@Timothy-Gengarella the lightning war ability only provides an extra combat and non combat phase; Germany doesn’t get a whole second turn.
Specialist Infantry on the build charts..
Hi all,
So looking over the nations again for the 42nd time I saw something I haven’t before.
Specialist Infantry header has a *Build Limit: 2 per turn.
I couldn’t find any troop with a * next to it so assuming it applies to all the troops in the Specialist table.
At first I took it to mean only two troops from the various classes can be built. Then I questioned that doesn’t make sense as some of them have a limit built into the troop notes like SNFL Marine or US Elite Marine is limited to two per turn. It wouldn’t have that duplication if only able to build two troops from the table.
Which leaves only two different type of troops from the table can be built in any one turn.
So no building a Airborne, Marine, Moutain Infantry, and Elite Marine in the same turn……have to pick only two types to build.
Example: US wants to build 2 Elite Marines, 4 Marines, and 1 Moutain Infantry. But it can’t because it can only build two of the three types.
Or is it truly saying only 2 of each type of troop can be made…forget the ones that have specific limits for the troop type. (British Colonial troops limited to 1 per turn).
Everyone agree that’s what it means or is it a possible hold over “cut and paste” error that just managed to get transferred to every nation.
Countries can produce 2 of each Specialist Infantry per turn.
So, per turn, US can produce :
2 Airborne
2 regular Marine
2 US Marine
2 Mountain
Note: As mentioned, UK/FEC/France can only produce 1 Colonial per turn.
Disclaimer: I asked Will/HBG a similar question some time ago…
Countries can produce 2 of each Specialist Infantry per turn.
So, per turn, US can produce :
2 Airborne
2 regular Marine
2 US Marine
2 Mountain
Note: As mentioned, UK/FEC/France can only produce 1 Colonial per turn.
Disclaimer: I asked Will/HBG a similar question some time ago…
Okay thank you!
So just seems strange then for Elite Marines and SNFL Marines to ALSO have it stated in their specific build notes that only can build two of them per turn. Because it’s redundant if they were only able to have two built per turn in the first place.
So just seems strange then for Elite Marines and SNFL Marines to ALSO have it stated in their specific build notes that only can build two of them per turn. Because it�s redundant if they were only able to have two built per turn in the first place.
Yes, I agree. The manual and reference charts are full of these “written curiosities”, that scream at you after reading a sentence for the 43rd time. It happens to me too :wink:
So just seems strange then for Elite Marines and SNFL Marines to ALSO have it stated in their specific build notes that only can build two of them per turn. Because it�s redundant if they were only able to have two built per turn in the first place.
Yes, I agree. The manual and reference charts are full of these “written curiosities”, that scream at you after reading a sentence for the 43rd time. It happens to me too :wink:
I actually emailed them about this. Will seemed glad to have any suggestions, edits, etc. come his way, but maybe that’s just lip service!
The scope of my email was to point out the large amount of continuity errors. By that I mean, have every single reference sheet/set up chart be identical in every way to others where the descriptions should be. One example was for infantry. Some reference sheets mention the 1:1 pairing with artillery, but others do not. Every one should have the exact same information!
Same goes for your issue above. The repetitiveness of some rules in some areas and not others makes to confuse. I agree, reading that for SNLF and Marines would be largely confusing each time.
I love everything they do here, but I wish they’d truly take a small break from all the expansions/units/other games, and really focus and getting the rule set here cleaned up 100%. Then they could just be done with it!