• I’m not sure if the politics thing is how it would work.  Even AA50 starting in spring 1941 is a sort of “what if” where things start off a bit earlier than they did.  I’m sure a 40 or 39 scenario would be the same with no politics.

  • I would think with a 1940 scenario you would have extra political rules or at least restictions on country entry

    my objection to a 39 scenario is that nothing happened that year worth simulating.

    another good date is 1950/ Korean War gone global deal. you could use most of the same peices too, just get some F86 Sabre peices for the allies and mig-15s for the soveits, plus maybe m26,m46s for allied tanks and some b-29 bombers

    In any of these scenarios it would also probably require some editing of the map to make it good.

  • The most important issue when making a map/scenario/game which starts before the usual setups in A&A, is to play out different possible outcomes of the war, setting different premises than the usual ones. In the 41 setup in AA50 Germany and Russia is already at war, we cannot make other changes, then we’d make another game, not only house rules. Same goes for Germany and UK, no player can choose not having a war between UK and Germany in 41.

    The point of designing a map or scenario which starts in 1939 or 1940 is to make it possible for Germany to not attack Russia, at least not until later, or to Join Russia against UK, or Germany joins UK and goes against Russia. A possible setup with mostly defensive units which makes it suicide for both Germany and Russia to attack each other in the beginning of such a scenario, they’d have to build offensive units first. If Germany went all out against UK in the real WW2 they might have taken UK out of the “game” so to speak.
    Or a possible scenario in which Germany and Russia makes an alliance, and conquers all the land the can until there are only two powers left, Germany and Russia, which then goes to war to settle once and for all who shall rule the world.

    US is the single most powerful nation in any scenario, at least should be, but if all other territories are captured by other powers, then US will not be the strongest anymore, at least not if two or several powers makes a join venture in the prospect of removing the US as the superpower to become, once and for all. The conquest for global supremacy can take many different directions.

  • that sounds like a blueprint for a very interesting game Subotai

    what if you hap a 1940 setup, where it was free for all but with historical victory conditions

    must control eight vicotry cities

    Russia must control eight vicotry cities

    Germany/italy(still one player) must control london

    Britain must control Germany

    Japan must conquer all of china/asia

  • or he could make a totally fictional war between X and Y! but using the same rules as Axis and Allies (for combat, movement, IPC-buying units, etc)


  • I think that a '39 scenario with politics would be biased toward the Axis for one simple reasons: it allows them to manage their threats. If Germany and Japan would’ve taken on their threats one at a time they wouldn’t have had to deal with having so much on their plate. If Germany had worried about the UK before they worried about the USSR, and if the Japanese would’ve finished off China before going after European colonies the world would be a much different place.

  • Yes but if Gemrnay had not invaded the USSR in 1941 it might have been Germany that was being invaded in 1942

    and in axis and allies even with the allies at war with japan china is almost completely destoryed on the first turn

  • @crusaderiv:

    Hey Turtle.

    I do it by myself.
    1939 world at war game.
    I can send you you pictures by email…

    Sorry for the late reply.  Yes, I’d like to see your '39 scenario.  I try no to give out my e-mail, though.

    Try posting pictures through Mediafire .com  That way, everyone can see them.  I’m not familiar with the site, though.  Best to ask Imperious Leader.  He posts tons of pics.

  • use www.mediafire.com for uploading pics its the easiest way to do this.

  • Hi Turtle

    Me too, i’m not familiar with media fire.

    Anyway, I’m going to send the picture of my gameboard to captain jack.
    C.Jack might be able to give his feeling.

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