• I don’t know if that’s exactly what the man wants to hear right now, but what do I know…  :-P

  • @Nuclear:

    My advice never get married unless it involves some long legal document that sets everything out.  Keep all bank accounts seperated.

    Other than that I do not believe in love.  I do not think anyone can really have a connection to someone else.  The very idea is beyond me.  I have been studying it for years yet alone trying to figure out this thing people call love.  When I go out with a girl, I never have a connection or this feeling that people say exists.

    Perhaps it because I am the kind of guy that needs a rational explanation for everything.  I will not just take things on faith or because someone said it.  I would like to say that by having that trait it makes me wise.  However it makes some aspects of life hard.

    In short, love does not exist.  Do not fool yourself.  And forget about women.

    Perhaps you are barking up the wrong tree (women)?

    I can’t forget about them, especially if I love them and have a huge history and a child with them.  It’s not as if I just went on a few dates…


    I don’t know if that’s exactly what the man wants to hear right now, but what do I know…  :-P

    Well, some people say to get mad, because that can help you heal.  I’m looking for closer in a more positive way.

    It seems to be unanimous from what I’ve read that you let go, no contact, and heal yourself through positive thinking, behavior, and actions.  Then they may come back.  When you are around them, or instigate contact again, you take it slowly, treat them like a queen, and show them again what they fell in love with.  Most of all, make it fun, don’t bring up the pain, and do your own thing.  If it was meant to be…it comes back.

  • Actually, you give NO thought to getting back together.  Otherwise you DON’T heal… you just sit around nursing an open festering wound.  You have to honestly LET GO, and then you heal :-).

    Also, for future contact, you do NOT treat them as a queen.  You treat her civilly, with respect and courtesy, like you would any other human being.  If you treat her like a queen, that simply reinforces your open festering wound, and give her all the benefits of your previous relationship that she might want, with no commitment and no obligation.

    From the sounds of it, you REALLY need to come to grips with it being over, and that it is almost certainly over permanently…

  • '19 Moderator


    And forget about women.

    :-o :-o :-o :-o :-o

    What’s the alternative?

  • @ncscswitch:

    Actually, you give NO thought to getting back together.  Otherwise you DON’T heal… you just sit around nursing an open festering wound.  You have to honestly LET GO, and then you heal :-).

    Also, for future contact, you do NOT treat them as a queen.  You treat her civilly, with respect and courtesy, like you would any other human being.  If you treat her like a queen, that simply reinforces your open festering wound, and give her all the benefits of your previous relationship that she might want, with no commitment and no obligation.

    From the sounds of it, you REALLY need to come to grips with it being over, and that it is almost certainly over permanently…

    Actually, I didn’t want to say this, and I’m definitely no expert in the ways of love, but I have felt at times like this is exactly what applies to me as well.  Thanks switch, it sounds like very good advice, for Jermo and for me.  All I’ll say, and this is to add to switch’s advice, is that my ex has come to me several times since the breakup, basically seeking to be involved in my life in some way or another.  The other day, she approached me and offered to buy me and my roommate a few drinks, to say “Thank you for helping me get my car to the shop to get fixed.”  When I told my roommate about it, his answer was about the same as mine - Simply saying “Thank You” was enough, and he also said that if he were to accept such an invitation, it wouldn’t be from her.  My point is, I have no intention of letting this girl back in my life, and the more she pushes it, the more disconnected I’m gonna become.  If she asks me why, or what the problem is, then I’d let her know that I DID treat her like a queen, but since that apparently meant nothing to her, then she deserves to get cut off.  I already have, and it seems she doesn’t get it.  Maybe I should be a bit more of an a$$hole…  :-P

  • Well, right, I’m not expecting to get back together.  I have hope from what our mutual friends say to me.  But I know it won’t happen now.  The only thing I need to do is keep it out of mind, or any images of her farking another guy (or girl…she is open to that).

    I need to do my thing.  And maybe if she comes around again (and it’s not like I can entirely avoid her because of our son), I don’t do that smothering thing.  I mean, I need to show her what she liked about me again, so I will avoid the heavy crap.  But I do have to cut her off.  I’ve been enabling her to do many things (walking over me) since she gets pissed when I put up a fight.

    You’re right, Switch. I can’t come to grips.  A little bit everyday, and I know what I need to do, it’s just so hard to put into action.  That tells me I truly love her.  Not that I need her, I want her, and want to be happy.  But it took me a second to realize she’s taking advantage of me.  She doesn’t think so, and doesn’t think she’s doing anything wrong, but once I remove myself, she will know the reality of her actions.

    But I do want her in my life.  More than just as my son’s mother.  I do.  This last month or so isn’t her.  It simply isn’t.  She may be going crazy or something, cooped up in the hen house, but she helped to make it that way.  So we’ll see.  If she’s changed for good, then I don’t want her.  I feel left out on the dating game anyway…time to test a few new vehicles.

  • 2007 AAR League

    Jermofoot, you sound like a really solid guy - I’m impressed with the fact that despite everything that’s been done to you, you are primarily motivated by love for your kid, for this woman and also for yourself. You are obviously very hurt but it sounds like you are doing all the right things - you are keeping the door open but also preparing to move on and starting to accept that you may just have to.

    I would focus on just being a great dad to your son, which it sounds like you are. Don’t keep him from his mother, but the more time you spend with him, the more stable and reliable you are and the more of his needs you take care of, the better it will be for him.

    And, incidentally, if it comes down to a custody battle (let’s hope not) those are the things that will help you to get the kind of arrangement that you will be happy with.

    Keep your chin up. You sound like a really great guy and it’s too bad that your partner is going through whatever crisis she is going through. It’s good to take responsibility for your part in the relationship, but don’t blaime yourself, she’s the one doing this - this is not the appropriate response to anything you might have done in the relationship.

    Just be there for your kid and yourself first. If she wants to be part of that circle of support, she will have to decide that she wants back in, and ask your forgiveness before you reconnect. Do NOT let her take advantage of you and string you along with mixed messages, because she’ll think she can have it all somehow.

    It’s too bad this happened, but they just do. I’ve felt the beginnings of crushes on other women since getting married - it’s just natural. If it wasn’t there’d be no need to tell people to be faithful. There’s nothing in our brains to stop us falling in love with another person when we are already in a long-term relationship. But you have to be disciplined and say “No” and realize what’s important in the long term. Sounds like she was unable to do this, unfortunately this has consequences for you and your son.

    There’s absolutely nothing fair about it, I don’t know if that makes it better or worse, that’s just how it is.

    So in conclusion:

    1. I’m sorry
    2. You seem like a solid, awesome guy and a great dad
    3. Keep your chin up
  • 2007 AAR League

    yeah, you cant be controlled or owned.

    i have a buddy since preschool, so i’ve known him for 18 years and been friends with him for that long, even since the little tyke play dates.

    he’s getting married to a girl all the rest of us hate.  b/c we havent really hung out with him for 1 1/2 years.  and they havent been even dating a full 2 years.

    he had never been kissed before this girl came along when he was 22.  and she knew that.  she threw her sex at him and he loved it.  we were stoked for him.  but he’s now just controlled and cant or wont do anything b/c that will make her mad.

    everytime he tries to stick up for himself it doesnt work.  i’ve seen her storm out of his birthday party at the bar b/c she wanted to leave and he wanted to stay with his sisters and friends he seldom sees.  she couldnt take that i guess.  she is soooo controlling.  i continually wish bad things to happen to her.

    but i talked to him at the bar about a month ago and he brought up marriage.  i asked why he would bring that up, and he said b/c she’s been talking about it alot.  and i went “oh no” in my mind.  she has successfully got him away from his lifelong friends, b/c we all think she’s a bitch and have told him that, and he knows she’s a bitch but tries to defend it by saying she didnt have many friends and isnt that sociable.  we call that bullshit.

    anyhoo….now after pressuring him into marriage, she wants them to move to alaska.  thats b/c she knows we are her biggest threat to her complete domination of the poor guy, so she wants to get away from us.  he’s had trouble after graduation finding an engineering job, but she says her uncle will get him one in Anchorage.  and now she went a bought a puppy and has it stay at her place.  she lives there, but doesnt pay rent.  which we know is f’ed up, but he doesnt care, he’s getting laid.  when is parents who own the house come by, she has to leave, b/c she is not supposed to be living there, especially not paying rent.  even his sisters dont like her, but we all love the kid and try to be supportive, but know this relationship cant last b/c after the years he will freak out about not being in control of his own life.

    women complicate things…why cant they shut up, put out, clean, cook, have our children and raise them, pamper men,  and f’ing like it that way?  i think men have to do their duty and put women back in their proper place.  except our new society has screwed that up, thats why many many relationships dont work out.

    i feel sorry for all the wrongs men do women, and if we could just rise up as a nation and show them they aint shit, things would be alot better.  but that would be sexist wouldnt it.  and nobody likes to be called an “ist” anymore.  even when they know its not being an “ist” its looking at the situation at large and seeing that there is something messed up that is driving breakups and divorces to an all time high.

    my rant is over, jermo sorry man, i hope stuff works as best as it possibly can.

  • 2007 AAR League


    i feel sorry for all the wrongs men do women, and if we could just rise up as a nation and show them they aint sh*t, things would be alot better.

    Please clarify as to who needs to be shown that they ain’t shit - women, or the wrongs men do women? Because if you are talking about rising up as a nation to show women that they ain’t shit, I have a problem with that.

  • 2007 AAR League

    i mean what i say.  spousal abuse is abhorent.

    there are women who act like they will never be punished b/c the guy lets them get away with anything.  my buddy mason had his girlfriend leave him b/c she says she wanted more of a  man.  who wouldnt always keel over when it comes to arguements and let andrea do whatever she wants.  call me what you will, but women press the boundries to see what they get away with, they know what they are doing is messed up, but they do it anyways.  if they dont get a bad response from that, they will keep doing more and more messed up things.  i think its just human nature, we always press boundries of what we can get away with.

    i still think mens demise was this newfound societal CONSTRUCT where guys bend over backward for women b/c they think its the proper thing to do,……dont even think about getting mad at a women for messed up behavior b/c nowadays, that makes you a sexist bigot somehow.  women sometimes press guys’ buttons on purpose, thats a fact, they just want to see what the response is.  if men showed women they wouldnt put up with nonsense by showing them the door and never talking to them again,(all men, to all women across the nation) there bad behavior would stop.

    basically society has said the man is always wrong.  which is messed up.  society will accept a woman getting mad at a man for holding the door open, or for not holding the door open.  for picking up the check(what you think women are so low they cant pay for a date ever), or for not picking up the check.

    when people get the best of BOTH worlds at ALL times, bad things happen to relationships.  henceforth my arguement about the higher rates of breakups and divorces.  and i blame women.

  • The short version for men to not be “subjugated” in a relationship….


    And when that P-Whip gets used too often, go find another P to enjoy.

  • 2007 AAR League

    exactly what i say.  the next ones just like the last one.

  • 2007 AAR League

    I have to agree with everyone who is urging you to get a lawyer.  I just finished a year-and-a-half battle with my NOW ex-wife.  Within a week after leaving, I began missing her very much, we talked on the phone daily, and the whole time she was playing on my sympathies, she was secretly conspiring with a lawyer to take me for every penny she could get.  I hired a lawyer and we spent over a year battling over a separation agreement, mainly what to do with our assets and debt (she wanted all the assets, split the debt, and a lump sum payment).  In the end she got the house, all the furniture and other assets, but had to assume all the debt (a sizeable one, which is fitting since she’s the one who ran it up, and was the major factor in our breakup).  Your situation is a bit different since we are talking about infidelity, and there is just no coming back from that, you also have to think about custody, do you really want some other man raising your kid?  Your best bet is to get out as soon as possible and hire a lawyer…like yesterday.

    As an aside…my divorce was official on 9/11…go figure.  :roll: :roll: :roll:

  • Well JSP, it seems we have something else in common…
    Why are divorces so expensive?  Because they are WORTH it!

    That comment about “running up debt” really rang true to me.  In the weeks after the separation papers were filed (Thank the Gods for my Father who demanded AND PAID FOR those separation papers…), the phone calls began to come in for past due payments on loans I never knew existed… Citi, Wells Fargo, Household Finance… all the legal loan sharks.  But thanks to those separation papers (and the lack of my signature) I was able to ignore those debts despite NC being a community property state.

    In this case, Jermo also needs to include the care, custody, and cash regarding their child in those papers.  They can be overridden in a final decree by the court, but having them legally recorded with both party’s signature up front goes a long way…

    Now, before anyone says anything about me and women after all of this in this thread…
    There are few things stronger than a man that is married to a good woman.
    There are few things weaker than a man that is being taken to the cleaners by a slime bucket of a woman that he thinks he loves…

  • 2007 AAR League

    For all this talk about getting a lawyer, I have to admit I wish that wasn’t the case. Lawyers are trained to be adversarial, which is the last thing you need when dealing with something as sensitive as a family. IMO divorce should be handled by some kind of civil servant or social worker. But I don’t know how to make that work. I do know that the more bitterly you fight over who gets to keep the house, the more likely that your lawyer is going to end up with the house…

    So by all means get a lawyer to know and protect your rights, but try to keep the fight clean, fair and short (which means as friendly and cooperative as possible).

  • This is the reason why I only date smart women and women who are richer then me.  That way in a divorce I win out.

    My Guide for women in terms of importance.
    1. Smart
    2. Finanically equal or better then me.
    3. Looks

    I am only 20 years old and I already know that everything needs to be in writing.  Never trust anything someone saids unless it is in writing.  That way you have a legal case and can use it for support.

    Not so much for your situation but some general advice for life in general.

  • '19 Moderator

    Adam was walking around the garden of Eden, moping. God asked him, “What is wrong with you?” Adam replied that he was lonely and didn’t have anyone to talk to.

    God said that He was going to make Adam a companion and that it would be a woman. He said, "This person will gather food for you, cook for you, and when you discover clothing, she will wash it for you. She will always agree with every decision you make. She will bear your children and never ask you to get up in the middle of the night to take care of them. She will not nag you and will always be the first to admit she was wrong when you’ve had a disagreement. She will never have a headache and will freely give you love and passion whenever you need it.

    Adam asked God, “What will this woman cost?”

    God replied, “An arm and a leg.”

    Adam thought a moment and asked, “What can I get for a rib?”

  • @dezrtfish:

    Adam was walking around the garden of Eden, moping. God asked him, “What is wrong with you?” Adam replied that he was lonely and didn’t have anyone to talk to.

    God said that He was going to make Adam a companion and that it would be a woman. He said, "This person will gather food for you, cook for you, and when you discover clothing, she will wash it for you. She will always agree with every decision you make. She will bear your children and never ask you to get up in the middle of the night to take care of them. She will not nag you and will always be the first to admit she was wrong when you’ve had a disagreement. She will never have a headache and will freely give you love and passion whenever you need it.

    Adam asked God, “What will this woman cost?”

    God replied, “An arm and a leg.”

    Adam thought a moment and asked, “What can I get for a rib?”

    u better hope to hell ur woman dun see this

    me, i like a good show.

    hookers and blow, man, is there even a question?

  • @dezrtfish:

    Adam was walking around the garden of Eden, moping. God asked him, “What is wrong with you?” Adam replied that he was lonely and didn’t have anyone to talk to.

    God said that He was going to make Adam a companion and that it would be a woman. He said, "This person will gather food for you, cook for you, and when you discover clothing, she will wash it for you. She will always agree with every decision you make. She will bear your children and never ask you to get up in the middle of the night to take care of them. She will not nag you and will always be the first to admit she was wrong when you’ve had a disagreement. She will never have a headache and will freely give you love and passion whenever you need it.

    Adam asked God, “What will this woman cost?”

    God replied, “An arm and a leg.”

    Adam thought a moment and asked, “What can I get for a rib?”

    :lol: LMAO!  Funny, and somewhat appropriate!  :lol:

  • '18 '17 '16 '11 Moderator

    Divorce is never worth it.  Hiring a gunman to kill your spouse and then repenting for your sins is much better. You get to keep ALL your stuff!

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