Wasn’t really talking about Balancing of it, just thinking about how it would look. I’d say EE would be Soviet because as you said, Stalin had annexed the Baltic Republics, and Eastern Poland, both of which lie in EE. Also when Looking at GER its bigger than Germany actually is because it includes the Western half of Poland, and Czech which at this point Hitler had Annexed.
Triplea 0.9.1 beta
Triplea beta release 0.9.1:
Some serious problems with those… they will not run on Win XP machine (invalid file type)
Triplea 0.9.1 is running perfectly fine on XP here (and OSX too). ~ZP
Also on myWindows XP the Beta versione is running fine!
And… the new look for revised is very very cool!
Maybe the problem is with Java?I have the 1.5.0_09 runtime environment. Which jre are you using?
Zero Pilot do you know something about requirements on jre for TripleA?
I found the issue…
You have to download the entire “all platforms” package. The one for Win only is not the right download file
I think there’s another problem with even getting a game going. When the main play screen comes up and you have to choose whether to play against humans or AI, and then you press play, an error box comes up and I can’t do anything. Any thoughts/suggestions?
Romulus: As of TripleA version 0.5.2 and upwards, you can use either Java 1.5 or Java 1.4 to run TripleA - per the Triplea documentation. Glad you like the new look of revised (the map was my doing).
General D. Fox: Can you post more on what version you downloaded and what the error message says?
Hmm… you’d think if one or more of the downloads were outright corrupt there would be an avalanche of messages about it on the Triplea forum already. This is the first I’ve heard anything.
I always download the “all platforms” version anyway. All the windows installer version really does for you is to “formally” install Triplea into your Program Files folder on your PC. And that’s not where I’d want it anyway. The latest version of Triplea always lives on my desktop. The only other difference is that the “all platforms” version provides program launchers for both Mac and PC (one of which you can toss unless you happen to need both.) Other than that…
If the windows specific version is giving you fits try the “all platforms” version. I download that one once and run it everywhere. ~ZP
Oh and those two WIN specific links on the site, are darn near VIRAL in nature. I can;t delete them, they claim to be in use by another program…
ZP, can you post a screenshot of what the new map looks like?
G -
This better load faster, run smoother, and be smarter. :P
As requested.
[attachment deleted by admin]
That IS a good looking map.
Very Cool! That looks sweet!
Now I just have to take the time to play with it and learn to use TripleA…
Angel has given me a waiver on it (so that I don;t go and buy another game and take up more space in the study with another board… :-D )
Now I just have to take the time to play with it and learn to use TripleA…
Angel has given me a waiver on it (so that I don;t go and buy another game and take up more space in the study with another board… :-D )
its very simple and the map is reviewed, so there shouldn be any problem, this new version is really great, personally i like the battle odds thing they added
Does the new version have better computers?
By computers do you mean computer players (AI)?
The AI or computer player(s) in Triplea is still pretty basic. Nothing has changed in this release. The AI still works well for teaching the basics of game mechanics to someone new to the game. But it’s not far enough along to make a decent opponent. ~ZP
Yes I meant AI … thanks