the Mercator yes
the Robinson no I don’t know to do it in illustrator
you have to warp a curve shape
This is easy. Your just click and flip over the north American continent and drag it over to the right side. If the image wont allow this then you import only the north American continent from your other file, or as a last resort add a second file (double it up and patch together)
I don’t get what you mean
if you flip over North America vertically, Alaska and Soviet Far East are no longer neighbours
IN Illustrator you can easily change the facing of anything. touch any side of any picture and you can drag it with the pen in any distorted shape or make it face the opposite side.
I think we both should work on this map and i cant get into a crash course on Illustrator, but you just do what you can
do you know actually understand what I was talking about?
the map only has land borders between countries, and continent lines
it has no shapes for individual nations
so there are lots of untidy manual work to be done to create the territories
(unless you know a way to do it)
Then i guess we don’t use it. Lets just work on something in your skill level and use the first maps you got. I can do this but YES its alot of work.
First we need to decide on the starting profile. I see no problems with the one i edited, but if you can find another that has equal or greater detail then lets use that.
what do you mean starting profile?
like the starting base map?
no your map has greater details
I’ve already said that
Yes its better, but its a more involved job to process it to what we need. For simplicity sake lets use the first map you came up with unless you have another that is better. The last map you provided had far less detail.
The projection CAN in fact have a pronounced European land mass, especially the projections that have Europe as centralized and show it as a roundish map of the world.
it makes Europe appear bigger than other continents
but no it doesn’t make it bigger
it only makes the other countries smaller
because the equator is rarely distorted
what matter is the % of whole map width that is Europe
Yes right. % of Europe, but i am saying their are maps that focus on Europe and distort the sides in a manner where they look truncated because the globe is representing a round object. IN this sence the map makes Europe larger.