Ambilzi, Intrepid, Young Grasshopper made the original map file.
I resized it and cleaned it up a lot. Here is a low-resolution preview:
Major fixes include:
Too many fixes to list.
Very nice job! excellent work… it’s too clean for me, but there are those here that wanted all my stuff off, now they have it.
Thank you very much, YG! Another thing I forgot to mention is that I “finished” New Zealand by hand. The original map has it cropped. Because the dimensions are different, I was able to expand the southern hemisphere a bit.
Well done AlphaKappa, your changes are exactly the ones I’m currently working on. But progress has been slow over the last weeks.
Could you share the full res version of the map as well? That would be awsome!
Sure! Here is a link to the full .jpg file. Let me know if you see anything else that needs to be fixed.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/xpiwfbbw7e3otvy/G40 96x47 - 310dpi - Version 1.jpg?dl=0
Is there a high resolution copy of the 48x96 version that has the additions that YG, Ambilzi, and Intrepid made?
Can you stop doing jpegs and start using .PNG or .PDF?
Yes, please.