we can’t download, so we can’t view the image in real time anyways.
I was just wondering if there is somthing in the host for this website which does not allow us to view and/or upload images to the Reply boxes itself??
Right you cant have image posted directly w/o a link. We don’t need porn on this site so we decline to allow this type of situation from developing