Just remember that there are only three methods Doctors have to “cure” you.
They can burn you.
They can poison you.
They can cut you.
Meanwhile, sometimes pills are necessary, but you know what? The Army taught me that 90% of your health problems could be cured if you drank double the recommended water per day. (AMA recommendation of course, which is 64 ounces of water over 12 hours.) Personally, I drink between 4 and 6 liters of water and here’s the results:
Cholesterol way down. (Even my good cholesterol.)
Blood Pressure down to normal
Loosing weight
Less Hungery
No more allergies
Easier to breathe while working out vigorously
No more dry mouth
General good feeling throughout the day, no highs or lows.
Harder to get sick, faster to recover from getting sick.
Yea, I’d say good ol H2O is the best thing to happen to mankind since the dawn of man when it comes to health and well being.